
I had someone ask me how i get a horse to black, and i was wondering how other artists do it? especially from light stock :)
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I usually set the whole horse to a medium tone for a clear window for shadows/highlights during body prep. That means when body prep is done my horse is not black nor light. If I go black or white, I usually use the brightness/contrast filter to the tone I like. After that, I touch up and enrich the color with an overlay layer (In this case black) to the specific areas I want neater. Good luck! <3
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pretty much the same as crystal lol. I desaturate first, do my body prep, and then darken it. The darkening is the hardest part since you have to be careful not to make it too dark but also not make it look like a grullo. It's kind of hard for me to explain the exact steps because there's no 'one way' I do anything, I use the method of 'screw it, we ball' when doing art haha.
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KPH Equestrian said: pretty much the same as crystal lol. I desaturate first, do my body prep, and then darken it. The darkening is the hardest part since you have to be careful not to make it too dark but also not make it look like a grullo. It's kind of hard for me to explain the exact steps because there's no 'one way' I do anything, I use the method of 'screw it, we ball' when doing art haha.
Same, I just wing it as I go. I almost never do anything the same way I did on the last piece I worked on.

I repaint the entire horse haha
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