

Unicorn broods are back!! ✨ 🌈 Select a Unicorn mare to have your own purebred unicorn foal from this month!! yr163 🦄Unicorn Broods - Wishlist Fundraiser! Thank you so much for supporting our Unicorns! -- And an exciting update for next month's broods... I will be keeping a list of each stable who grants a wish(s) this month, and at the end of this month, 2 stables will be selected to receive their FIRST pick of one of the unicorn broods, and they will be excluded from the auction that month !! =D ✨
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HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! 🍀🌈🍀 The little leprechauns, fully decked out in their greenest of green suits... all finely pressed and starched from yesterday's busy night of preparation, each walk into the finely poop-scooped stalls of their majestical unicorn. With their magical brushes and tiny little hands, they groom their mounts from top to bottom, clobbering up and down from their many-stepped stepstools. The hoof polish is the last addition before they scurry into their tack rooms and wander back past the little barn kitties napping on some dressage pads, and then through two closed sliding doors with large shamrocks painted on them.... The special room shines brilliantly with not a single speck of dust to be found on the floor's dark wooden slats. One by one, they pull out glimmering freshly-oiled saddles... and special shamrock saddle pads and their unicorn's favorite bridles. The Saint Patrick's Day celebrations are about to begin, and the Leprechauns are making sure they are ready!! 🌈 Each of our stable's magical unicorns belonging to a Leprechaun has been specially decked out for St. Paddy's day!! See below for a sneek peek and feel free to wander through the rest of the barn to take a look at all the glorious steeds!  
Also, a HUGE thank you to Luckycharmz (🍀Tater ORainbow) for donating unicorn horns so now all of our lovely unicorns have one!! <33 Happy Saint Patricks day everyone and thank you for everything you do! ❤️ I couldn't be as successful without all of your endless help!
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🦄 All are posted for public brood this month! =)
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