
Fabulous world of my OC's (mostly with all the same personality... how creative of me!)

Very first OC for Wild Horse Herd rp ~ - Name: Aurora Venator - Age: 1 - Gender: Colt - Coat Color: Dark Red Roan Dun - Coat Patterns: White Sabino - Eye Color: Amber - Height: 10hh - Weight: 150 pounds - Role: Colt

Wild Horse Herd ~ - Name: Phantom - Age: 5 - Gender: Mare - Coat Color: Smokey Black With a White frame - Coat Patterns: Sabino Frame Varnish Appaloosa - Eye Color: Sapphire blue - Height: 15.8hh - Weight: 1200 lbs - Role: Mare - |

Alansonee Isles Drake Riding Academy ~ Human: Full Name Andi Smithfield Nickname(s)* N/A Age 17 Gender/Pronouns Female She/Her Sexuality* Straight Role(PM me if you want a different role than a first year) First year Appearance Andi stands around 5'2 she has a petite little build, it hids most of her strength so don't come acroos her cause she can pack a punch. Her eyes are a light grey, they can change color depending on the lighting of where she's at. She always has a rbf plastered on her freckled face but softens up once someone she likes walks up to her (which is on a rare occasion). Her hair is light brown but is closer to dirty blonde since her hair is sunkissed by being out in the sun all the time. She has a faint red lighting like scar going all the way along her arm, she got this from her dragon the first time they met. Personality Andi has a short temper (just like her height) she doesn't take crap from anyone and will call someone out if their in the wrong. She is very protective of herself, not wanting to let anyone get close to her because like most people she thinks they will let her down. She can also be kind and caring to the right people. Once she starts to accept you she will hang out more close to you than anybody else. Wanted classes(5 classes exactly) History of Dragons Essential Herbs Drake Stables Stragety Course Training/Battle Arena Relationship Status Single/open Partner/Crush* N/A but open Preferred Dragon Species Ampithere Other - Dragon: Name Kiss of Death Nickname(s)* Death Andi will openly call him Rat whenever she gets annoyed at him Age 50 Gender Male Species Ampithere Appearance He is on the smaller side of Ampithere's standing around 45 feet tall and 90 feet long. Full credits go to Pypixy on Deviant Art!! Personality Just like Andi he has a short temper, sometimes its not the best mix but they get over it fast. He is a trickster, he can easily trick someone into making a wrong move that can either harm them or get them eaten. His favorite thing to do is quickly stick his tail out to trip up dragons or people. He's also not the best dragon to be flying close to because occassionally he'll whip hs tail out at you or your dragon, he does it to Andi sometimes too but instantly regrets it. Mate* N/A but open Offspring* N/A Backstory* Andi did not get him as an egg but found him roaming around as a kid. he was stalking her cattle during a storm, when Andi went to shoo him away he shoot a lighting bolt putting that scar on her. He'd go back everyday to try and get her catle but eventually grew fond of her. They've been basically best friends ever since Owner Andi Smithfield Other Edited at June 18, 2023 03:58 PM by The Ghost Barn

The Academy of Elements ~ Name: Jasper Cassidy Henderson (Nicknames: JC and Cass) - Age: 17 - Gender: Female - Species: Half Human Half Angel - Sexuality & Pronouns: Straight She/Her - Element: Atmosphere - Element powers: -Tornado's (Minor) -Dust storms (Minor) -illusions (Limited & takes awhile to recharge) -Telekinesis -Talk to the dead in their dreams -Can hover in the air for a few minutes (not super high maybe only like 6ft and needs to be recharged) - Appearance: Jasper definitely does not look like an angel, she stands at 5'3. She has long wavy black hair with white highlights that almost is near her knees. Her skin is a nice pale color that she can't tan up no matter how hard she tries. Her eyes a a light grey almost looking white, she also has a few freckles spread across her face. She also has black and white wings to match her hair that she can attract and retract at any moment she wants. - Personality: Jasper has a short temper (just like her height) she doesn't take crap from anyone and will call someone out if their in the wrong. She is very protective of herself, not wanting to let anyone get close to her because like most people she thinks they will let her down. She can also be kind and caring to the right people. Once she starts to accept you she will hang out more close to you than anybody else - Other: Shes not the best at flying with her wings but she doesn't let other people know that. How I imagine her looking Jasper

Twin Oaks Stable ~ Name: Andi Smithfield
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance: Andi is defidently short standing at 5'3, she has light blue almost looking grey sometimes green depending on the lighting. She has dark brown hair and has the underside of it dyed red, her hair is almost always down but braids it when riding. Her face is covered in freckles and she has a dotted red birthmark on her arm that she covers by wearing a long shirt. She is almost always wearing riding pants. She always looks like she's unhappy but inside could be feeling different
Personailty: Her temper is short (just like her height), she's stubborn, doesn't take crap from no one, she can also be kind and caring to the right people Riding Experience: She's never had a actual riding lesson just got tips here and there from trainers while on her own training time. She learned from other riders by watching them. Her balance is excellent and can stay on with almost any spoke unless its by suprise or super bad. She'd say that she's still a intermediate rider but others say shes advanced
Backstory: She comes from a not so rich family and worked her butt off to get a horse of her own. She got one from the kill pen and trained it up herself. She watched other trainers at barns that she was a groomed for, it helped her train Phantom. She doesn't like fancy places but this was the only barn near her so she decided to give it a try.
Horses: Phantom of the Night
Job(s)/ Team(s) applying for: Job- Groom (while not at competition herself) Team- Dressage and Cross Country Dorm&Floor: Dorm 130 Floor 4
Extra Info(Optional): She requested to not have a dorm mate but wouldn't care if they had to put someone with her Show Name: Phantom of the Night
Barn Name: Phantom
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 Breed: Irish Sport Horse Discipline: Dressage/Cross Country (Excells in Cross Country) Appearance: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=34325679 she also has a few scars on her from being in the kill penPersonality: Phantom acts just like Andi except can relax a bit more and knows how to have fun. She can be a bit mischevious at time and loves challenging horses to raceStall: 105 Owner: Andi Smithfield

The Survivors - Dog Rp ~ Name: Zodiac Age: 5 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Zodiac (Full Credit Goes To Maria mar Collie on Deviant Art!!) She stands around 19 inches and weighs around 40 pounds. She has a small and lean build easy for her to be agile and quick. She has a few scraps on her legs from running around in the forest and a scar across her muzzle from trying to escape a bear. Brief backstory (optional): Zodiac lived on a farm house with a nice man. They were both working out in the cattle pasture one day when he kneeled over in pain. He had contracted Red Fever from the cattle, Zodiac knew it would be no good. Unfortunetely he died a few weeks later leaving Zodiac alone. She couldn't handle the cattle aloen once they became aggressive, so she ran away through the forest and towards the city to find another way to survive. Personality: Zodiac is a very high energy dog and is always running around somewhere. She is a great scout dog as she is able to look out for danger and report it back to anyone else or escape from danger if it gets super close. She is a very loyal dog to the ones she likes but to the ones she doesn't like she can be very cold hearted. She is very protective of herself which means she won't let anyone put her down or try to put her in her place. Zodiacs bark is definitely bigger than her bite Crush: N/A

Saxe Riding Academy ~ Human: Name: Oliver Winten Nicname(s): Ollie or Olive Age: 16 Gender: Female Role: 1st year Appearance (with height): Oliver stands at around 5'2, she has a small and lean frame that hides all of her muscle that she has. She has dazzling light grey eyes that almost look blue or green depending on the lighting but truly they are grey if someone looks close enough. She has light brown hair that flows all the way down to her lower back, most people call it sun kissed with how light it looks. She has a very warm tanned skin color that turns golden after being outside all day. Personality: Ollie is a very stubborn person, she really can't take no as an answer at times. At first she can reserved and cut people off so they don't get super close as she had bad trust issues. Ollie usually just keeps to herself but doesn't have an issue speaking her mind if someone is being rude or snotty. After she can learn to trust someone she is very kind, caring, and loyal and that won't ever go away. She can be like that at times even if she doesn't trust someone but it's only on some occassions. Wanted classes (three or four from list on first post): Jumping, Cross Country, and Dressage Partner/crush: N/A (pm me if interested and we can talk) Discipline(Western or English): English Backstory: Olive didn't grow up around horses even though she grew up in a small town that was basicalyl revolved around them her parents never let her near them since they were so dangerous and unpredictable. Eventually when she turned 12 they finally let her just go work at a barn where she learned to care for horses as well as the tack and basically everything you need to know on how to ride but care for a horse. She worked her butt off at that facility until she got a offer to be a personal groom for a well known rider which she accepted and started to save money for her own horse. Finally when she turned 15 Ollie got her very first horse from a auction which was a very green Andalusian which she trained from the ground up until she was able to enter competitions. One day someone from the school facilty was at her competitions and offered her a spot in the school so once again she accepted the offer and now here she is. Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A On the wanted roommate. Olive also had a southern accent that went away as she hung around people from outside her town but it will occassionally come out when she is speaking or mad. - Horse: Show name: The Devils Ace Nicname(s): Ace Age: 6 Gender: Mare Breed: Andalusian Mate: N/A (Open) Foals: N/A Appearance (with height): Ace stands at 15.2 hands tall, she has a long black flowing mane and tail, that Oliver leaves down until it's time for a show which she then puts the man in button braids and braids the tail as well. Her coat color is golden bay which is lightly dappled, the dapples usually get faded out once her coat gets sunbleached. Her eyes are a bright amber color that almost seem orange in direct sunlight. She has whip marks that cover her flank area and neck. Personality: Ace is the complete opposite of Oliver, she is a very out going and friendly horse. She always loves to be around others and doesn't necessarily want to be alone. She usually will drag oliver over to meet horses if she really wants too. On the flip side though when working she is very determined and can be hot headed at times. She gets excited easily when jumping and while throw in bucks or crow hops at the end of a course. Likes: Jumping, Oliver, Other horses, Apples, and Trail Rides Dislikes: Whips, spurs, people getting too close to her flank unannounced, new people, and strong winds. Is scared of: Strong winds, storms, and whips. Backstory: Ace used to belong to a dressage barn when she was a yearling, they would over work her almost everyday and didn't have any patience with her. One day when a green rider was on her they would continously crack her with the whip until she had enough and bronced the rider off. After that she went to the auction house where she was starved and not cared for. She was put up for auction many times and bought most of those times but was always returned. Finally it was her last auction day before she was going to be sent to the kill pen when Oliver bought her. Discipline: English Other:

Oakwood Academy ~ human Name: Andi Smithfield Age: 19 sex: Female apperance: Andi stands around 5'2 she has a petite little build, it hids most of her strength so don't come acroos her cause she can pack a punch. Her eyes are a light grey, they can change color depending on the lighting of where she's at. She always has a rbf plastered on her freckled face but softens up once someone she likes walks up to her (which is on a rare occasion). Her hair is light brown but is closer to dirty blonde since her hair is sunkissed by being out in the sun all the time. personality: Andi has a short temper (just like her height) she doesn't take crap from anyone and will call someone out if their in the wrong. She is very protective of herself, not wanting to let anyone get close to her because like most people she thinks they will let her down. She can also be kind and caring to the right people. Once she starts to accept you she will hang out more close to you than anybody else. The wind will usually pick up whenever she really looses control of her temper element: Wind other: The wind will usually pick up whenever she really looses control of her temper Alicorn Name: Whisper Age:(all Alicorn's are newly born for first year) 4 sex: Stallion apperance: (FULL CREDIT TO Mythka ON DEVIANT ART) personality: Whipser is the complete oppostie of Andi. He is very calm and put together. He acts as Andi conscience sometimes to get her to calm down. He is very calm and friendly to new people but also has a violent side to him. If anyone were to hurt Andi he'd hurt them in a heartbeat with no remorse element:(must be same as humans) Wind other: Can send a calming wind over andi to get her to calm down quickly (May I request to be a third year please?)

Medieval Royal x Peasent (Peasent) ~ Name: Kennedy "Ace" Smithfield Height: 6'1 Age: 22 Gender: Male Personality: Kennedy can come off as cold and unkind at first when you meet him. He has a cold gaze that only makes people keep a good distance from him. His temper is short at times so it doesn't take much to get his blood to boil. After a while of hanging out with him though Kennedy is actually a sweet and caring person as well as stubborn and still has a attitude at times but he tones it down for people he cares about. Appearance: Kennedy face is lightly painted in freckles, his eyes are a dark grey that almost seem like a dark blue until his eyes are in direct sunlight. He has somewhat long black messy hair (long enough to the point it somewhat covers his eyes) that are frosted silver at the tips. He has a few scars that trace his arms and back from his father. Brief Backstory: Kennedy didn't have the best father growing up, he was abusive to him in drunken rage a lot of times, hence the scars that trail all over him. As Kennedy grew up he went from a sweet little boy to a cold hearted man that really didn't want anything to do with anyone, but moving on. His family were farmers so he grew up being a expert with farming and gardening. So he found a job within the castle grounds that would help him earn money to pay for his needs but also doing what he loved which was tending to the garden