Angel HEE is the reason im sleep deprived, im going to have to change my sleep schedule but that means i wont get to talk to you guys as often and thats SAD
Oh we have one mare you can't go in her stall without a whip stick or she will kill you. We don't use it unless she tries to go after you but she half behaves when she sees it
Myth He isn't horrible, just unpredictable at times. He is getting better with training. At first you couldn't even go in his stall without a halter and chain on him or he would try to kick and bite you, now he just pins his ears and acts grumpy
myth if im patting her and then ask for space she just looks at me like "really dude" then just stands there cranky or will walk away like a toddler being told no to a lolly xD
After some stays in the hospital, my dog having to get a wheelchair and many more incidents I'm back in the saddle, game-wise. Not many great horses left, but this mare gave me a WWW and I hope for the best!
Thanks to all who have entered so far! Reminder that as per the initial post, this giveaway is for posting an upcoming match for RO not individual horses :)
My lil Pretz has thrown a few WWE's in his freshie year, I'm hoping to get one from this match this RO. A sven would be extremely useful. Hoping for a homo Silver Rabi WWE filly :)