
The Polls are open for Voting Now! Stop by the nearest haunted house and vote for the "Favorite Foals of 159" and the "In The Spotlight" and possibly spot some interesting witches and goblins! 🎃 🍃🌙 🐴 "Favorite Foal of Year 159: "In The Spotlight (159): Edited at October 20, 2022 06:11 PM by PK Rescue Stable
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How is everyone's roll over going? Hope you all have some lovely new foals in your stables!
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Hello Everyone! Don't forget, this is the LAST day to enter the In The Spotlight contest which now has DOUBLE ebs prizes along with some very special ones AND AND the FOTY (Foal of the Year 161) contest! with awesome prizes! Get those horses and ponies entered!!
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Happy New Year everyone! This months FOTY (Foal of the Year) and "In The Spotlight" (INS) are both up and running, Just waiting for your entries! FOTY 162 (Foal of the Year 162) INS 162 (In the Spotlight year 162) GOOD LUCK!! |
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Please do not forget to enter the FOTY and "In The Spotlight" Contests this month! Great Prizes! FOTY 162 (Foal of the Year 162) INS 162 (In the Spotlight year 162)
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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! For Every stable entering the FOTY contest and Every stable entering the In The Spotlight contest before Midnight (12am) HEE time on Wednesday January 18 There will be a random generator picking the One Stable In EACH Contest for a prize of... THREE (3) Sherpa Maps! Edited at January 15, 2023 02:55 PM by PK Rescue Stable
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CQE CONTESTS OPEN FOR VOTING! Make sure you go and vote for your favorites in: CQE "In The Spotlight" (INS) 162: Edited at January 24, 2023 10:11 PM by PK Rescue Stable
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ATTENTION! HELP!! We need way more entries in the following contests to keep them going! Encourage your friends & Side Accounts! (if there are no more than 4 entries in either contest, we will have to postpone that contest until next month) Check it out! Great prizes lined up! CQE FOTY (Foal of the Year) 163
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ATTENTION ATTENTION! Our In The Spotlight Contest Class is very small right now I am Extending Entries TWO MORE DAYS! (tues 21st) Let's get a few more !!! Recruit a friend! then inbox me who you recruited!
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Hey I'm new to this club :) Also my 1st club I've ever joined. Edited at February 28, 2023 02:49 AM by Milo's stable