Myth Doing fine, a random SHLB stud I decided to buy suddenly popped up on the ABLB so that was a fun surprise haha. In RL I'm super tired and have a lot to do today so ew. You?
screenshots I just bought the straw today (a straw from an old stud named Hat Trick), and didn't sort it into a folder or anything. When I looked at my freezer, I was confused as to why it wasn't in the unsorted straw section. Then I looked further and noticed a folder called "ARA straws" and after opening it I found the straw in there. What's weird is that at the bottom, "ARA straws" is not a folder I can delete or rename or anything. So i have no clue where it came from. I know some other players have that folder too after looking at some freezer sale screenshots, but they don't seem to know what it is either.
If the seller had it in a folder when they sold it, that folder gets copied to your freezer when you buy it. It will disappear if you move the straw out.