Super excited for this my Birthday is on RO and I'm hoping for birthday luck! I sadly can't afford a sven so I will be filly strawing and hoping for the best! She only has two more breeding years after July's RO and I am going to miss her so much!
All my studs are discounted to the club and I have some great color producers with low fees. Straws are available to all at the club discount just PM me. They can be found in my ABLB stable and in the WWE combo stud pasture.
Hey guys! I hope all of your ROs went well <3 Nothing too crazy here for me. I did get these 2 who will probably end up becoming club horses for y'all:
And I also have 2 freshmen studs next month who I need help testing. 1 of them is my shiny unicorn boy Vortex and the other is an appy. Both have PLBA discounts and the thread can be found here :)
RO was bad I was really hoping for birthday luck but nope ro took that away <3 I got 3 EWE 2 EEE and 37 PPP (As of this post). I did get a decent EWE TB but other than that nothing good :(