10:29:15 Thunda/Cat/Mom
I'm glad you didn't, Moon!
Stardust Stables LLC
10:27:19 star
-HEE Click-

this girl turned out so bad
Kepler Wings
10:26:15 Dae
Ahh Diva!!! Shes a stunner!
Moonrose Magic
10:25:14 🎀 Diva
Im still so stoked about her, i was about to close down that acc
-HEE Click-
Kepler Wings
10:24:34 Dae
Parry who did it?? I love that style!
Kepler Wings
10:24:03 Dae
star, if you are not talking about ebs or selling you should be ok, like complaining a part is difficult is ok
Fairytale Paints
10:21:32 Im Elf
Eh I might eventually

There just bravery horses, so they may not even be keepers haha
Stardust Stables LLC
10:21:27 star
are we allowed to vent about our art in main or does it have to be in sales?
10:20:47 Parry
Bro, I love this art I ordered for Rei Hino -HEE Click- I'll defenitley be ordering from this person again
Fairytale Paints
10:20:29 Im Elf
Oh ok
I was trying to figure out where all the color was going lol
Eagle Creek
10:20:28 Eagle
Just reroll lol
California Valley
10:18:50 Cali | Kale | Calz
Well and the frame covered up the spot that'd be on the belly. But still that's how white that tobiano variant usually is lol
California Valley
10:17:41 Cali | Kale | Calz
That's actually basically only the tobiano pattern. The frame only made the face more white
Fairytale Paints
10:17:39 Im Elf
They're my bravery babies lol
Munchkin Stables
10:15:51 Munn - PONs
seems like the more patterns you have, the less actual color there is.
Fairytale Paints
10:15:37 Im Elf
Omg 😭😭
I'm guessing it's the Tobi+frame combo
-HEE Click-
Fairytale Paints
10:14:17 Im Elf
These patterns are killing me lol
-HEE Click-
London Estates
10:12:23 Rainy ☔
Ooh i'm eating those licorice haribo candies with the colorful things inside, theyre so good ;-;
London Estates
10:09:39 Rainy ☔
Thank you Cali, I am infact keeping it
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Reroll question. May 14, 2019 03:52 AM
Former Stable
Posts: 0
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My question though is, when you go to reroll a horse it says all genes will remain the same. So how come my buttermilk dunalino tobiano splash mare became a Dunskin Tobiano Splash all of a sudden? That seems like a gene change to me.

Also, she was a 1 out of 7 mare, but after one reroll she turned into 1 out of 68. Is it possible to get that 1 out of 7 back by rerolling?

Edited at May 14, 2019 04:52 AM by Kuewi KNN Stable
Reroll question. May 14, 2019 07:27 AM

Posts: 2744
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The genes are the same - the variations are different.

Same with all the different shades or bay etc.
Reroll question. May 16, 2019 08:30 AM
Former Stable
Posts: 0
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"Buttermilk" buckskin is a buckskin based on light bay. Light bay, blood bay, mahogany bay are all just bay with differing shades of red. Pale palomino is just a light palomino. Liver chestnut is a dark chestnut. Etc, etc. All those variations have the same genes, just varies from horse to horse how it's expressed. These colors are randomly given to horses of the "base" genetic color. So people usually reroll horses to GET them, not reroll horses WITH them. "Reroll" is to roll the virtual dice that gives an alternate shade of color or a particular marking again to try for a particular result. You can try to reroll the buttermilk shade if you want. Good luck.

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