
If you're not too busy I'd love to place an order! <3
Horse Avi/Stable/Club Set: Horse Avi Link (if applicable)?: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=19382785 Markings: Exact or similar Background Preference: I'd love a peaceful beach with really soft light, but feel free to go off her name in any way you'd like to! Extras (props DO cost extra, please refer to price sheet): None, unless you think of anything you want to add! Charm's Art club member?: Just sent in an application :) Edited at July 22, 2019 12:23 PM by Arroyo Ranch
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--- Edited at July 29, 2019 02:27 AM by Neighlani
If you're still taking orders, something for this girl <3 complete free reign

Can I get an Avi for this girl please .
I would like her to have long flow mane and tail , if possible. Free reign on everything else. :) Thank you ! Edited at July 24, 2019 09:48 AM by Luckycharmz.
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Gahhhh, yall keep getting my hopes up, lmao each time i get a FTR i think its a next mass upload from charmed XD

Hopefully later today, if I have time :P FrostedShadows said: Gahhhh, yall keep getting my hopes up, lmao each time i get a FTR i think its a next mass upload from charmed XD
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Charmed, I can't wait to see your pieces. Also, when do I have to pay you for my piece?
Charmed Acres said: Hopefully later today, if I have time :P
FrostedShadows said: Gahhhh, yall keep getting my hopes up, lmao each time i get a FTR i think its a next mass upload from charmed XD
sorry ive been so impatient, i just cant wait to see how wonderfull it will look!

Okay, this mass upload is coming later than I planned... (considering I have to be up in 3 hours for cattle shipping LOL)
and I'm sorry I'm working out of order, but a few pieces are really working my artistic ability and stock-hunting patience LOL
So here's the upload for... Mania, Lost, Sunny, Celtic, and Frosted!
https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/5830/zIClZw.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/5649/O0HzJW.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/1269/7wzGgP.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/2456/5yKEAv.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/4286/O5jjvc.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/2387/tmSFrI.jpg
I'm PMing everyone, please let me know if you'd like any changes! And there's two versions of Frosted's piece because the order said night and I totally didn't catch it until I was finished with the piece... so it's her call :P
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