*clears throat* So I have reached levels of indescribable boredom with my College Life and have decided to do something about it So Anyone wanna rp? :p I can do just about anything humans,animals,etc and don't really care about the plot line though I do like action with a sprinkle of romance ;) I also do any pairing and don't have many triggers but if you do don't hesitAte to tell me! like I said MxM and FxF as well as FxM are fine just be sure to tell me which you're comfortable playing and if you'd like any romance at all! (Either way I'm fine) Aaaaaaaand~ Id so any sort of Jared what's the word? Oh! Type of role play as well, Supernatural, Post-Apocolyptic, etc just tell me! I do either Pms or Forums and can always tell u my Discord is ya want though I'm not on much due to my classes. anywho loved to hear from ya! chow!
Still looking for a role play partner if are ill be one i not good at words so well but I try to do good
Not at the moment but I'll letcha know!

This is once again being opened! Please feel free to pm me!