Reijin Tsukiakari
Credits go to 妙子 on picrew

Reijin is on the shorter side, standing at 5'4. She has a slender build, and because of this she weighs a bit less than average. In terms of muscle tone, it is around the average, being neither little nor much. Because of this, she lacks a great deal of physical strength in her human form, which gives her a disadvantage against others in terms of combat. Her skin is fairly pale, being the kind that easily burns and never gets tanned by the sun. She does have a black marking in the shape of a dragon on her right upper arm. This is the mark of her family, a family of prominent dragon shifters who have passed on their lineage for generations, a lineage of powerful warriors and pure dragon blood. However, because of the way she is seen by her family, she is insecure about this marking and hides it well.
Reijin's hair is pitch black in color, the length of which is halfway between her chin and shoulders. It is slightly wavy, and because of its short length she usually leaves it alone. On special occasions, she may add an ornament or piece of jewelry, typically of a silvery coloration. The most noticeable features, however, are her eyes. They are a deep, mesmerizing ocean blue, a color neither of her parents possess. They are hidden behind a pair of rectangular eyeglasses, since she unfortunately cannot see well enough without them. As for attire, she typically wears clothing with darker colors. She can normally be found wearing black or dark drey pants with a black jacket. For shirts, she normally wears turtlenecks with similar coloration.
Quiet | Passive | Intelligent | Protective | Loyal | Family Insecurities
Reijin is quiet by nature, and usually only speaks when spoken to. Even when she speaks, it is in a softer, quieter tone. She is also very passive, and tends to avoid confrontation whenever possible. If she is confronted, her immediate reaction is to escape. If she is cornered, and the chance of escape is impossible, she will still remain passive. She will not defend herself by lashing out. Instead, she will recoil, trying to weather the blows instead of making some of her own.
One particular advantage Reijin has is her intelligence. She can find solutions to numerous problems easily, as long as they do not involve confrontation. Her intelligence gives her the ability to hide things more effectively, solve problems, pinpoint weak spots and how to exploit them, etc. This is probably her primary source of defense, since it enables her to get out of problems without fighting, and avoid those problems before they even start.
Another one of Reijin's attributes is her protective nature. If there is someone whom she dearly loves, she will protect that person in any way she can. This is probably the only thing that would cause her to fight, as she will take it upon herself to make sure her loved one is safe from the grasp of others wishing to cause harm. This is because of her steadfast loyalty. Once she pledges her allegiance to something or someone, she will always aid them. Her trust in them will be incredibly strong, and she will go to many lengths to provide whatever they need, always putting their welfare before her own.
Her most vulnerable point is, surprisingly, not her reluctance to fight back. Rather, it is the insecurity she has concerning her family. Her family is a prominent and powerful force to be reckoned with, with everyone on the family tree contributing to the family's honor. Unfortunately, due to Reijin's passive nature, she is often seen by her family elders as weak. She knows this, and in a way, she kind of believes them. She knows that she is reluctant to fight, and sees herself as inferior in the eyes of the Tsukiakari family. This is one of the reasons why she is so hopeful for the battle training at the academy, so that her family, particularly the elders, will see the warrior she hopes to become, and that they will finally respect and acknowledge her as a skilled dragon.
Animal Appearance:
Her Shifter form is like that of all her family; an Eastern dragon. Her dragon form is 15 feet in length, which is actually shorter than many of her relatives' dragon forms. Her scales are the same color as her hair, a pitch black color. While she stands out in the daylight, when night falls, her scales shimmer in the light of the moon. Her eyes have the same eye color as her human form, being a deep oceanic blue. Unlike her human form, however, the pupils are slitted, enabling her to see better both during the day and during night. As with typically all Eastern dragons, she does not have wings, but instead rides on wind currents the same way creatures swim in the ocean.
Ryu Tsukiakari
Yume Tsukiakari
Kazuo Tsukiakari (older brother)
Fighting Experience:
Despite her powerful dragon form, she is not used to fighting, and prefers to avoid confrontation. This will hopefully be worked on later, but for now she is rather vulnerable.