
Edited at June 28, 2023 10:32 PM by Ponies heaven
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All finished characters are accepted! Also, for those who haven't, please make sure to reread the rules and put a certain thing in 'Other'.
Name - Valiant Age - 8 years Gender - Stallion Herd - Eastern Herd Rank - Warrior Desired rank - Content where he is :) Thoughts on the current situation - He's ready to follow his herd through thick and thin. If war is what must be done, then so be it. He just wishes there might be a more peaceful way to settle this that doesn't involve murder and death. Appearance - Valiant is a white (grey) stallion with black fewspot markings dotted around his eyes and a little on his shoulders and the back of his neck. His wings stretch easily to the length of his body, grey like his coat but black clustered speckles on the edges and tips of certain feathers copying the fewspot markings on his body. The feathers are mostly kept neat, though once in a while you can see some messy, unkept patches when he forgets to maintain them. His mane is a medium length, falling across the right side of his neck and black in patches at the roots, never stretching all the way to the ends. His tail, however, is all white. Valiant's eyes are a bright brown color that looks borderline gold, however he will always argue that it's just brown. Little scars can be seen across his coat, as most injuries he gets heals. However, you can see a little scar across his front right knee and another across his flank. He doesn't mind them, just thinks of them as reminders from tough fights he's won over the years as a warrior of the herd. Personality - A very easy way to describe Valiant is untalkative. It's not often someone sees him speaking up during a conversation unless asked something directly, and even then it seems he finds a way to give the shortest answer possible that leaves little room for a continued conversation. It's not even on purpose. He's just a little shy with everyone and overall a ball of awkwardness. Group conversations can go hours with him piping up maybe once or twice during the whole thing, the rest left up to whether they wanna engage him or not. As said before, awkward is enough to describe most encounters with him. His responses seem to leave little room for a good reply without a change in topics, and conversations with other quiet pegasi go very poorly for that reason. Valiant has a bit of a hard time thinking of a good way to start and even end a conversation, so most are left with weird goodbyes or a minute or two of silence. He never usually engages conversation with another individual, however this is not in bad nature. He doesn't want to seem like he's bothering someone who doesn't want to be bothered or create a bad impression towards someone who doesn't want another conversation. He doubts himself a lot when it comes to social interaction, and that usually leaves a lot of unmade friendships between him and his comrades. Yet despite this, Valiant is a very calm and low energy kind of guy. Very little conversations or situations will get him to panic, anger, or raise his voice. He's not a follow the pack kind of guy when it comes to scary situations. Valiant can keep a cool head in the face of an adversary, and keeps a logical brain even in dire situations. When someone yells or screams at him he won't yell back, just stand there and take it until he can be heard when he repled back. This is also because his energy is rather low in his social life. He never has a constant need to run or be somewhere, he could probably sit still for hours if you let him. This isn't to say he's lazy or a coward on the battlefield though. Valiant will pull his own weight and maybe more if you let him. He's an experienced warrior, and that can easily be seen on the field, engaged with another pegasus. He's dedicated and loyal by nature, never one to leave someone behind if he can help it, and his brain will always be set on what he thinks will help save the most horses rather than the most important. His herd will always take his top priority, no matter what. Betrayal is the last thing on his mind. Valiant is a very aware horse, able to pick up on social cues and details when fighting, listening for certain sounds or sights. He can listen very well to someone who wants to rant to him, but please never ask him for advice. Valiant will never know what to say back, and the most he can give you is a hug or pat on the back. Crush - Open, PM me Mate - N/A Offspring - N/A Kin - Open, PM me Strengths - Logical - Observant - Experienced on the battlefield Weaknesses - Giving advice - General social interaction - Being put in charge Fears - Being the last one standing - Being left behind - Very bright colors Other - A deep red

JUst to let you know I won't be on for 4 days Edited at August 13, 2023 12:48 AM by Magic apple acres

Name: Athena Age: 8 years Gender: female Herd: Eastern herd Rank: warrior Desired rank: fine where she is Thoughts on the current situation: Athena belives that war couldpossible unite the two herds. She is a fighter so she's fine if it somes to war. However she thinks that they could possibly tak it out. Appearance: Athena is a silvery blue with a mane and tail that are slightly darker than her body. her wings are the same color as her dody and are large and strong. She is 16.2 hh. She has deep blue eyes. Personality: Athena is quite but if you make her mad she is very firey. She is not afraid to fight if she has a good reason. Crush:... Mate: N/A Offspring: none at the moment Kin: open pm me Strengths: She is a good fighter, strong athletic, and brave. Weaknesses: Blind in right eye, anything that gets on her right side, being in charge of anything. Fears: Losing everything, losing her other eye, having nofriends. Other: deep bluelike the ocean.