I am thinking of studding out one or all three of my stallions to try to make some ebs. How do I decide how much each stud is worth? I am hoping to get enough to purchase another barn for the next game year so I have more room as I decide who to keep and who to cull from my barn and what direction I want to take my horses.
I've sent all three of my stallions to genetic testing and for ratings (nothing higher than S). Thanks for any help given.
Edited at July 28, 2018 01:29 PM by Desert Rose
Given the plain colours and the ratings, you probably wouldn't be able to put them up for stud at all. I doubt they would get many breeding even if they were up for free.
You are much better off gelding all three of them and showing them, if you need more ebs.
Okay, thanks.
I've been showing them, even though they aren't fully ready. I'm not sure I'm ready to geld them, but I will give it serious thought.