Heather Storm
Preferred Name
(Only her Dad, Mom and Grandparents can call her that)
Date Of Birth
July 23rd
Birth Place
Denver, Colorado
Denver, Colorado
How long did they live in their Hometown?
She’s been living there ever since she was a baby.
100 Ib
Panic Disorder (Anxiety) and Near Sighted
Riding Level
How long have they been riding for?
Heather has been riding since she was 12 years old, owning a Grullo Roan Tobiano Appendix Quarter Horse Gelding named Rashka at the time. Now she rides and competes with her two current horses, Eclipse and Etria.
Heather has hazel green eyes, toned tan skin with freckles that go across the bridge of her nose, and dark brown hair. The length of her hair would stop at her mid back, she would have an athletic build to her with toned muscles. She has only two tattoos on her, her first would be a four leaf clover with a gold horseshoe behind it on her right wrist and her second tattoo would be a dolphin on her left arm. She's 5'1" in height while weighing around at 100 pounds. She usually wears glasses since the young woman can't see without them 99% percent of the time since things look blurry to her from far away.
None for now but will probably change.
Relationship Status
Single for now.
Nope but She does have an ex boyfriend named Peter Addams that she constantly tries to avoid like the plague. She might be up to dating again in the future.
Love Language?
Giving and Receiving Gifts.
Not up for kids but maybe in the future?
Landon Storm (45, Alive)
Relationship with their Father?
She has a pretty good relationship with her dad since Heather tends to help her father out with both the cattle and the horses a lot on the ranch.
Lucinda Storm (40, Alive)
Relationship with their Mother?
Heather has a standard relationship with her mom even though they don’t agree on most things because of their different points of view but she would always be willing to help her mother out with cooking for either dinner, cook outs or family reunions.
Waylen Storm (65, Alive) and Victoria Storm (63, Alive)
Relationship with their Grandparents?
Heather has a better relationship with her father’s side of the family, Waylen and Victoria Storm. She doesn’t know her mother’s side of the family so the brunette has no relationship with her mother’s mom and dad. Her Grandpa and Grandma {Waylen and Victoria} own a horse racing facility where she worked for her Grandparents for a while as an exercise Jockey, getting quite used to riding a lot of race horses with tons of different personalities.
Nickolas “Nick” Storm (Older Brother, 25, Alive) and Lyam Storm (Younger Brother, 18, Alive)
Relationship with their Siblings?
Heather has a great relationship with both of her brothers, even though she tends to get on their nerves a lot. Especially the oldest one, both her and Lyam tend to pull harmless but funny pranks on Nick which usually leads to them running for their lives around the property with him hot on their trail.
Heather is quite an anti-social person as she usually feels awkward in social situations but she can be nice to the person in question. Her stubborn nature sometimes gets the better of her when it comes to her animals as they're her responsibility to take care of and not anyone else's as she tends to keep it that way. She isn't afraid to speak her mind when it comes to certain topics but she's pretty mindful of what words to say or use in some conversations, and she'll sometimes be clumsy when she's tripping over something/nothing or not paying attention to where she's going.
Art and Horseback Riding
Animals, Spending time with her horses, Drawing in her sketchbook, Learning new things, and Pringles.
Animal Abuse, Being talked down to by anyone, Ice cream, Her Anxiety, and Needles.
Spiders, Clowns, Needles, The unknown (The dark for example), Heights, Losing her horses, and Losing anyone close to her.
Past Owned Horse(s)
Midnight Fever “Rashka”
Relationship with Past Owned Horse(s)?
Heather had a good relationship with Raska since she got the Gelding on her 12th birthday as a present from her father while her mother got her some new riding clothes that properly fitted her. She helped around the ranch with Rashka by herding the cattle up for the night under her father’s supervision until she was old enough. At the age of 17, Rashka passed away from Colic. She has done a few Barrel Racing competitions with her gelding since growing up, seeing it as a fun experience for the both of them before Rashka’s passing.
Current Owned Horse(s)
Bronze Buckaroo “Eclipse” and The Lovely Marisol “Etria”
Relationship with Current Owned Horse(s)?
Heather would have a sturdy relationship with Eclipse even though there has been some ups and downs between the two but the duo tend to work together a lot if on the same page as one another. Heather has a good relationship with Etria so far but has been taking it slow with the nervous mare since day 1 to make her feel more comfortable in her forever home.
Other Pets
Mocha, a mini Mocha colored female goat
Heather was very much born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She grew up on a ranch that’s runned by her parents with her two brothers, she helps her father with cattle and the other horses that they’ve rehabilitated til they’re able to be sold off to good forever homes, both Nick and Lyam also help their father with the ranch work as well. The brunette had worked her way up into the horse world by taking a couple of riding lessons while working hard at a barn as she constantly rotated between a stable hand, a traveling show groom, and an exercise rider until she had enough money to get herself another horse, Eclipse. She was lied to by the person that sold him to her that he was gelded until she took him to the vet to find out that he still had his boys intact. Over a month of getting to know her stud, she went on a trip with Mr. Bakker, her Eventing Instructor, to Portugal to test ride some horses. The brunette set her eyes on Etria, she was saddened by the mare's poor condition as she managed to convince her friend if she can take the mare with them which Anthony agreed to this after the careful test ride and ever since, her life became quite eventful with both a stallion and a mare. There's never a dull moment in her life with those two. Throughout her life, she had dated a guy named Peter Adams for a year before things went downhill from there which ended up with her breaking things off between them which didn’t really go so well. She currently lives in her own home with her pet goat named Mocha, she rides at a riding facility called Grand Champion Stables where she keeps her horses also boarded since she doesn’t have enough property to keep them at her place.
Dutch Warmbloods, Andalusians, Etc.
Horse #1
Registered Name
Bronze Buckaroo
Barn Name
Dutch Warmblood
1,430 Ib
Eclipse is a purebred Seal Brown Dutch Warmblood. He has warm almond brown eyes. He has a small star on his forehead with a small snip on his muzzle. The stallion stands at 17hhs hands while weighing around 1,430 pounds. He holds a strong, elegant, athletic build which is common in his breed.
Seal Brown
Retrieve The Gold "Nevada"
Poised Reflection "Belle"
Eclipse is a sociable horse unlike his owner, he can be quite mischievous sometimes which usually ends up with him being hard to catch in the pasture. He gets quite protective of his rider/owner which sometimes triggers it into aggression towards other horses (sometimes other stallions or geldings but rarely mares) or other people that he's protecting his rider/owner from. He can be stubborn at times when he doesn't want to either listen or wants to do his own thing.
Mares, His owner/rider, Treats, Competing, and Being mischievous at times.
Other stallions, Bossy mares, Being stuck in his stall all day, and Annoying humans.
Death, Losing his rider, and Being sold to another human.
Heather Storm
Relationship with their Owner/Rider?
Both him and their owner have a sturdy bond which tends to have it's ups and downs with the duo. Once they're on the same page as each other, they tend to work very well with one another but other times the stallion tends to keep testing his rider with his mischievous behavior.
Eclipse was born and raised in a Dutch Warmblood breeding facility in the Netherlands. He was sold and shipped to America at 2 to his first owner. He was going by a different name at the time, he did a few shows then he was sold to one person to another. His last owner didn't really do much with him as he was just left alone in the pasture which the stallion became quite hard to catch. His last owner had enough and put him up for sale, not caring of who bought him. Heather came across the ad on a horse sale page and he was later sold to the woman who didn't know that his old owner told her that he was a gelding until the vet check but his new owner decided to not geld him.
Horse #2
Registered Name
The Lovely Marisol
Barn Name
Andalusian Horse
1,300 Ib
Etria is a purebred Rose Dapple Grey Andalusian Horse. She has pretty ocean blue eyes that have a gentle look to them. She has no indications of any markings on her except for her dapples. The mare stands at 16.3hhs while weighing around 1,300 pounds. Etria has a robust, heavy build which is common in this breed.
Rose Dapple Grey
Knight of Dreams "Turk"
Boundless Possibilities "Kara"
Etria is quite intelligent as she picks up on things a lot, making her a quick learner. The mare is quite sensitive to some certain things but she's relatively responsive at most, making the equine a bit manageable to handle to ride. The Rose Dapple Grey can be a very sweet mare unless she's in season then the mare is overall moody. Even though this breed is known to be brave, even brave horses have their spooky moments. Etria will have her days where she isn't afraid of anything and other days where she'll spook from a moving plastic bag. Etria tends to be quite an obedient equine as this trait runs deep in her breed's roots since she tends to listen to her rider.
Stallions, Her owner/rider, Sugar Cubes, Competing, and Learning new things.
Pushy stallions, Bossy mares, Loud noises, Being stuck in her stall all day, and Rough handling.
Death, Losing her owner, and Being sold off to an abusive rider.
Heather Storm
Relationship with their Owner/Rider?
Etria has a good relationship with their owner. She has gotten to know her rider since day 1 so the mare has been really willing to do almost anything for their human but deeply appreciates that the mare has ended up with a patient rider.
Etria was born in a facility in Portugal, there were an overwhelming number of studs as she was the only few mares in her birth place. As the mare got older, she wasn't equally as cared for like the stallions. The mare always had food and water and groomed but she was rarely let out in the fields, let alone handled. She was started under saddle at a young age, one of the staff thought it was a good idea to start riding her immediately which felt all to fast, ending up with the person meeting the ground. She was then sold to another facility in the state but like her birth home, she was usually forgotten in her stall. She was then bought at the age of 3 or 4 by a young woman that was from America that was with another person who was also buying a horse. She was shipped over seas and ever since then. The mare has been loving her new life with her next door pasture mate.