
Welcome To Wings Art Shop! Prices are as listed above . . Please specify details on your order . . Rules: Please do NOT sell my artwork Please do NOT edit my artwork Please do NOT claim my artwork Ask before using my ideas<3 i love to share No asking for free art No using art that you didnt pay for . . Slots: 1-Sagebrush 2-Tranquility . . . -Examples Of My Latest Pieces- Edited at October 17, 2024 08:41 PM by Wings Of Glory
I would absolutely love 2 horse avis and an stable avi. Could I PM you?
Amazing art by the way!

HeartLands said: I would absolutely love 2 horse avis and an stable avi. Could I PM you?
Amazing art by the way!
I don't do art by pms sorry:/
Wings Of Glory said:
HeartLands said: I would absolutely love 2 horse avis and an stable avi. Could I PM you?
Amazing art by the way!
I don't do art by pms sorry:/
It's quite alright! I'll just order it here ^-^
So for the two horse avis, I have 2 horses. One is called Trichster God and the other is Supernatural gift.
Both are free reign. Also, just make Supernatural a flat grey since her bloody shoulder(?) Isn't exactly an easy thing to do. I think she has bloody shoulder. Not too sure. I would love it if you could try to incorporate their names into the art but it isn't Nessecary. Just do what you are comfy with!
For the stable avatar, I would love a plain white heart with a horse eye inside it. I don't really care of the colour of the eye. I'd also like my stable name at the bottom of it ^-^.
I'll send the ebs once you are ok with this. Also, I think my total is 87k?

Alright thank you^^ ill get started on your order and yeah your total is 87k:)

https://orig00.deviantart.net/07db/f/2018/316/f/2/untitled16_1_by_wsl30horselover10-dcru8sn.png Stable avi for HeartLands:)

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/4f49de77-c2a4-4bb1-b049-d115d41f03ba/dcrdcy3-d5474fb2-6a9c-4f17-a19a-06e06fc0ecf3.jpg Is this okay for supernatural gift? I can add other things into the design but its a premade that never sold


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/4f49de77-c2a4-4bb1-b049-d115d41f03ba/dcruasr-b70b93b2-1bda-441e-8dca-26084c4753ee.jpg I made one thats more "supernatural"
I love them so far! Keep up the good work.