
So, I've been working on a new piece. Wanted it to have an ethereal, kinda glowing otherworldly look. Any tips would be appreciated! I use pixlr, because of space issues on the computer I can't download GIMP. https://s7.postimg.org/wah3x9jbv/pexels-photo-230629.jpg I got a splash pack from FrostBo @DA and so I fixed the creds to include him/her.
Edited at August 11, 2017 05:03 PM by Dimrill Dale

I only know about GIMP. :( It's really pretty though! How did you do the splashes?
Yeah, how did you do the splashes? <3 very pretty Dim!

It was pretty hard! XD I'm not really sure actually! Thanks!

Ah, so you're going to keep your amazing techniques a secret huh? XD

XD I'll let ya know once I figure out how I did it..working on another one with a sassyfras horse
The wing has a bad line under it, maybe blur it or erase the line

I will be waiting for answers! XD

I got the splashes PNG pack from FrostBo at DA. They're really nice precut splashes, that you just insert as a new layer in pixlr. Simple!