
Regal sighed heavily with a smile and gentle eyes on the mare, his chest puffed out slightly, he nodded "That's good, i'm glad you're okay" He said caringly "I've been good as well, being out there away from the herd was great fun... Buuuut i missed the herd and everyone in it" Regal said proudly, glancing at West before giving his attention to Pandora "So no major drama's since i was gone?" He asked with a light chuckle

{Third Person/Pandora} - She smiled softly, "Ahh yes, The open plans are quite fun, But with a herd who you call home is better and safer. She said and gave him a friendly nudge before looking into his eyes once more, "No, Not much drama". She said with a small chuckle. - {Third Person/Phoneix} - He looked to Pandora who was still talking to Regal. Snorting madly, He trotted off farther from the herd. Finding a soft patch to graze on. - {Third Person/Seline} - She looked to Phoneix and snorted loudly. "Quit being a bitch", She said to the stallion as he trotted off.


(Golden Heart, I don't think so! You can still join. But it's probably best to pm Wild Warmbloods first to make sure! :D) ~~~~ Regal nodded in strong agreement at what Pandora said "Yes indeed" he said glancing at the other herd members. After a while he brought his gaze back to Pandora, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth at her words "Ah okay so I didn't miss much! Phew" Regal joked lightly with a snort "I'm just glad most of the members, including you, are still here. Not much has changed thankfully" The dapple grey stallion said with a proud tone. He glanced down at Pandora "Are you thirsty? Wanna get a drink of water... With me?" He asked in a gentle tone lowering his head to get to her height

(WEST COME BACKKKK) - Dixie tossed her head and grazed slowly. Her stomach was swollen because of the foal. She stomped her hoof and nipped at her side. The weight of the baby was becoming too much for Dixie and she was feeling slight movements from the life inside of her. - Scarlet nibbled on the grass. She could tell her aunt was close to birthing so she stayed within sight of her bay Appaloosa relative. - Fisher laid his head over Scarlets back and watched Dixie as she pawed at the ground, obviously uncomfortable. - Macy didn't take her eyes off of Dixie. She wish so much that she could be right beside her, but she knew Dix wouldn't want her in the way. Instead, she kept her ears forward and her eyes glued in case anything happened.

(Heellooo :D) Name: Queen Age: 4 Gender: Female/mare Love interest: uhhh........ Apperance: Personality: Queen Is a Spunky mare with enough sass to fill a building, She does not tolerate other horses hurting her friends. She Is a AMAZING galloper, And is a good fighter (And trash talker lol) . She absolutly HATES when other horses call her small, or underestimate her. But she's not vary stealthy. (Proved in the free range RP lol). When she's by herself she tends to get sentamentl even cry sometimes about her brother who was killed by (What she belives) Was her own stupidity. But refuses to cry in front of others. Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown Sister: None Brother: Royal, Decesed at age 2 Mate: My girl single, and ready (not) to mingle....yet lol Foals: None

{Third Person/Pandora} - She blushed when Regal said he was glad that the herd was still around but most importanly her. She smiled softly and looked into his eyes, "Yes, I'd love to go get a drink with her", She said calmly. - {Third Person/Phoneix} - He glared as he watched Pandora talk to Regal. His ears pinned and his hoof stomping hard on the ground, clearly jealous. - {Third Person/Seline} - She rolled her eyes and continued to graze with her foal.

(Lol sorry Ghost I hope you don't mind this smol plot but just like Trigger, Athena and Willow, I want Dixie and Mystery's foals to grow up together 😂) ________ Mystery It had been around 5 months since Mystery disappeared. She wanted to be away for a while to make sure her secret WAS a secret. She cried for a while after Willow left to explore with Trigger, but quickly realized her light Palomino daughter would be safe with Trigger, and that Willow would soon come back after she got bored of exploring. But that wasn't the reason Mystery left the herd for a while... Mystery was 5 months pregnant! (Here's what I planned lol: Back when Mystery was still in the herd 5 months prior, Dixie had helped Mystery gain enough courage to tell Scar how she felt about him, after all he was a kind N handsome Paint Thoroughbred. So Mystery went to tell Scarlet but chickened out, instead of telling Scar how she felt... She came up and told Scar about how she wanted to have a second foal, and how she COULDN'T find another stallion who was willing to have a foal with her, and how she wanted to know if Scar would want a foal. Feeling bad for the Gold Champagne mare, Scarlet agreed to help give Mystery another foal, after realizing WHAT Mystery had asked the poor stallion she felt so embarrassed but Dixie said it was okay because he at least said yes, since... Then, Mystery disappeared to make sure it worked. And she was, she got a little lost for the last 5 months but luckily she found her way back to the herd) ~~~~ Mystery found the herd at last, 5 months later, she hoped no one was worried, she walked through the herd in search of Dixie and Macy, when she saw Scar her golden cheeks blushed lightly, but she didn't approach him. What would she say? She accidentally pressured the poor stallion into having a foal with her! So she kept going, eventually Dixie came into view. Mystery raised her head and Whinnied before painfully trotting towards her "Dixie! Sorry I left... I just wanted to make sure..." Mystery stopped a few feet away from Dixie to give both of them their much needed space and turned just slightly revealing her swollen stomach "Ta-Da! Looks like we'll both have foals close by, they can grow up together like the three of us did" Mystery cheered softly "I can see you're in pain? Baby is heavy isn't it... With Willow and Chase, aww they huuuurrrt! But this one isn't too bad for me. Some advice for the pain though, Dixie. Try and lay down, it may hurt but once you're down roll onto your side, trust me it takes away the heaviness!" Mystery tried to help Dixie as she herself laid down and rolled on her side taking a deep breath Edited at July 29, 2024 12:53 AM by Hyrule_Stables

athena walked througfh the stream (not triggers sister) she let the cool water splash up at her sides. her coat glowed in the sun. she found a patch of flowers full off bright coloured tulips. she stood in the center and butterflys flew around her (btw this is what athena looks like)

(Lol she is so pretty Angel! She looks just like one of Mystery and West's twins foals from the old RP, California: ) Oh... Wait a minute... Is that Cali's image? XD they have the same socks. Aww I really should join the CIA Edited at July 30, 2024 07:48 PM by Hyrule_Stables