06:43:46 Thunda/Cat/Mom
Super excited for the next few yrs.

Embryos have really opened up opportunities and the ability to use one when you want to use it 😍

It's been my favorite update so far.
If you are a poor stable and can't afford svens then filly embryos/straws are more useful.
RavenClaw Ranch
06:43:17 Raven (she/her)
What breed should I do next? I won't do PON, KNN, or rating RID. Maybe color RID though.
Wood creek, unlikely.
Wood Creek Stables
All my filly ones have sold but the colt ones just aren't selling
Wood Creek Stables
Oh so they probably won't sell then?
06:38:25 Thunda/Cat/Mom
I don't think so
Wood Creek Stables
Is there any demand for sexed colt embryos?
Serenity Stables
06:27:30 Serenity / Rain
Bro I just bought another horse on the wrong account AGAIN 😭
Whispering Wood Barn
06:25:38 ~Whispy~
06:23:26 Crowley | Myth
Any Lucifer fans?
Sakota Stables
06:23:21 Rain
Bro I just bought another horse on the wrong account AGAIN 😭
06:22:25 Sun/Sunny/Rose
YES I have someone to use the arts on! -HEE Click-
Whispering Wood Barn
06:21:18 ~Whispy~
We def can hope! ^^
06:20:20 Crowley | Myth
I hope she is smarter than her other lol
06:19:25 Sun/Sunny/Rose
Thoughts on new set and header? Both palette and arts are made by myself. :) And yes, I know the horse is a tad blurry, still working on images being clear!
Whispering Wood Barn
06:18:40 ~Whispy~
Quill -
No Worries! Close but not quiet. Peacock is bigger spots but, you got the new leopard pattern which is great! Welcome :)
Quill Fern Estates
06:17:53 Quillie~Quill~Quin
Ahhh I thought she was a peacock because she had a outline around her spots NBut thank you
Whispering Wood Barn
06:17:42 ~Whispy~
Awww a Dexter Baby! <3 Least you you 2 Ws lol Dex only gave me 1 W XD but my maiden gave a WEE her 1st foal, it wasn't great but least it was an EEE or worse.
Whispering Wood Barn
06:16:16 ~Whispy~
Quill -

Peacock Pattern
-HEE Click-
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Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 December 15, 2021 08:42 PM

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I was accepted to the university I applied to first.
Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 March 16, 2022 11:46 PM

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My last exam is friday (for biology) and then I have a 2 week break. I am beginning to realize I have so much to do and a lot on my plate. Its just a little wild. I have to create a check list for myself to detail what I need to do. I found a roommate who is super nice, through my University's roommate server which is fantastic and super secure. Problem is, we selected which houses we want to go into and my roommate called them to get paperwork and I've been trying to contact housing for 2 weeks now (sent emails and a phone call) and heard nothing. So I am going to try calling again tomorrow morning to see what happens. Then I am studying the rest of the day because I am scared for this exam. Test anxiety at its finest lol
Anyways, college is exhausting and I am ready to graduate. I have one quarter to go (10 weeks) and my grandparents are flying out for my graduation as well as my sibling's graduation which will be awesome. I also have to give a speech and we won't have any practice for what I need to do during the ceremony because apparently my campus class size is too small so they don't do graduation practices. And oddly enough they call people by randomly so it doesn't go by degree or name... which is confusing... so people just sit anywhere during commencement as long as they are in the proper section (students, not guests).
To conclude this scattered update/post, good luck to all of you in school. I wish you all the best on your exams and quizzes, whether they be this week or months from now, you are doing great! Keep up your good work and as a very wise principal told me for three years starting when I was in 3rd grade, "work hard because hard work pays off." <3 Nyx
Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 August 11, 2022 10:24 PM

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Hey folks! So I am back to update yall that I am now MOVING I will be on the road no later than 4am tomorrow to take my long trip from Northern Washington (up near canada) to Colorado where I will be living for the next 2 to 6 years (I don't know if I will stay there forever but we will see). All of my stuff is packed up and my room feels so empty. Of course I can't take everything but I am taking my essentials for sure. I'm honestly so fortunate to have parents willing to take that road trip with me and my sibling (we are both going off to different colleges in Colorado) plus my other sibling and dog since it has become a near two week family "vacation." Since it takes 6 days to get from my current home to my new one, the two weeks are entirely necessary.
I do have an apartment lined up and my sibling is in a dorm but will be moving out of that dorm as soon as possible because dorms are expensive but some colleges require first years to stay in dorms. I am having some issues with my apartment right now, I will admit. I have a move in day but they haven't yet sent me my time slot which I should be getting this week. And I found out they are trying to charge my roommates and I for a second month's rent and a whole month's rent when we will only have been there for less than half a month (move in day is the 17th). So I was charged nearly double the rent when I signed the lease to secure the apartment and for the first months rent and now it's apparently saying my roommates and I owe 1 month's rent for August but we already paid? Anyways, it's really odd and we are all working through it but it may just be an error in their system. Anyways, I am all ready to go and am so excited to begin this next chapter!
Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 October 30, 2022 08:53 PM

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Hi folks! It has been almost 3 months since my last update and I figured anyone possibly keeipng up with this deserved another update as to what is going on and happening in my life education wise.

I would like to start off by saying that I have appreciated everyone's support thus far in my education career. It has really meant a lot and so many of you have been there for the ups and downs since day one of my first year of college. After deep consideration and years really of through about my career, I have made a pivotal decision in the path I will be doing for the rest of my life. First, I should probably explain what has been going on over the past 10 weeks at my new University.

I moved out of my parents' place where they currently live on the other side of the US and are getting ready to move again (military life, honestly if you know you know). It was really hard and has been really hard. Mentally and physically it has taken its toll and my health has had a pretty rapid decline. I honestly do not think city life is for me and my University happens to be in the middle of a massive city. I truly feel like I just hate it here and this is not at all my happy place. But aside from that, I am getting the education I need to move on in my life and am sure I will find that happy place at some point down the road.

I am taking a ton of classes right now which has added onto my stress but I do have the potential of graduating early. This is kind of provided I pass organic chemistry this semester which I am taking among other classes: cell biology, genetics, world at war history, and spanish I. These of course happen to all be required classes. But after this semester I will only have 2 more biology classes left and about 6 electives... and algebra based physics but that is it. I spoke with an advisor on Thursday and can in fact graduate early if I take summer classes but I don't think I will do that if I pass organic chemistry because I really need a summer break to help my parents move and avoid burn out.

Which brings me to my next point of this update, I have decided to change my career path. I will not be a surgeon and likely will not get my doctorates until later on if I want or need it. For me, this is just a lot and some people can do it which is great but its coming at a cost - my happiness and health. I am trying my best not to end up with student loans and have saved and worked so hard to get here but the cost of living keeps rising and with that goes tuition which is increasingly unaffordable. But really that isn't the real reason I am chosing to be "done" at my Bachelors. It is because I found something that I will enjoy doing and actually be happy with and that is in the animal field. Specifically, I want to get into Zoology and Wildlife Biology. As someone who is very passionate about animals and wildlife conservation, I want to educate people on animals and spread more truth about them rather than common misconceptions. I want to try and get an exotic animal license so I can own exotic animals on a large property of my own and take some of them to schools to teach people more about them.

When I was in the fourth or fifth grade, a privately owned company brought in servals and alligators and snakes and birds to show us and educate students on the truth of them. A lot of specis were local to our area and I was so interested in that. Now as I am trying to discover what I want to do, and after studying and studying and research and hours of time into documentaries, I have realized how little is really taught about animals and why they are important to the world. And it isn't just for food. But I also think public zoos are and should be a thing of the past. They may have the vets and people for them but their "breeding programs" put animals that need more space right back into cages that are way too small for what is good for them. People rarely go to the zoo to learn more about the animals, they just want to see something foreign up close - however close that may be. I believe education is the key and while I will not be a teacher so to speak, I hope to help people realize the truth of these animals and to do research on them so we can better understand what is making them go extinct, how do they really function in the wild, etc.

Anyways, I went on a bit of a side rant there but you likely get the point. Thank you all, always <3 Nyx

Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 October 31, 2022 03:42 AM

Polaresta Elites
Posts: 3759
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Congratulations on your decision! I think that sounds really interesting and fun! Animals are always a wonderful choice :D
Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 January 25, 2023 07:00 PM

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Little update! I am officially over half way through with my second week of my second semeester here at Uni and it has been a whole new experience from last semester. For starters, last week honestly doesnt count as a first week in my opinion because we didnt start school back until tuesday but I dont personally have classes on Tuesday so i just went and hung out in my office with my work friends and then a snow storm blew through and canceled classes for Wednesday. So i didnt have my first class until Thursday and it was just a physics lab where we practiced uncertainty measurements for about 30 minutes and the remainder of the two hour block was spent getting to know people at our lab stations. After that I had the rest of the day off and then I also have fridays off so yea. it doesnt really count XD but this week I had Ecology and Physics and have Physics lab tomorrow. I am also taking Spanish 2 online due to high school requirements I didnt meet (which I think i talked about above) but, yea I have to take a second spanish class and pass so I can be done with languages. Its actually super helpful for me since I am always around spanish speaking people (family members, friends, etc) and now I know more of the rules surrounding the language. and am pretty much fluent according to one of my best friends who has spanish as his first language.
I wasn't sure how I would feel about these classes to be honest and wasnt sure what to expect but I have 100% fallen in love with ecology. It is honestly something I may persue further and want to persue further, possibly getting a masters or Doctorates in. Physics is kind of okay, the lab is better than the class which is so crammed with people that you can't see the board because its not a lecture theatre. Its just a flat room and some people rush there an hour early to be in the front which I dont have the ability to do due to work. Its still not bad though. I kind of understand it and will probably get a tutor. Fun fact: my uni offers free tutoring and prep classes for harder courses since im doing 3000 to 4000 level courses this semester.
On a more serious note, (TW: therapy and depression and EDs) I have had to start going to therapy. For a while I have been struggling just to cope and live and it progressively got worse. I have my good and bad moments but over the winter break I got a notification that I was taken off the therapy waitlist and had to fill out this survey form thing. They were so concerned about my results that they got me an intake appointment which I went to on Tuesday of this week. My results from some tests they had me take showed I was severely depressed, showing serious signs of an ED, and possibly have two different types of anxiety. They are actually talking about possibly getting me a team of three people to help me work through my stuff and have even helped me create a plan for what happens which I go through my really bad, full on breakdowns since my mind goes to very very bad places. I am really grateful to have on-campus resources since we are also a medical school. I get 10 free sessions as a student there.
So far, it has been a great few weeks though!
Accepted to Uni, Documenting the Journey | update: 15/03/23 March 15, 2023 11:08 PM

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Okie dokie, yet another update (if anyone is even keeping up with it at this point - if not, this is really just for myself in that case which is okay too):
A ton has happened since my last update almost two months ago and here is the tea. SO for starters, physics completely backfired on the entire class. The professor I have now is not the one I signed up to take the class with, in fact, i never had the professor i signed up to take the class with. The Biology department made the decision to remove physics from Bio (non pre-med) majors requirements so I am withdrawing from that class tomorrow. In its place, I will be taking more career focused classes and have one english class I will have to take but otherwise, everything is bio based which I am super happy about. I am going to be switching degree plans over in the fall and will still be graduating on time. BUT I did decide to extend my degree time a little bit because there is a class I really want to take and have been given first "dibs" on in the Summer of 2024 which I will talk about in a second.
Physics: lets kind of start with whats going on there. Basically, everyone was failing the class and the professor did not see any problems. In fact, when we tried to express our concerns to him (the class was at 48 students at this point and started at 66) and just have a conversation with him after we took our first major exam, he got very angry. That night he then went and proctored the same exam online for students who could not make it to class and he said we were "drugged out" and "lazy" which is why none of us would ever pass. This was recorded by a student. I sent an email to department chairs, deans, and everyone i could think of and 32 of the 48 students in the class had signed this email and were included. Turns out, the department doesnt care despite the massive fail rate and withdraw rate in the class. My academic advisor told me it would be better for me to have a W on my transcript than a C. I am currently getting one of the highest grades in that class rght now... which is a C which will drop my GPA in an instant and I cannot afford that. On the bright side, dropping the class means I will be able to take more bio classes and really focus on my degree path. which brings me to my next point, why I am going to extend my degree time.
My favorite professor i've had so far here is my Ecology professor. He is excellent and very passionate about his work. I applied to be an LA for his class in the fall and he said he would totally ask for me as his LA which I am very excited about. Fingers crossed I am accepted. Well I found out that in the Summer of 2024, he is offering a May-mester (a semester taken in the month of may only) class in coral reef ecology. Now I live in one of the states in the middle of the US so I was wondering how the heck he would manage that since we are nowhere near the ocean. Welp the solution is the class will actually take place in Belize where we will be dive certified and then studying whatever marine organism in the area interests us most (sharks, specific species of fish, etc.) and we will also be studying the rainforests behind Mayan ruins. It was simply an opprotunity I could not pass up and so for that reason and the uniqueness of the experience, i simply decided I have to go. With my new degree path, that is very possible and so worth it. I am literally going to withdraw student loans for this class alone. I am very excited.
Now for a little mental health update, I am definitely doing better than what I was. I have 2 sessions left for therapy and I am constantly working towards my end goal of being in a better headspace and actually able to experience sadness and not feel guilty about eating etc. I experience a lot of stress all the time and am constantly under pressure. I swear I keep counting more grey hairs and Im in my early 20s lol. I think a lot of it has to do with my living situation being very stressful but next year I will be living in dorms which is something I look forward to so much.
If you're wondering what could possibly be so bad about my living situation, let me just say... alot. I skipped physics class today and ended up going to work. I got home at around 3:30 and literally 10 minutes later I heard a loud bang from upstairs since they are renovating the floor above mine and sure enough my roommate came running to my saying that a pipe burst and there was water pouring from our ceiling. I called emergency maintenance who didn't pick up and she ran downstairs to tell the apartment people who then took 20 minutes to get someone upstairs to try and fix the issue.we were the only apartment that was flooding. Their solution was to put a fan in the room which they then pointed at the spot the water was pouring through (an unpatched hole that was made by maintenance several months ago when a pipe was clogged and they couldn't find the clog). This is the third time in a month that this has happened. I am leaving for spring break in 2 days and im super nervous about it because no one will be here to watch whats going on. Actually, because of this apartment's stupidity, I had to pack up all of my things on Tuesday (taking the day off work) because they told us on Monday that my floor would be moving up to the 27th floor (the one they are doing renovations on) and that we have to move out on the 24th of March.... I'm literally not going to be here. none of my roommates will be here. it is break. we are all going home. i booked my tickets months ago so I am not and would not change that for anything. So I told them they would just have to wait until I get back and they just agreed to it. But yea, its dumb. thats only about a week from now. It was barely a week's notice. Isn't that illegal?
Anways, between that stress, school stress, and work stress, I have been so busy. I work 25 hours a week on top of school (as a more than full-time student) and its just a lot. I'm exhausted. On the bright side, I have all A's in all of my classes except physics lecture which won't matter soon. So thankful for all of my opprotunities and grateful for everything. If you have any questions, totally let me know.

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