Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Thu 12:49am  
Stables Online:  53   Go Raid
Port Royal Equines
11:55:47 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Original painting of a tobiano draft foal available at auction!
Ends tomorrow!
Please consider bidding. <3
Eagles Peak
Take a look, will sell for good price. Will FR on RO. -HEE Click-
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 TB's ONLY ✨
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Port Royal Equines
11:55:47 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Original painting of a tobiano draft foal available at auction!
Ends tomorrow!
Please consider bidding. <3
Eagles Peak
Take a look, will sell for good price. Will FR on RO. -HEE Click-
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 TB's ONLY ✨
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Forums > Roleplay > Characters

ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:16 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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Name: Zorana Miracle

Nickname(s): zora/miracle/dawn

Age: 17

Gender: female

Height: 6 ft

Appearance: zora has wavy ash brown hair that falls a little ways past her sholders with grey eyes she has a well buit body obviously jacked she also has a tattoo of a black pegasus rearing on her back normaly wearing black/grey breeches and a blue purple or black tee shirt with a blue hoodie

Personality: like her name zorana witch means dawn she is quiet and stunning but underrated she may seem shy but it would take her two secounds to kill someone who harms somthing that cant fight back she also lives for the spur of the moment stuff being a cross country rider

Background: she never really had a family being the middle child she was always forgen she got used to not eating if there wasnt food to feen the golden children if she if so breathed out of line she would be grounded her ony hope was when she got into corazon roto

Family: not included

Crush/Like: none yet

Theme Song/Quote: theme song fine by lemon demon

qoute "never let your head hang down unless its to admire your boots"

ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:17 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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Registered Name: pisces danger call

Barn Name: pisces

Species: Kelpie

Age: 5

Gender: stalion

Height: 17,2 hh

Appearance: pisces is a deep dapple grey with a darker shade of poison green for his mane and tail his eyes are a ice blue with no puplis and he has sharp wolf like fangs for teeth

Personality: pisces matches up to his name he has a tricky personalty as he doesnt like people he tried to kill zora when she first got him he can be nice when he starts to trust you and isnt mean just a bit of a danger call like his name says

Likes: zora/water/dried seaweed /other kelpies/

Dislikes: men/ice/unicorns/fishers

Background: he was born in deep lake when he turned 7 mouths men found him and took him he killed them and wandered around scaring the living daylights out of people at the age of 1 zora found him and trained him up

Mate: none yet

Foals: none yet

ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:18 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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name:echos of the past
nick name: echo
age:145 years old
species:pure shroliner
persanalty:quite she keeps to her self and doesent talk much she can be really hot headed if you bug her and when you get to know her she loosens up
gender female
appearance black fur around her neck and covering her ears black and deep blue with a black eye and a blue eye some thinks shes cursed shes pure shroliner though quite short for one standing at 15 feet
fears:the past
affiliations:none family died at war
-gets a new power every eclipse
-has silver blood
-cool paterns under wings that glow
-holds a glare for no reason
ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:20 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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Name:Briea ann smith



Job: (optional) Exercise Rider

Appearance: briea has blond hair in a pony tail she also has strange eyes one purple the oter blue she wears a tight fitting tee shirt with black or grey breeches at a horse show she wares a black show jacket and white breeches she has a tall and slim but muscular build she also has a scar on her back from a car crash and she has a tatto on her forarm of a 4 white horses that are running each time fading a bit

Personality:briea is quite the hotheaded she doesnt talk much if she talkes at all she can get agitated fast and if you try to harm her horse or close friends your life is on the line she will gladly set someone straight she does not settle down at all and people tend to be scared and in awe of her


Side discipline (up to 2): Cutting barrle racing


Riding level: expert


Dislikes:people/semi trucks

Riding experience: 9/10

ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:21 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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show name:forresta

barn name:forrest

breed: Appendix


Personality: forrest is hotheaded and well known for taking the bit and bolting she lives for speed and big fancy moves

likes: FAST FAST FAST rearing for no reason LOVES eventing barlle racing and cutting

Dislikes: slow stalls people

Leaser(If There Is One):none shes way to much for even the best riders

Discipline:eventing cutting and barrle racing

ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:22 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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Name: Frostbite


Gender: female

Breed(s):Alexander Archipelago wolf

Appearance:frostbite is black her left ear is white at the tip she has sharp ice blue eyes and a athletec build

Special Charactersistics: frostbite is a great hunter and can sent out a week old sent

Personality: frostbite is hotheaded and a bit mean at times she can be nice if she knows you but other then theat shes a bit quite

Fears: deep bodys of water/buffalon

Strengths:hunting tracking fighting

Role: hunter/warrior

ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:23 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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name: ghost
age: 7
hight: 18.3 hh
pesonalty: ghost is quite but not shy although he pefers to keep to himself he can be a hothead he rarely smiles or talks
backstory: ghost was born into a wild horse herd he live there till he turned three then shit whent downhill humans came and rounded up him and the herd and put them on a ship they were in the middle of the sea when the ship couldnt hold them so the people pushed all the horses in the water to die ghost got to land with his sire sister and what was left of the herd just to have people round them up and sell them to slaughter ghost jumped the slaughter barn pen but the rest of his old her didnt make it about two years later he died as a lone stallion when a lion tried to atack a small herd
role: lead stallion
ghosts oc list April 30, 2024 08:24 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
Give Award
pesonalty:hunter is kind and a bit hotheaded he will throw himself into cobmat to save his herd
looks: clicks
hight :17.2 hh

Edited at May 1, 2024 09:02 AM by ~solar stables~

Forums > Roleplay > Characters
