
I have a whole blog on it right here! I hope this helps <3 You can always PM me if you need further information :) Gentle Reins said: Hey ya'll! I have no idea how tracking a horses training works. Can someone please elaborate? Thanks in advance! Congrats! What an awesome accident :D Shamrock Equines said: It was an accident but i got this guy lol https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=28392188
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Smokey Stables said:
Your lucky all i got on this account are colts lol
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Shamrock Equines said: It was an accident but i got this guy lol https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=28392188 How much is he worth?
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If I get something from the Advent giveaway I would like a WWW SH straw to match my Tilly.
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It's all random, Shamrock. Most straws are in the other giveaway.
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Hey, all! I have an unclaimed EEE SH Stud, please PM me if you want him, otherwise, he'll be entered into the other giveaway.
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Shamrock i already have about 10 matches and am already stressing out forgetting its the 14th lol
Shamrock i already have about 10 matches and am already stressing out forgetting its the 14th lol