As requested by my lil newbie; this is how I show at HEE I only show SD (single discipline) horses, E rated, and geldings, I'm currently phasing out my mare program. For newbies starting out, I don't reccomend buying mares just for showing since they should be place on CS to reach their full showing capabilities. I will explain this if requested. To start, click on your barn of choice, then scroll down and open up the easy show enter page.  Make sure to click submit ;) Then pull up a calender (I use my phone). For E rated horses, count back 5 weeks (Starting on the Monday of the current week and counting back on the Monday's {Because these are the days we start training on :) }) For P rated horses, count back 6 weeks For S rated, count back 7 weeks. So if we use today's date, counting back 5 weeks we can enter any horses (with an E rating) that were last shown between Feb. 10-16. For P rated, we would show any horses that last showed between feb. 3-9th  You see that green lettering that I circled? Enter any and all horses that have the green lettering, it means they are in the money :) The one I underlined in red, is ready to show again. Horses who place 9-10th? Wait a week and show them next week. 11th-12th? Wait two weeks and show them again. Anyone who places 80% or higher in dressage, 16 in Cross Country and 12 in Jumping, show again the same week :) For starting with foals, ignore them for 5 weeks (if they are E rated, 6 weeks if they are P rated) Then show them and see how they place. (hover your curser over their placing to see the actual percentage or fault numbers) 8th or higher? Show again. 9-10th? Show next week 11-12? wait two weeks before showing. Anything else? Post below :) Good luck, happy showing! *also make sure to show Monday-Wed. otherwise your horses may level up before you can show them Edited at April 21, 2020 11:20 PM by Cassa Belle
I'm constantly looking for ways to make more money and improve my showing, when I get that down, it goes here. If you have a computer use it for showing, Hover your mouse over their leveling (D1 for example) and it will tell you their actual point placing in the last show they did. Use that over their 8th, 9th, 12th, placing. I only wait 1 week for 9th and 10th placers (thats when that placing comes in handy) and they always have money for me. Your first day (monday) Is typically the day you earn least because you are testing your stock out to see how many actually tracked up and are ready to compete. Tuesday and Wednesday are typically better. That being said, showing is a gamble, you really don't know who you're up against, and you have better odds if you show Monday-Wednesday, partially because more of your horses will be in the money (if they track up later in the week) and Eury has this thing about OP as hell ghost horses, so I just do as he says XD
I only buy show geldings because they are cheaper. Mares and studs take longer to level/track up. Plus you have to pay a fee to put mares on CS. Every dollar counts. Now, I do show what studs and mares I have, cuz why waste space, but they aren't my main money income.
Okay Heres my new showing method, adapted from Shivering Seas showing method :) Perferably show all horses in AD SSS+ mares and geldings To show; Show any horses that place 1-7th Horses that place 8-10th, show the week after. Horses that place 11-12th, wait two weeks. For horses that completely level up, wait 6 weeks. When a horse places in the following: 75%+ (D) 18.00 (XC) 10 faults (J) Switch them to a discipline they could use some training in until they level up. Then change them back to AD. I should also mention, when horses place well (100%, 0.0 and 0) enter them in member shows. You can also see percentages by going to Stable>Reports>Show Summery> Regular showsFor the first time I show my horses they need double their bars of their training. So if they are in D1 they need 2 bars in MV, INT and STR Simple. For any questions, post below. Edited at January 15, 2021 11:04 PM by The Nine
I am very confused I enter all of my horses to try to get them in the green. I never make money from them. Can you please help me!

Some of my horses got red dates what does that mean?
When I hover my curser over the placing it doesnt put the number of faults why ? This was really helpful thank you :)
Also, what do the colons mean (the 3 where are marked the placings to recent shows) ? Thanks

I may be stupid, but count back 5 weeks? What does that mean/do?
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Foggy Forest Stables said: I may be stupid, but count back 5 weeks? What does that mean/do?
i believe it means you wait until 5 weeks have passed since a horse has levelled up so they are decently competitive so they get more income...