Hi everyone! Falling Off Ranch is a very small, very experienced stable trying to get better and have fun!
I breed for colour mostly (pintos), and am not particular about breeds. I really like the look of HEE TBs and SHs, so I am mostly breeding those.
Short term goals for Falling off Ranch:
-have a friend
-breed a chimera (I had one once but then rerolled it to get a cooler design. Lemme tell you that is a BAD idea, don't do that XD)
Long Term Goals:
-have 10+ friends!
-_keep_ an upgrade XD
- Have another barn, some pastures maybe
-Breed an EEE +
-Breed a WWW+
We do have a shop, although I rarely check it and am not sure if there's anything worth buying! Some prices aren't the best right now but any new things I put in will go for 50% of the store price for you guys! Also PM me if there's anything you're looking for; I may have it but have not put it in the shop yet.
My favourite horse is this lady:
I know she's not rated very well, but she was one of the first I bred and I was stoked at a 1 of 6 XD
Recent Achievements:
-bred a chimmy (story is above XD)
- We got a round pen!!
- Got a horse with birdcatcher spots (then I forgot she existed and sold "top 20 of barn" and lost her. Can you tell I have no clue what I'm doing yet?
I think that's it! Thanks for reading!