Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Wed 08:40pm  
Stables Online:  113 
08:32:55 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
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Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
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NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
08:26:16 Ally 💜
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
08:15:14 Red
I sell upgrades and re rolls!!!

3 month - 130k
6 month - 220k
12 month - 340k

20 pack - 130k
50 pack - 220k

Pm me!
Svenned WEW training tracked, 18LC left, 5 year old stallion listed cheap at 95k.
-HEE Click-
Hot 2 Trot
08:02:25 PON Champ
EEE mares one for 6k or one for 10k. Want a discount get both for 15k! (Pm me for discounted option)
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
08:00:56 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
EWW ISH Mare. 100k. She has thrown Ws.
Hot 2 Trot
08:00:50 PON Champ
One post per stable
Midnight Manors
07:59:47 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
Ice river stables
or make a offer
Ice river stables
geldings up for sale for 20k to 30k and mares for sale for 30k -HEE Click- -HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
08:32:55 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
08:26:16 Ally 💜
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
08:15:14 Red
I sell upgrades and re rolls!!!

3 month - 130k
6 month - 220k
12 month - 340k

20 pack - 130k
50 pack - 220k

Pm me!
Svenned WEW training tracked, 18LC left, 5 year old stallion listed cheap at 95k.
-HEE Click-
Hot 2 Trot
08:02:25 PON Champ
EEE mares one for 6k or one for 10k. Want a discount get both for 15k! (Pm me for discounted option)
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
08:00:56 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
EWW ISH Mare. 100k. She has thrown Ws.
Hot 2 Trot
08:00:50 PON Champ
One post per stable
Midnight Manors
07:59:47 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
Ice river stables
or make a offer
Ice river stables
geldings up for sale for 20k to 30k and mares for sale for 30k -HEE Click- -HEE Click-

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A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 5, 2020 03:22 AM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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This is the sign ups only.
Discussion: Discussion
Main Thread:

Please go read all the info in the main thread as I will not be posting that here. Since there are both Man and Horses, this first post will be Man and the post below it will be for the Horses. You can have up to 2 characters for each "side" for a total of no more then 4, but you cannot have 3 on one side. You do not have to be both man and horse, you can be one or the other, or both if you wish.

Willam Richards (Glass Tears)
Co-Leader: Elizabeth Chase Landry (Silver Stag Estate)
Cowboy: Unlimited
Cowgirl: Unlimited
Kattie (woodstud farms)

Apperance Ect:
Significent Other:
Starter Horse: This is just going to be the horse you start off riding before you tame any. You can make their bio long or short, I don't mind.

Edited at March 27, 2021 10:57 AM by Glass Tears
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 5, 2020 03:28 AM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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Lead Stallion:
SilverWood (woodstud farms)
Lead Mare: Rowan (Glass Tears)
Second In Command: Open
Pregnant/Nursing Mares: Unlimited
Foals: Open
Warriors/Protectors: Unlimited
Stallions: Unlimited
Mares: Unlimited
Luna (Aspen Fire ES)



Edited at March 9, 2021 11:49 AM by Glass Tears
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 5, 2020 03:45 AM

Former Stable
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Name: Willam Richards
Nickname: Will
Gender: Male
Role: Owner/Leader
Age: 26
Race: White
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 198 lbs

Hair: Short dark brown
Eyes: Dark green
Apperance Ect: Well built body, has a clean groomed short beard/mustache
Personality: William is a great leader and looks over his workers and horses. He is brave, proud, and hardy. He loves to go out into the hills and feel the rush of rounding up broncos, or simply go out onto a trek in the mountains with his horse. Will hates backing down from a challenge and is always looking to push himself further.
Likes: Horses, nature, exploring, going on rides with his workers, going to the bar in town
Dislikes: Stubborn horses, coyotes, winter, getting sick
Crush: N/A
Significent Other: N/A
Starter Horse: A blue roan mustang stallion named Diablo
Backstory: William was born and raised in Texas on a farm, he grew up around animals and fell in love with the horses. As he grew older, he learned he had quite the talent of breaking them so he began planning out his future. At the age of 23 he began constructing a ranch for himself and by the age of 26, he had it complete.
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 5, 2020 03:54 AM

Former Stable
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Name: Rowan
Nickname: Ro
Gender: Mare
Role: Lead Mare
Breed: Appaloosa
Age: 6 Years
Height: 14.3 hh
Apperance: Rowan has a mainly white body with few chestnut spots dappling her body. She has a long chestnut colored tail and a medium length white mane with chestnut strands mixed in. She has dark chocolate eyes and a cute pink snout.
Personality: Rowan is a very friendly and caring mare, usually putting them before herself. She loves being around others and dreads being alone. She's rather strong for her size but lacks speed and agility. Rowan often gets easily spooked over small things but overcomes her fears quickly if they are a threat to her herd.
Likes: Foals, being with others, napping, snacking on flowers
Dislikes: Being alone, snakes, coyotes, thunderstorms, bees
Crush: N/A
Mate: SilverWood
Backstory: N/A
Ect: N/A

Edited at March 27, 2021 11:19 AM by Glass Tears
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 5, 2020 06:22 AM

Ponys Imagination
Posts: 9587
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Apperance Ect:
Significent Other:
Starter Horse: This is just going to be the horse you start off riding before you tame any. You can make their bio long or short, I don't mind.
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 7, 2020 03:04 PM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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Name: SilverWood
Nickname: wood
Gender: stallion
Role: lead stallion
Breed: Appendix Quarter Horse
Age: 3
Height: 16.1 Hands
Appearance: he is a silver Light Bay Tobiano Sabino Rabicano Varnish Blanket Appaloosa about 16.1 Hands
Personality: Wood is a very strong stallion and very fast he never leaves anyone alone and he is a great horse

Likes: Human and to keep others safe
Dislikes: leaving others
Mate: lead mare if that is okay
Backstory: he was dorn it a ranch and he ran away to the wild loves it there

Edited at March 30, 2021 08:26 PM by woodstud farms
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 7, 2020 03:15 PM

Former Stable
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Name: Kattie
Nickname: kit cat (she hates that nickname)
Gender: girl
Role: Cowgirl
Age: 17
Race: white
Height: 6'1
Weight: 198 LBS
Hair: long and black
Eyes: teal
Appearance Ect: long black hair her riding clothes are blue jacket and jeans her saddle is black and same with the horse bridle
Personality: she is strong and loves horses
Likes: horses and running and dogs
Dislikes: mean people
Crush: open
Significant Other: open
Starter Horse: This is just going to be the horse you start off riding before you tame any. You can make their bio long or short, I don't mind. a horse name warrior
Backstory: she was dorn on a farm and had mean parents
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 12, 2020 08:22 AM

ShiningStar Stables
Posts: 6711
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Name: Alexis Emery Anderson
Nickname: Lexi
Gender: Female
Role: Cowgirl
Age: 20
Race: American/Italian
Height: 5'6
Weight: 118 lbs
Hair: Jet black and silky, it comes down to the small of her back.
Eyes: light blue, monolids. They are very deep.
Apperance Ect:she has a mix of a heart shaped and a diamond shaped face. She has naturally very tan skin, She is the type you wouldn't think she would be pretty, but she is.
Personality: Untrusting, Loner, Rude, Snarky, Snippy, Mean, Sarcastic, Quiet, Loyal if she trusts/likes you, She is incredibly smart, but not nerdy, mostly a loner unless you pick a fight.
Likes: Horses, Dogs, Night, The Stars, Training
Dislikes: know-it-alls, bossy people, talkative people, people who are to nice.
Crush: None.
Significent Other: None.
Starter Horse: Frost.
Backstory: Unknown
Ect: None
(Starter Horse)
Reg. Name: Frozen in 2 Time
Barn Name: Frost
Breed: Mustang
Appearance: A tri-colored paint. He is a brown and white paint with a white and black mane and tail. And he has blue eyes.
Age: 5
Gender: Stallion
Height: 16'3
Weight: 1,300
Personality: Sweet, Respectful, Shy, Well Trained, Antisocial, Can be psychotic and peppy.
Backstory: Frost was a rescue, he was abused.
Other: None.

Edited at April 5, 2021 12:17 AM by Heaven on Earth
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) December 12, 2020 08:33 AM

ShiningStar Stables
Posts: 6711
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Name: Killing the Crowd
Nickname: Killer
Gender: Stallion
Role: Loner
Breed: Mustang/Warmblood cross
Age: 3
Height: 17'3
Apperance: Killer is a Flaxen Liver Chestnut, he has a wide blaze down the front of his face that goes out at his nose and leaves his nose a pinkish white, he has white stockings that go to about halfway across his front knees on his front legs, and white stockings that come just below his back knees on his back legs. His tail is insanely thick and just off the ground by like 2 inches, his mane is thick, silky and long, it goes to the bottom of his neck and then hangs down to his shoulders, his forelock is thick and hangs down to about the end of his nose. He often stands with his head high and his ear forward and he likes to prance. Built like a stocky TB. He has light blue eyes.
Personality: Pshycotic, Wild, fast, untrusting, protective, loyal.

Likes: Being free, running, jumping.
Dislikes: most people, other horses.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Backstory: He was born at a barn, But there was a fire and the owner let all the horses out into the land, but his mother found a way out of the pen and got free(mustang), his mother died shortly from unknown causes.
Ect: None.

Edited at April 5, 2021 12:16 AM by Heaven on Earth
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | Sign Ups (Open) January 4, 2021 08:08 PM

Scarecrow Ranch
Posts: 277
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Name: Jason Honeycutt
Nickname: Jace
Gender: male
Role: cowboy
Age: 21
Race: caucasian
Height: 6'4
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: black
Eyes: green
Apperance: Jason is tall with short black hair, gorgeous green eyes, fair skin, muscular build, and a long scar on his face under his eye. He usually wears jeans and a long sleeved shirt with his boots.
Personality: dark humored, usually kind, but has a temper.
Likes: Quarter horses, working cattle, reading
Dislikes: Arabian horses, arrogant people
Crush: open
Significent Other: open
Starter Horse: Ash
Backstory: Jason grew up on a ranch in Arkansas. He and his family moved to Texas after selling the Arkansas ranch. They had to move to take care of their friends' family and ranch after he passed away. Eventually, his brother took over that ranch and he went to find work at the Red Rustler Ranch. He was hired and now Jason is gearing up to go catch his wild mustang mare.
Ect: none
Name: Phoenix Rising
Nickname: Ash
Gender: stallion
Role: starter horse
Breed: Quarter x Paint
Age: 7
Height: 15 hh
Apperance: dappled gray splash white tobiano with blue eyes and medicine hat.
Personality: kind, smart,
Likes: apples, peppermints, palomino mares
Dislikes: carrots, his rider's family
Name: Golden Belle
Nickname: Goldy
Gender: mare
Role: wild horse
Breed: Mustang
Age: 3
Height: 14.3 hh
Apperance: gold champagne splash white tobiano with green eyes.
Personality: caring, loving, smart, eager to please, curious but can be aggressive, marish, and jealous.
Likes: peppermints, sweet feed, chasing cows
Dislikes: mean men, her herd's lead stallion
Crush: none
Mate: Ash
Backstory: Goldy was born in the spring of 1883 and she's the oldest filly at the moment. Her dam had another foal in the past year and is currently raising another. Her sire fell in a battle for herd dominance and the new lead stallion is cruel. She tries to run away to join another herd but he keeps bringing her back. She tries again and is reprimanded by the lead mare. Now, she half hopes she gets captured by the men on horses.
Ect: none

Edited at January 6, 2021 09:44 AM by Scarecrow Ranch

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