Lazy L said: Congratulations Reindeers! That stinks about your other match flopping. Good luck on finding him a home River.
Should not be super difficult considering his pedigree and his production
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Lazy L said: Congratulations Reindeers! That stinks about your other match flopping. Good luck on finding him a home River.
Yeah, I do have a match planned out for next RO, I just hope I have the funds since I'd like to sven it haha. How was your RO?
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Adara! Congratulations! That is so exciting! Mine was pretty good. I used my EWW mare and got a splash WWE filly. I am excited for her. I need some more color. By the way, the dam is up for brood auction if anyone is looking for a good mare next month. https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=37&t=55228
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I want to start doing club newsletters. Here is the first one. I will try to keep them on the front page. Don't judge bad ones lol I am not a graphics designer. :D Just doing this for fun. Edited at October 4, 2021 07:28 PM by Lazy L
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Lazy L said: I want to start doing club newsletters. Here is the first one. I will try to keep them on the front page. Don't judge bad ones lol I am not a graphics designer. :D Just doing this for fun.
This is awesome!!! Love the overall aesthetic 😄
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Lazy L said:
This is why I don't do dressage haha
Ahaha, same. I only have one brain cell, and that's reserved for coffee BlackForestStables said: Lazy L said:
This is why I don't do dressage haha
Ro was sorta crazy, I sold a 1/4 EWW combo colt for 100k becuase I was not thinking straight but I got a Light Bay Dun WEW filly that was completly random mom was like 50k to breed or something and dad I had a straw to
I've been playing for six months now, and would like to thank the club for helping me achieve this!
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Wolf - aw man! But congrats on the filly! Good luck with her.
Floresta - congratulations on your colt! That is so exciting! I hope he does well for you. *fingers crossed* and we are so glad you are part of the club.
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