
Hollow Oak Stables said:
Hi! If you're still open could I get an avi for this guy? :) https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=18629567 I was thinking possibly it could be night with lots of stars in the sky, I don't mind what pose he is in but I'd prefer him not to be laying down. Just go as crazy as you'd like with the background and do whatever you think would look good :D I was also wondering if you could Put his name HOS Abastor EEE SH Stallion and maybe a smaller font underneath that says 'To put away the stars' Totally cool if thats not possible :) Anyway thanks in advance and I'm loving your art so much :D
You bet:) adding you to a slot!
If you still have a spot I would love an avi for her! https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17676621 I'm thinking her grazing/ lying down in a field, otherwise, completely free rein. Thank you!

Owl Ridge Farm said:
If you still have a spot I would love an avi for her! https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17676621 I'm thinking her grazing/ lying down in a field, otherwise, completely free rein. Thank you!
You betcha;)

https://i.postimg.cc/QtVL0mhj/Untitled9.png recent collab with adasona Edited at April 12, 2019 01:37 PM by Wings Of Glory

horse avi for Timelord:) Edited at April 12, 2019 03:08 PM by Wings Of Glory

Would you be interested in doing a stable set trade? :D

Emerald Eventing said: Would you be interested in doing a stable set trade? :D
no thank you maybe later on

Alrighty, thanks anyways!

recent premade Edited at April 12, 2019 05:31 PM by Wings Of Glory

A horse Avatar for this EPE girl! https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=18390964 Everything free rein except could you make it seem a bit deadly? Thanks!
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