
148 Progress Update (WIP)

Art Updates: (WIP) 148 Art Shop Updates: 148 Art Club Updates:


149 Broodmare Update: During 149, I Will be putting up my Thoroughbred & SD RID Mares, Doing so almost all of my mares will be available to the public, With the declining amount of EB's and stallions going up in price each year i will not be able to come through during 149 to breed my own mares, and hopefully, others will have better luck. Doing so here is the 149 Broodmares: -- 149 Broodmares: EEE Blood Bay Thoroughbred ------ 4 y/o PEE Blood Bay Sabino Thoroughbred ------- Flaxen Liver Chestnut EEE Thoroughbred Mare --------- Mahogany Bay EEE Thoroughbred Mare ' ' ' We Will now follow into SD RID Mares. ' ' ' Light Bay Roan WSA Registered Irish Draught Mare ------ Smokey Grullo EASub Registered Irish Draught Mare ---------- Grey ESA Registered Irish Draught Mare --------- Chocolate Palomino EASub Registered Irish Draught Mare -------- Chestnut Rabicano EASub Registered Irish Draught Mare ----------- Smokey Blue Roan Rabicano EASub Registered Irish Draught Mare Edited at November 15, 2021 02:51 AM by Azrail Elites


*plonks* edit *cough* wrong place oops Edited at January 9, 2022 10:46 PM by Azrail Elites

During the Past 4 months drastic turns have gone for the stable, the account sat afk for a few months to gather eb's due to running low and out of premium Which Following the welcome of some nice straws in yr153 And purchasing the first W to ever walk the stables in year 154 Then came a second... Which will be leading into Broods & SH breeding in the future This mare is pure luck and very thankful And of course some fresh colour in the TB's!