
Name: Bolrass / Bo Age: 4 Gender: male Breed(s): Tamaskan x Wolf Appearance: Bo has a thin build, excellent for moving around at high speeds, Bo isn't known for having much muscle on him, but his strength resides in his jaws. Bo is a light grey/white with Hazelnut timber wolf patterns. Bo has sparkling Amber eyes with mud brown in the middle of his eyes, Bo is a short hair wolf but in winter he becomes a long hair. Special Charactersistics: Bo is unmarked from battle for his ability to move a lot faster then the others in battle, though he tends to go lame a lot quicker then the others in the pack Personality: Bo is quite a soul that stands alone or off to the side, he dosent socialise as often as the others do, only when he needs something or is sharing a report. Bo is quite a grim person but he tends to stray away to reading and writing Fears: Bo has a strong fear of weasels, but fears nothing else except maybe humans Strengths: running, agility, strategic thinking, attacking Role: Lead warrior Other: Bo has a pet bird, which he has to protect at all times, always wary in case a fellow member of the pack wants to make a snack out of his bird
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Name: Mazikeen Nickname: Maze, Mazi Gender: Female Age: 4 Breeds(s): Doberman + Grey Wolf Appearance: Mazikeen is a deep chested female with a ferocious bite. She has sharp, glistening fangs and pointed ears. Her build resembles a doberman with the longer, plumed tail of a wolf. She has big, softly padded paws and a long coat like a wolf to battle the winter temperatures. Maze isn't a big wolf... she is actually smaller than average... but she is a born killer. She has a black coat with brown patches like a doberman, yet every part of it is perfectly smooth and pretty. Mazikeen is a stunningly beautiful she-wolf with a menacing red glint in her cunning eyes. Special Characteristics: No scars whatsoever marr her perfect pelt. Personality: Maze is a trickster, a cunning wolf, and... a bounty hunter. She doesn't work for anyone for long, and is usually moving around until she found the Tombstone pack. She doesn't care about hurting anyone's feelings and can be cruel and maipulative. She will fight to the end and plow her way through and doesn't care who gets in the way. Under it all though, Maze is a soft-hearted soul... she just refuses to acknowledge it and you have to get through many walls to find it. Fears: Mazikeen is afraid of absolutely nothing. Strengths: She is the best fighter there is with combined traits of stealth, speed, stamina, and amazing fighting abilities. She is cunning and strong, and has a fierce determination to always win and come out on top. Role: Custom (Bounty Hunter/Assassin) Other: Mazikeen is a bounty hunter, or an assassin. If one wolf doesn't like another but is too crybaby to do the job, they pay her and she does it instead- easy peasy. If one wolf is running from anther, she finds the running wolf and kills it. Poof, gone. She is currently on a mission to kill Scarred Thorn, because a nemesis of his wants him dead. Edited at November 12, 2023 08:21 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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Name: Deliah Age: 5 Gender: female Breed(s): Border collie and wolf Appearance: Deliah is a huge dog. Her scars are the result of her temper and her battles. Her fur colour is mainly black with a white underbelly. Muscular, Deliah is powerful and is a good fighter. Her eyes are brown. Special Charactersistics: One of her ears is partly shredded Personality: Deliah is head- strong and stubborn. When she needs to say something, she'll say it, never beating around the bush and always getting to the point. Deliah may have a gruff, rough exterior but on the inside she actually cares a lot and her way of love is her making sure you survive. Deliah is a natural leader and knows how to take charge but always answers to the leader. Fears: height, large expanses of water and losing the ones she cares about Strengths: fighting and organising things and hunting Role: Deputy Other:

Swirly's stable said: Name: Deliah Age: 5 Gender: female Breed(s): Border collie and wolf Appearance: Deliah is a huge dog. Her scars are the result of her temper and her battles. Her fur colour is mainly black with a white underbelly. Muscular, Deliah is powerful and is a good fighter. Her eyes are brown. Special Charactersistics: One of her ears is partly shredded Personality: Deliah is head- strong and stubborn. When she needs to say something, she'll say it, never beating around the bush and always getting to the point. Deliah may have a gruff, rough exterior but on the inside she actually cares a lot and her way of love is her making sure you survive. Deliah is a natural leader and knows how to take charge but always answers to the leader. Fears: height, large expanses of water and losing the ones she cares about Strengths: fighting and organising things and hunting Role: Deputy Other:
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When do y'all wanna start? We need a couple more people, though.
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Name: Stone Age: 6 Gender: Male Appearance: Stone is a giant hulking brute of a wolf that is only smaller than Scar. He has a steely grey coat with black points, the opposite of Scar... and he is Scarred Thorn's brother. He has glinting green eyes, like a snake. Special Characteristics: Stone has a lightning bolt shaped scar on his left hip, and he always limps on that leg now. Persnality: Stone is a cold, merciless beast that cares for nothing and no one. A lot of wolves say he has no soul... and it may be true. At the moment he is on one quest, and one quest only. To kill Scar. Fears: Only Scarred Thorn Strengths: Stone is very manipulative, and he uses that to win over the hearts of would-be enemies. Role: Custom (Enemy of Scar) Other: Won't show up much, most of his work is done through Mazikeen.
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Wild West Warmbloods said: When do y'all wanna start? We need a couple more people, though.
How many more?

Swirly's stable said: Wild West Warmbloods said: When do y'all wanna start? We need a couple more people, though.
How many more?
We can start now! I'll make a forum and post the link at the top of the sign ups.
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Name: Iris Age: 6 years Gender: female Breed(s): timber wolf Appearance: Iris is a greyish brown. she has intoxinating green yes. She is a medium sized wolf. Her fur is medium length. Special Charactersistics: she has a iris shaped mark on her shoulder. Personality: She is sweet and gentle. She loves being around pups. She acts like a mother in many ways. Fears: Never being loved. Strengths: She is really good at telling when people are lying. Role: Warrior though she wants to be more of a mother. Other: She has never been truly loved and would do anything just to feel loved.
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Sunset Mt Training said: Name: Iris Age: 6 years Gender: female Breed(s): timber wolf Appearance: Iris is a greyish brown. she has intoxinating green yes. She is a medium sized wolf. Her fur is medium length. Special Charactersistics: she has a iris shaped mark on her shoulder. Personality: She is sweet and gentle. She loves being around pups. She acts like a mother in many ways. Fears: Never being loved. Strengths: She is really good at telling when people are lying. Role: Warrior though she wants to be more of a mother. Other: She has never been truly loved and would do anything just to feel loved.
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