Wings Of Glory said:
Midnight Rose Horses said: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17687101
Could you do her? Or no? If yes you can do whatever you want just make her pretty!
I could but the markings won't be exact:)
That's fine, I'll send the ebs now so I dont spend them o.o

Could I get a set? I would like for the avi to have a BEAUTIFUL horse with (if possible) a long mane And for the banner it could be the same horse or a different horse with a long mane and tail running on a beach I'd prefer the horses be paints or even blue roans either will work Thank you! *Sending EBS now*

Racing_Paints said: Could I get a set? I would like for the avi to have a BEAUTIFUL horse with (if possible) a long mane And for the banner it could be the same horse or a different horse with a long mane and tail running on a beach I'd prefer the horses be paints or even blue roans either will work Thank you! *Sending EBS now*
Thank you ill get started

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/4f49de77-c2a4-4bb1-b049-d115d41f03ba/dcsm62g-2b12acbd-f6c7-4e50-bd82-6a5d3b07e384.jpg First avi done for the mare named rosalina

Very beautiful! Thank you! However, it says that the file size is too big. ^-^ if you could fix that, that would be amazing.

Definitely!:) sorry about that

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/4f49de77-c2a4-4bb1-b049-d115d41f03ba/dcsmlc8-77954699-2879-4cc9-b9f3-4f7b24705c22.jpg This should be fixed:)

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/4f49de77-c2a4-4bb1-b049-d115d41f03ba/dcsp7dp-f398f001-9a83-4204-b4ea-785600128ee5.jpg For your other mare victory:)
Could I order a stable set, avatar and banner, pretty loose concept but would like purple theme for both with a hell hound-esque horse in both, would like my stable name in at least the avatar! TIA :)