
I'd like your opinions. I was originally going to pair this lovely girl with Anakin but realized that he's her grandsire so then I was going to go with Astaldo, but I forgot that he's Anakin's sire. lol . So the question is, should I repeat the match that I did this year with her and Avareth or should I just go with Anakin or Astaldo despite the relation? Edited at December 8, 2023 09:39 PM by Zephyr Elites
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Zephyr Elites said: I'd like your opinions. I was originally going to pair this lovely girl with Anakin but realized that he's her grandsire so then I was going to go with Astaldo, but I forgot that he's Anakin's sire. lol . So the question is, should I repeat the match that I did this year with her and Avareth or should I just go with Anakin or Astaldo despite the relation?
I like her with Anakin, maybe an int glass? Unless you're going for PON - because she matches Avareth wonderfully, but it's less strong of a match LB-wise. I'm able to pop on a little over Christmass, and it's soo cool to see all the new boys and mares everyone has! 😍 And thank you so much Cali for everything you've been doing, you're sooo epic! <33 Edited at December 17, 2023 09:57 AM by WhizBar Eventing
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Personally Zeph, I wouldn't send her to Anakin. They share 2/3 top strengths. Astaldo is a bit better of a match, but Avareth is definitely the best. I'd do Astaldo + hrt or avareth.

I have this girl's first embryo available for Year 175. If you are interested the please PM me and we can discuss a price (I'm no Good at pricing) 😂 . .
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Thank you Whiz and Sunny for your opinions that helps me a lot. ❤️ I think this time around I'll try Avareth again because I am kinda hoping for a PON and then maybe next time I'll do Astaldo depending on what happens
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I need match help for 2 girlies if possible :) Im using Penguin as my second match, Winnie is in a brood auction but if she doesn't go I need a match for her :) How much I can spend is kind of TBD. I just need general stud ideas then I can see where I fall lol Shorter studs preferred on Penny, but if the stud matches well enough so that a (-) height med works that's fine too Edited at December 17, 2023 12:32 PM by Bluebonnet Estates
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Bluebonnet Estates said: I need match help for 2 girlies if possible :) Im using Penguin as my second match, Winnie is in a brood auction but if she doesn't go I need a match for her :) How much I can spend is kind of TBD. I just need general stud ideas then I can see where I fall lol Shorter studs preferred on Penny, but if the stud matches well enough so that a (-) height med works that's fine too
After Winnie's exceptionally week 4, she would match anakin quite well, yes?
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First embryo for year 175 for auction. PLBA discount!
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I hope everyone's RO went well <3 I didn't get much due to planning matches last minute lol XD However, my WWW girl produced 2 WWW's for her maiden year <3 Edited at January 4, 2024 08:06 AM by Amethyst Ranch
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I'm auctioning embryos of my WWW mares for next RO if anyone is interested.
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