Might as well do this~Im Apple Gate (201477) and I have 4 EEEs! 3 are home bred and one was a trade deal. I breed ISH right now. My goal in HEE right now is to expand my breeding but I don't really know how. I also want to make a gelding army but I can never really understand it. I have ALL my studs up for a discount price so you can take a look! https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=28&t=530
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It's okay Apple! XD I have a bunch of geldings but I never get around to showing them. I also don't get it the best. Haha
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Lazy L said: It's okay Apple! XD I have a bunch of geldings but I never get around to showing them. I also don't get it the best. Haha
lol really? Im just thinking about hoarding a bunch of stallions and if they test well then using them for studs and just have a army
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Yea. Just breed them out cheaper cause even a little bit helps.
But about breeding. The way things started moving for me was one buy awhile ago. It was a EEE Apricot KNN Mare. I got her for a steal, 200k. I got probably around 400k give or take out of her but not much. Then yr. 101 she gave Hollow a EEE Filly. It was the first time a glass had been used and I guess she just need a boost. Rocky Mnt. Contacted me and bought her brood for yr. 102. I got a Darkling Straw and ebs our of it and she got a EEE (Sven'd). The ebs I used to buy a Vatican Straw and got a EEE colt. Now I just need a really really strong Mare for my Darkling Straw.
Sorry for rambling lol
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Lazy L said: Yea. Just breed them out cheaper cause even a little bit helps.
But about breeding. The way things started moving for me was one buy awhile ago. It was a EEE Apricot KNN Mare. I got her for a steal, 200k. I got probably around 400k give or take out of her but not much. Then yr. 101 she gave Hollow a EEE Filly. It was the first time a glass had been used and I guess she just need a boost. Rocky Mnt. Contacted me and bought her brood for yr. 102. I got a Darkling Straw and ebs our of it and she got a EEE (Sven'd). The ebs I used to buy a Vatican Straw and got a EEE colt. Now I just need a really really strong Mare for my Darkling Straw.
Sorry for rambling lol
Whoa 0-0 I wish u could get that high up in the game! But I'm stuck.. Down here xD
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You just need to come along the perfect horse at the perfect time! Patience :D we can do this! I am hoping my Vat Colt trains out of the roof and then I can help the club members!
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Lazy L said: You just need to come along the perfect horse at the perfect time! Patience :D we can do this! I am hoping my Vat Colt trains out of the roof and then I can help the club members!
Yay! And that's why I put my EEE Tachiz Rise and my PEE Ima Prize for discounted prices. Rise made a EEE his freshman year! And Prize has made tons of great falcons and a strong EEE fully of my own
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That's awesome! Hopefully it works out!
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Lazy L said: That's awesome! Hopefully it works out!
No one has yet to breed them xD
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