
Welcome to Mew creating copious amounts of OC's so he can visualise scenarios in his head and ignore his environment because he no longer has the ability to handle reality. Pg1 | Pg2 | Pg2 | Aster Kalfling | | | Trigger Happy | | | Nikolaus 'nicky' Moorden | | | Cross your heart and hope to die | | | Orion 'Zero' Fawn | | | new form <3 Edited at April 5, 2022 05:55 AM by Bermuda Estate
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Aster Kalfling Full Name:Aster Kalfling Nickname: n/a Gender:male ( ftm ) Age:19 Sexuality:bisexual Appearance:Aster is quite tall,standing at 6"2 and quite slender.He isnt skinny though,more muscular than the average person.His hair reaches to his shoulders when let down, but is usually kept in a half up half down style, with his fringe and baby blue dyed side tails staying down , the artificial color matches his mossy coloured eyes and semi-cold skin tone.Like the rest of his family, he has a 'perfect face'(or at least she used to) with the only natural marks being a carpet of freckles placed in such a way that they look fake.The proper fault is a very noticable hoof shaped scar over her eye,cheek,nose and the front of her other eyebrow.This scar resulted in partial blindness in her right eye and discoloration.Though some may think of it as ugly,it is unique and makes him different and he likes it.At least it makes him look badass. . Personality: Aster is definitely a classic trouble maker,and she will drag you into his games.Despite this he will be your ride or die, Aster wears his heart on his sleeve and is loyal to a fault.If you get in trouble he makes sure the blame is on him.Aster isnt much of a social person and likes to keep to himself,on the rare occasion he makes a new friend,they're usually long term.He is an extremely dramatic character,making anything extreme,also comedically sarcastic and quick with comebacks and insults. Likes:art,thunderstorms,birds,guitar Dislikes:deep water Fears:Thallassaphobia Mother:Cassandra Maria Kalfling g Father:Eddie Kalfling Siblings:Edward kalfling,James kalfling ,Nova Kalfling Horse/s:Triggy Student or instructor:Student Primary Discapline:Eventing Secondary:Racing Tertiary:Liberty Backstory:Aster was actually born in the centre of Berlin,Germany.The majority of his family were born in Germany. He moved all over the world for most of his life staying for little over a few months in most places he stayed.He became fluent in a few languages ; German (obviously),English,Greek,Japanese and French.He stayed the longest in these countries, about 2 years each,due to him being quick learner, he quickly adapted to life in those countries and learned their languages for obvious reasons.The reason he travelled so much was her father's business, he traveled the world helping companies get back on their feet, then moving onto the next.A few times it took a lot lot longer to get them running again for various Reasons. The last country was the USA where his family and him settled.He was 9 when he started riding and got him his first horse at 12,Cinnamon.That horse was pretty much the devils right hand, and the reason he had a huge scar. Aster was riding one day, doing small jumps , when Cinnamon decided to buck him.This wasnt uncommon for a horse to do so Aster got up and chased after him.Clearly not in a spooked or agitated mood, Cinnamon kicked her in the face, crushing the brige of his nose so much that the rest of his hoof could reach and break his brow and cheek bone.Aster had to get multiple surgeries for nose reconstruction because of how.., well mangled and destroyed the bone was, but the scar of impact stayed in the same place .it took him a few months to get riding again but he made little hesitation to re-home cinnamon.He had caused he so much pain, and he never really clicked with him,not like with his next horse (which she loaned) Berry.Berry was an unusually nice mare, and helped Aster a lot. Aster bought his second horse at 13;Dionysus.He was bought as a very young horse, just 2.He ended up being one of the best decisions of Asters life.He was such an amazing horse.She bought Eos and Aphrodite at 14, and Spartan for his 15th.Then he found Trig and everything changed,and the rest we already know. Edited at February 21, 2022 11:23 AM by Bermuda Estate
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Trigger Happy Triggy/Trig General info: Sex: Stallion Height: 17.2 HH Weight: 652kg Breed: Dutch Warmblood Discipline: Show Jumping Dam: 'On sight' dutch WB Sire: 'Scharfschütze' dutch WB Genetic info: Extention: EE Agouti: aa Creme: CC Roan: Rnrn Dun: dd Pearl: PrlPrl Silver: ZZ Champagne: chch Grey: gg White: we Tobiano: ToTo Splash White: splspl Sabino: sbsb Rabicano: rbrb Frame: oo Leopard Complex: lplp PATN-1: patn-1patn-1 PATN-2: PATN-2patn-2 Brindle: X- . Phenotype Sooty: No Pangere: No Chimera: No Mane Frosting: No Amber Eyes: No Green Eyes: No Tiger Eyes: No Heterochromatic Eyes: Yes Personality:Trig has a very fiery personality and is know for his wild tendencies ,however,he is an incredibly good jumper and works perfectly with his owner Aster.He is definitely the sort to get hyper around mates,and has started a few fights with other stallions.He is extremely playful when he has the chance but hard working and focused except we'd when he sees a crop/whip or plastic bag. Backstory 3rd POV Description Trig was born at a small stable in Germany and stayed with his mother for only a few months,his current owners could not afford to keep him.Of course being separated from his Mom at such a young age had negative impacts on his behaviour. He had 6 homes (1st -birth place,2-nd-Germany,3rd-France,4th-Uk,5th USA-Utah,6th-USA-Louisiana)up until 1 year 9 months because all 4 other owners could simply not handle such wildly bad behaviour at such a young age. Until a family(6th home) had bought him to keep only as a pasture horse with no intent to ride him,that is where he was stolen from. A group of horse thieves entered the yard and took him and smuggled the colt into Mexico. He spent the next few months being worked into the ground and whipped for the smallest things. He seized the chance to escape when the paddock fence was being fixed, running into the large expanse of the deserted Mexican countryside. Though this hasn't been verified, it is believed an animal control group captured him with some difficulty and released him into Colorado near a large horse herd.Over the next year the herd drifted into Utah ,then briefly into Idaho. Idaho is where he found his forever home.A young boy would see the herd in the distance from his window.On the 6th day of seeing them he got in his car and drove to the area in which they stayed for a short while. A particularly chromey youngster caught his eye;Triggy.He tried for weeks to get close to him but every time he turned away and bolted,thankfully Aster was a smart boy. On the 3rd week of his daily visits he just sat from 6 am until 6pm,eventually a curious mare walked up to him and took a carrot that was offered.Trigger decided that if the mare trusted the human he would too,and so he crept slowly forward to investigate.The second he got within 10 meters of him, they both felt calmer and Aster fell in love with the stallion. He returned every day for weeks, the pretty horse slowly getting more comfortable around him,he would be stroked by him, but only the face and shoulders. Aster had found out the Bureao ofLandManagement were doin a round-up in his area for the stray herds that had wandered into Idaho .They were rounding up around 1,200 horses and he was positive that that beautiful chromey colt(well, stallion) would be one. Aster already had a few horses but he had a gut feeling about this, no matter how much his brothers and friends would say he shouldn't have anymore horses,he knew he couldn't let anybody else take him. When it came to the round up , BLM considered just leaving him because of the fight he put up,resulting in a few scrapes but no permanent marks. Aster panicked on the day of the auction, he couldn't find him.It was nearly to the end of the Auction day when hd saw him.On his own in a small pen,he rushed over with enthusiasm and filled out an application to bid for him.$5,000 for practically wild horse was a big risk. It took Aster a few weeks to get him used to his new home at his father's small ranch but Trig settled in.On the 6th week he decided to halter train him, which went amazingly well.Over the next couple of months he spent another few thousand dollars on getting him professionally trained to all gaits when ridden,not to mention the breaking fee. Skip forward to the next year, he is winning local jumping comps.Skip to the age of 6, he is a championship winning athlete, getting high placment in most shows he enters Edited at February 21, 2022 06:28 PM by Bermuda Estate
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Nikolaus Moorden Full Name: Nikolaus Jack Moorden Nickname: Nicky Gender:male Age: 18 Sexuality: Gay Appearance: Nicky is a pretty decent build, tall ( 6’2 ) and has light to medium definition, though i suppose you’d expect that from someone who helps break in horses and primarily rides XC. He has ashy blonde hair in a sort of messy , wavy curtains style ( think zeke from AOT ) . He has a relatively strong jawline and a noticeable adam’s apple. Nikolaus’s nose is an average size, pointed and with a small bump on the bridge, his eyes are slightly down turned, but you wouldn’t notice until you looked really hard, he also his very faint freckles. Many people have tried debating the color of his eyes, though he’ll just tell you they’re grey. lighting plays a part i what people see them as.The only tattoo he has is one of a rose vine wrapping around his entire left hand, with the flower laying in the back of his hand, he got it to commemorate his sister who had died from cardiogenic shock when they were younger. Personality: Nicky has a difficult personality to pinpoint. he is relatively extroverted but still shy at the same time. He may appear meek at first but it usually doesn’t take long for him to because the favorite of the group. His sarcastic and often funny jokes are enough to gain anyone’s admiration, this is, if you weren’t already taken with his well mannered ness and flattery. Not necessarily a playboy , but he enjoys flirting with people, seeing their cheeks darken has become a favorite pastime of his. Dislikes: Talking about his sister ( still a fresh wound in his eyes ) Fears: rejection, failure, not getting things right etc Mother: Sandra Emma Moorden Father: Jackson Moorden Siblings: Rose Sandra Moorden( deceased ) , Abigail Elizabeth Moorden Horse/s: Student or instructor: Student Primary Discapline: XC Secondary: Show jumping Tertiary: N/A Backstory:He was born the eldest of three children; Himself , Abigail( his twin though he was born 3 minutes earlier ) and Rose. The wound of Rose’s death is still deep and fresh, even almost a decade onwards. He and Rose were very close, he had taught her how to ride and the memory of her grinning so wildly the first time she cantered is still burned into his mind. Not that it was a bad thing, but it makes it harder to let go. You see, she had tachycardia from birth, meaning her heart beat too fast. She was always advised not to partake in intense exercise or anything that may give her masses of adrenaline, but she had begged her older brother to teach her to ride every day so he eventually give in and gave he lessons. She was 8 and he was 11, the horse she was riding got spooked by a coat falling off a fence, the gelding spooked and bucked the young girl , she went into cardiogenic shock and was rushed to hospital, she unfortunately didn’t survive long enough to go through surgery. It took Nicky a while to stop blaming himself for her death though the question still crosses his mind every now and then. Would she still be alive if he hadn’t taught her to ride? What if he hadn’t put his coat on the fence? or what if he hadn’t chosen a windy day. He often told himself that it was a fruitless task asking himself these questions, there was nothing he could do about it.
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Cross your heart and hope to die  Pin General info: Sex: Mare Height: 16'3 Weight: 493kg Breed: Colorado Ranger Discipline: XC Dam: Pincushion - Colorado ranger Sire: Riddles n rhymes - Colorado ranger Genetic info: Extention: EE Agouti: AA Creme: CC Roan: rnrn Dun: dd Pearl: PrlPrl Silver: zz Champagne: chch Grey: gg White: we Tobiano: toto Splash White: splspl Sabino: sbsb Rabicano: rbrb Frame: oo Leopard Complex: LpLp PATN-1: patn-1patn-1 PATN-2: PATN-2patn-2 Brindle: X- . Phenotype Sooty: yes Pangere: no Chimera: no Mane Frosting: no Amber Eyes: no Green Eyes: no Tiger Eyes: no Heterochromatic Eyes: yes Personality:Pin is a funny horse, to put it lightly. She does what she is asked, when asked but finds the strangest way to do it. She would never simply jump no no just must hop like a pogo stick, or trot like her feet are on fire, when actually the grass is just a little damp. She also hates water. Bath time is a real struggle with this one but she has learnt to accept a bucket of luke warm water to wash soap away, rather than a hose.Pin is, however, a very sweet mare, she enjoys laying down next to people and laying her head in their lap to fall asleep, and she ( thankfully) almost never rolls in mud. The farrier says she's a treat to work with. Backstory: Edited at February 21, 2022 06:26 PM by Bermuda Estate
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Character Chart this is a TWD OC :p Character’s full name: Orion Fawn Reason or meaning of name: he named himself when he was about 11 or so, he felt detached from his birth name after his parents deaths(?) and wanted to reinvent himself Character’s nickname: Zero Reason for nickname: no one really knows why it's was Zero exectly, but it sounded futeristic and quote 'techy' Gender: Male Birth date: 14th April Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical appearance Age: 17 How old does he/she appear: depends on how he's dressed . Full suit on, you can't tell . suit minus mask, early twenties maybe . However , out of suit he looks his age Weight: 62 KG Height: 6'1 Body build: light muscle, somewhat toned Shape of face: diamond/oval Eye color: very pale green #E3FADC Glasses or contacts: N/A Skin tone: rather pale, genetics and possible vitamin deficiency #F5EEE2 Distinguishing marks: a small scar on his cheekbone, about a centimetre long or so and not very deep, but noticeable. And and oddly symmetrical triangle of freckles at the base of his neck. Predominant features: nothing particularly stands out, pare how his slightly pointed nose Hair color: Black Type of hair: 2c Hairstyle: a mullet sort of, from longest-shortest:top/front, back , sides. if you merge fluffy alt boy hair with a short mullet you get this. Voice: very nuetral... not high or deep, squeaky or rich. He has a very soft voice most of the time , though if he talks loudly for too long it often begins to get a bit scratchy Overall attractiveness: 8/10, in a pretty boy way, not in a 'omg you're so hot ' kinda way Physical disabilities: N/A Usual fashion of dress: What ever he can find really, can't be picky in the apocalypse, though he sticks to black clothing with a lot of pockets,zips,straps and metal bits. Think Tripp pants , trench coats and demonias. That's when he's out of suit that is, though he wears that sorta style but less loose and baggy underneath. The suit i keep referring to looks almost like a mech suit come sci-fi armour. What can i say, a kid who liked making stuff had a lot of time and scrap metal on his hands. His favourite part would be the antlers/horns made from kitchen knives, a nice touch! Favorite outfit: The suit! Jewelry or accessories: anything jewelry he finds really, similar to a crow, he likes shinies.That and a black bandana he sports around his neck sometimes.
Personality Good personality traits: Cunning, practical, independent, protective Bad personality traits: Hot headed,explosive, antisocial, waayyyy too good of a liar --- a mix between the two , he appears over confident to most people, though he uses it as a front . He will often loudly brag or be extremely expressive to most people Mood character is most often in: neutral 'i don't know or care' mood Sense of humor: broken, random words set him of, 'scuttle' for example, or 'critter' Character’s greatest joy in life: creating things that help others Character’s greatest fear: being useless and unwanted Why? he lives to serves people, even though he spends most of his time on his own. His parents alwyas pushed him to 'do something useful with his life' so he lives by that. not that they meant it in a nice way. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? being exiled from anywhere, or being told he completely messed up something life changing , Character is most at ease when: its early morning summer, 5 am ish. the sun is freshly ridden and the world is so quiet you can only hear the birds' morning calls Most ill at ease when: he is alone and unarmed, or when he is cornered Enraged when: someone tries to backstab him, he can't stand it Depressed or sad when: he has to harm other to protect himself, or to protect others. even if they were bad or immoral people, it weighs down on him. Priorities: Keeping himself and others alive Life philosophy: i'm gunna die eventually so i better go out in the most badass way possible If granted one wish, it would be: for people to be peaceful and help each other for once Why? he's seen a lot of violence , and has gotten sick of it Character’s soft spot: anyone he has strong attraction to, platonic or romantic Is this soft spot obvious to others? painfully so Greatest strength: agility possibly, he's a quick fighter Greatest vulnerability or weakness: not being able to back down from conflict Biggest regret: not leaving his first group earlier Minor regret: forgetting to pick up certain items whilst searching houses. things that could've helped him Biggest accomplishment: building his suit, light included Minor accomplishment: finding a working record player Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: he was climbing a tree one time a few years ago and he fell and broke his toe. lamest broken bone story Why? jsut embarrassing innit Character’s darkest secret: he was forced to kill a close 'friend' Does anyone else know? not anyone he's currently in contact with so you can assume no one knows ( they're probably dead )
Goals Drives and motivations: to repair the world to something livable... not jsut survivable Immediate goals: keep himself alive Long term goals: find a partner, have kids, have a 'job' in a community. you know, the usual How the character plans to accomplish these goals: not yet completed How other characters will be affected: --
Past Hometown: Jasper, florida Type of childhood: mildly neglectful. a pretty much absent mother ( constant work ) and a somewhat abusive father. born into lower working class Pets: a white cat called misty that died when he was 7. First memory: being given a cup of blackcurrant juice and it going down the wrong hole Most important childhood memory: nothing really notable... or enjoyable Why: refer back to the neglectful childhood part Childhood hero: his mom, it wasn't her fault she couldn't spent time with him and he knew she tried her best Dream job: " what's the point in having a dream job " Education: primary/ middle school, self taught from then Religion: atheist " if god exists then he sure don't love us like he said " Finances: literally no one uses money any more
Present Current location: god knows where , about nebraska-ish Currently living with: no body Pets: Maple, a chestnut mare , age unknown Religion: still atheist Occupation: N/A Finances: N/A
Family Mother: Mary Fawn Relationship with her: 6/10 not the healthiest but not awful Father: Stephen Fawn Relationship with him: 1/10 no Siblings: Jack Fawn, Crystal Fawn Relationship with them: 9/10 Spouse: N/A (open) Relationship with him/her: N/A Children: N/A Relationship with them: N/A Other important family members: Jess Duthers (aunt ), Dylan Duthers( cousin ) , Matthew fawn ( uncle )
Favorites Color: green Least favorite color: orange( bright ) Music: it's been a long long time Food: rabbit stew , and if he can find any then baklava Literature: he never really reads Form of entertainment: theatre or music Expressions: when people smile with their eyes closed Mode of transportation: horseback or car , less effort Most prized possession: his suit, or his rifle
Habits Hobbies: singing if he finds the time to do so Plays a musical instrument? guitar, piano Plays a sport? does archery count? How he/she would spend a rainy day: wandering like usual ,just with a coat on instead Spending habits: N/A Smokes: yes, if he can find cigarettes Drinks: yes, if he find alcohol Other drugs: yes if he finds it, but is cautious What does he/she do too much of? wandering probably What does he/she do too little of? talking to people Extremely skilled at: marksmanship Extremely unskilled at: writing ( not in an illiterate way his writing is just uninteresting ) Nervous tics: knuckle cracking, going up and down on his tip toes, leg bouncing, he makes an odd noise liek sneezing but inwards. Usual body posture: slouched Mannerisms: talking to himself , " are you having a giggle?" , draws circles on things with his fingers Peculiarities: he moves like a deer; stared intently at things making noise, walking like a deer etc
Traits Optimist or pessimist? depends on his mood Introvert or extrovert? introvert Daredevil or cautious? depends on his mood Logical or emotional? logical Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? messy Prefers working or relaxing? working Confident or unsure of himself/herself? depends on his mood Animal lover? YES
Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: he isn't anything special, and isn't really good at what he does One word the character would use to describe self: average One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "um i'm pretty tall and i guess i have a bit of muscle . i'm pretty average looking too. i wear cool clothes and i ahve some neat weapons. uhhh. i'm kinda annoying sometimes , i try to be useful even though i'm probably not.oh uh i have a cool little scar here * pointing to his cheek * " What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? quite smart What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? over emotional What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? probably his height What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? body shape How does the character think others perceive him/her: "i'd guess people think i'm lanky and weird " What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: anything and everything
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: "ehh they're okay... most of em, apart from those lot who run around killing people " Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? most of the time , other than surface feelings , such as being ticked off by something someone did Person character most hates: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Best friend(s): N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Love interest(s): N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Person character goes to for advice: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Person character feels shy or awkward around: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Person character openly admires: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Person character secretly admires: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Most important person in character’s life before story starts: his mom After story starts: N/A ( hasn't RPed yet ) Edited at April 11, 2022 07:42 AM by Bermuda Estate
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