
Rumble Team |
Apparently I'll never work fast again... :,D But here I am, with a finished piece! (And I'm terribly ashamed but I have another in the works that I complllletely forgot that I had started earlier ><) 
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Rumble Team |
I can barely believe that I'm finally done with this one! Took me two years, but my dearest, Sky, is in his full glory at last! I used to have a toy horse, its mane and tail could be swapped between 2 colors and it came with 2 sets of western tack, a pink and a peach colored one. Sadly I've lost him at some point, I have an idea exactly who was responsible for me losing him... but that's a story for another day. Here he is, finally painted in proper color and somewhat proper technique. I'm super happy with how he turned out :3 
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These recents are insane! I have really missed your art, it's so so realistic. Hope all is good :)
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Rumble Team |
Thank you <3 Even though not all, enough is good :D I've just not been in my creative moods recently as much xD Enoki Valley said: These recents are insane! I have really missed your art, it's so so realistic. Hope all is good :)
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