
Note to mods, I will not be selling this or using this on HEE, I am just trying to become better at manips and crediting by practice,
https://i.ibb.co/B4D2trH/FBD9132-E-929-A-42-F8-BF25-942-FD32-B5-AF5.png I probably completely failed at this, this horse was originally grey, so I did not do a colour change. This is the first true manip I have done, and I would love lots of critique.
Edited at October 31, 2019 03:32 PM by Sagebrush
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https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=19784617 Would love someone to critique this piece I recently for finished. Anything to help improve is much appreciated
This is great !you're talent is amazing and everything is well put together,the horse is a perfect size for the piece and fits very well with the background ,but the mane/tail is very monotone ,and I feel like,even though it is supposed to be silver,it should still have a slight hue to it
Sagebrush said: Note to mods, I will not be selling this or using this on HEE, I am just trying to become better at manips and crediting by practice,
https://i.ibb.co/B4D2trH/FBD9132-E-929-A-42-F8-BF25-942-FD32-B5-AF5.png I probably completely failed at this, this horse was originally grey, so I did not do a colour change. This is the first true manip I have done, and I would love lots of critique.
This is amazing for a first,the tail and mane is pretty nice although rather than using large brush strokes like you have here,use a soft brush to make an outline of the tail (and use a smaller sized brush to get fly aways) then get a slightly lighter colour than the base at ,id suggest 2.5 px ,then get lighter and decrease by .5 px ,and every .5 ox you decrease add a new,clipping layer every time until you get to 1 px ,they use white (on about 85 % opacity) and by now your colour may have built it's self up is certain ares,so high light that. Next get black on 50% opacity and very lightly go over less-coloured areas After you've done this (this step is optional) add another clipping layer over the whole thing and go in 100% opacity black and white for shadow and shine,gauss Ian blur the layer and then you can decease the layer opacity to about 20-40%

Thank you! I will work on that when I have some more spare time. :)
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Made a pop out piece, seeing how they are trending :). (Again, all art is personal and I am just here for crediting, not to advertise, sell, or use on HEE) https://i.ibb.co/4M6tkZS/612900-CD-2-A6-B-4-FB3-8112-8-BAEA96-CE84-B.png I tried the hair tips on this mane and I think itÂ’s improved, but I still have a long way to go!
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Can I get some critiques on this? First time painting non-hair tail. https://i.postimg.cc/QCLK9L9v/grey-kirin.jpg
Needing help on critiquing please?

Phoenix Rising Ranch said: Needing help on critiquing please?
For starters, this is a great piece! However the lighting is pretty good, you could probably add a shadow for the horse. The horse's position doesn't look quite realistic. It looks as if its jumping onto the rocks from the ground that is far below the horse. Also, maybe it's tail could have a bit more flow. But overall its an amazing piece :)

Wolfcreek said:
Can I get some critiques on this? First time painting non-hair tail. https://i.postimg.cc/QCLK9L9v/grey-kirin.jpg
This is gorgeous, a very creative piece as well! It does look as if the horse is floating a bit though unless it is an extremely shallow area. Also, it's 2 back legs look like they are sorta jelly-like. Or like they don't have joints? If you get what I mean. That tail is awesome! I saw a tiny ruin like marking on the horse while looking at the tail, I thought that was pretty cool too.