
I'm specifically asking Eve and/or the mods. Is it OK to use stock from pexels.com, since it says free stock photos, as long as I credit the image? And what format would it be best to credit the image? Like this? www.pexels.com/photo/abstract-astrology-astronomy-big-bang-414826/ Or pexels.com?

https://www.pexels.com/photo-license/ Here's a link to the rules. To me, it looks like it's ok as long as I credit it...




So when you are on the image page, in the righthand corner it says the username of the person who provided it or "Source: Pixabay" and you can click on the link. Click it and it redirects you to Pixabay's website. Now in the upper righthand corner you see a username, in this case 'spirit111'. You would want to credit that user, so spirit111@pixabay.
If the pexels website has a username, you'd credit that username @pexels.
That specific image, however, does not look like it is stock. When I went to the user's about me (it is in German but I translated to English) it states that it is not his photography but he 'shaped the images' which I'm guessing means most of his work is just created from other images. Due to that, I don't know if I would use that image because I don't feel it is stock.
A lot of the images on pexels and pixabay can be hit and miss as far as whether they are stock or not. It is very tricky so I tend to tell people to avoid using it for that reason. A good tip is to right click on the image you want to use > Search Google for Image. If it comes up all over the web, chances are it is not stock.
Hope that helps! Feel free to contact a Mod directly or respond here with any other questions. If you are confused, PM me. :) Edited at August 4, 2017 06:45 PM by Abstract Dunes
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https://www.pexels.com/photo/alpine-calm-clouds-cold-279315/ OK, so I'm trying to look this one up..Can you help me? It's OK if you can't! Thanks so much!

The guy who has the pic I just posted has about 8 or 9 cameras in his 'About Me' thing. I searched Google for 'pics of alpine, calm, clouds' and I only see the pic once, and that's on the pexels website.
I use DA for stock. <3 its really nice and it has a BUNCH of stock! XD