
Lucifer : Lead Hunter : Open For Interaction - Lucifer saw Vivian attempt to bring it down... then it actually fell. He hoped she didn't get hurt but he had one job: go for the throat. Lucifer launched himself at the Zebra, clamping down hard on its neck. Blood gushed out.... and it stayed on the ground, dead. He let go looking at Vivian. "Are you okay..?" Lucifer asked slowly, looking at the dead Zebra. It was once in a couple weeks a lion could pull a catch like this off... they were lucky.
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Vivian | Hunter | Open for Interaction
Vivian watched as he killed the Zebra, She was glad she was a predator instead of prey, That looked brutal. She looked over at Lucifer, "Yeah, It's nothing." She had felt worse, Vivi looked down at the Zebra, She was glad that they had managed to successfully catch it, Perhaps it was just luck? Vivi did do better in smaller hunting parties, And it seemed Lucifer did too, It must be hard for him when he's managing a larger hunting group, So many lions to give directions to, and worry about messing up the plan- Vivi thought, She wouldnt ever want to be a higher rank, She liked where she was amongst the pride.

Lucifer : Lead Hunter : Open For Interaction - Lucifer glanced at the Zebra. "Well I'm glad you're okay. Let's get this back." He said gruffly. Lucifer wasn't usually... like this. Right now he was just a little stunned his sister was here... the one he had left 3 years ago... he shook that thought of his mind, grabbing a leg of the Zebra and heaving it halfway up on his broad back, dragging it along with Vivian's help.
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Vivian | Hunter | Open For Interactions |
She muttered a quiet 'Alright' before helping Lucifer drag the Zebra back, They weren't too far out, But the chase had led them a bit further than Vivian expected. She was partly glad Lucifer was helping with dragging the catch, She didn't like getting blood on her fur, So when she did, She immediately washed it off, But in this moment, She wouldn't have been able to, And the blood would have defiantly been noticeable. She could sense that Lucifer seemed a bit off, She didn't interact or talk to him much unless they were hunting but there was something...wrong.

Lucifer : Lead Hunter : Open For Interaction - Lucifer shouldered a little more of the weight, trying to take it off of Vivian. They weren't that far out.. he just soldiered on. He was slightly happy that they got a thinner Zebra though. They finally reached the Pride again, and he let the Zebra slide off near the lions. "Thank you for helping me hunt." He dipped his head to Vivian, glancing in the direction Lyra was sprawled before going to try to find an okay spot. Lucifer finally found a clear spot in the grass. It wasn't in the shade, and the grass was all tramepled down. It was a much lower dominance spot... but he was tired and Lyra had drained his spirit. He wasn't not going to go around kicking lions out of better spots. He laid down, placing his head on the ground with a sigh, his long, thick mane warming him up and making him hot. Edited at April 19, 2023 11:09 AM by Wild Warmbloods
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Vivian | Hunter | Open for Interactions
She glanced around, They had arrived at the Pride's current spot, She quickly replied to Lucifer, "Any time." She smiled, Vivi went back to her spot making sure she didn't step on a lion's tail or paw- That would surely start into a heated argument, She sat down back in her spot, Happy the sun was still blazing down she looked to see if she had any blood on her, Nope, Thank you Zebra..! she said to her self jokingly.

Lucifer : Lead Hunter : Open For Interaction - Lucifer was so so so hot. He really wished he had a spot in the shade.. but that would not happen right now. He shifted so his head was raised, his hind leg curled under him. He gazed out over the lake, trying to not let his tongue loll out of his mouth. He cast a glance at Lyra... who was currently smirking at him. She did know he was older than her... he sighed heavily.
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Lyra : Council Lioness : Open For Interaction - Lyra looked at Lucifer as he left with another lioness, then raised her as he came back, dragging a Zebra. "Lucky. Must've been all the lioness." She muttered, glaring at him as he went to lay down in the sun. She sneered slightly, her lips curled. "He deserves that" she growled, putting her head back down and feeling happy laying in the shade
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Loki ~ Lead Protector ~ M: Open for Interaction "Ah, Lucifer!" Loki said with a growl. "I see you've brought some food back." Loki looked at the Zebra he was dragging. "I think everyone was starting to get a bit peckish, so this is good timing. How was the hunt?" Loki was pawing the ground in anticipation, hoping he would get a bite or too of the kill. He was starving.

Lucifer : Lead Hunter : Open For Interaction - Lucifer looked at the ... lead protector, if he remembered correctly. He tipped his head slightly. "The hunt went well. Vivian is a goodnight hunter." Lucifer answered quietly, flicking his tail and sitting up in the short grass. He looked as the lions started going towards the food. Lucifer stood, starting to move in. - Lyra : Council Lioness : Open For Interaction - Lyra looked up. She heard the male lion mutter something to Lucifer... if the protector was smart, probably an insult. She saw Lucifer get up to go at the Zebra... and darted in, snarling. "I'm sorry... but I'm higher up in the ranks, weakling. I get the food before you." She growled, snapping her tail in his face. Edited at April 19, 2023 11:43 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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