
Comanche held her gaze, as they seemed to inertwine in a very weirdly awkward gaze. Audits softly pinned as he rose a brow before rolling his hues with a huff "I didn't mean your the same. I just simply meant that I can handle a mare such as yourself with my mate being one who hated stallions as well, always seeming to cause drama weather she means to or not" his words was short and quickly to the point.
The stallion honed into her words before he looked away with a bit of attitude "Well, I dont like alot of things. For example, Ungrateful and sneaky mares be one of them" he huffed without looking back to the mare. He began to think this mare was off her rockers but then again he never had good luck with running into a nice mare. They all seemed to come with some sorta of baggage and maybe lucky for him, he didnt have much to choose from. For a moment, he began to ponder what Dell was doing before the presence of the mare pulled him back into reality. He paced away a bit but not far as he lowered his frame to graze. If he wanted this mare to chill a bit. He would need to give her space and acting uninterested wpuld be the best way, for he wasnt interested at all but still wondered how she got the color of her coat. Edited at September 7, 2021 02:43 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open Dae took in the stallion's words, but had no intention of responding. He interested her about as much as she interested him. Incredibly little. He could start a fire in amogst all of the raging emotions that his kind had kindled from her foalhood. It was better he wasn't nearby. She didn't so much as flick her ears in the stallions direction, instead dedicating herself to the chore of pulling burs out. After a couple of rolls she'd suceeded in getting them off her coat, but they'd likely be stuck in her mane forever. She'd collected quite a few over the years and had never been able to get them out. Without help it was a hopeless cause, and frankly, she didn't much care. Burs or no burs, she could capture attention. A helpful curse. She found herself more than a little eager to step into the river. The liquid was cold and smooth, washing the red from her otherwise white legs. She took several long, sweeping drinks, having not realized how thirsty she was. And from there, after finding herself suitably clean, she wondered to the first apple tree, taking pleasure in finding the greenest apples to munch on. Edited at September 7, 2021 03:04 PM by Galloping Graces
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This isn't bad, I think I'll take a little post. Doing some work and finished up my puppy application. And westies asleep so I'll do a little something. Ps, I'm on my phone and I'll just be posting my name and interacting.
Delta / Mare / 4 / mentions: Herd, Comanche, Open
Dell laid there, the wind brushing her pelt slightly. She felt guilty her stomach wouldn't stop whirling in distress, she could finally comprehend what she did wrong. "IM SUCH AN IDIOT!" She cried to herself no intentions on anyone else hearing it. Her posture was very uncomfortable, fairly she was twitching like crazy not only from guilt but from her antsy body. She could never sit still, but rather for her pregnancy she never wanted to move. But she'd be experiencing it all over again. Last time she checked he was worthy of her and he was a keeper.
Although they have had their bumps on the road this was gonna be the worst, this was going to end their relationship. Dell thought this was going fairly well too, she couldn't ruin this for her son.
Her soft body rose from the ground, her tight muscles rippling in the afternoon light, and while a yawn stretched her jaw wide, feeling the terrible flies nipping her rump she slammed her tail against their tiny lives. Deep black pelt still shimmered in the light, but she was extremely overheated and dehydrated. Though she didn't show like she was since it was normal she shook it off and dosed off into grazing. Her soft pose was sweet sorta like her. Twigs gripped to her mane as the mare haven't bathed in a day or two. Delta was a neat freak, and it bothered her that she hadn't taken a bath yet. But coming to loosening her mind and watching the sites around her
Edited at September 7, 2021 03:08 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Yay!! I've heard all about Dell :) Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Delta, Open Dae set herself neatly on the bank of the river after her snack, shaking the pearly strands of water that clung to her now jet black mane. She flicked her equally moist tail, enjoying the gleaming strands of black and white that wrestled for the sunlight's attention. There was a member of the herd nearby now, a little closer to her than the stallion, who seemed preoccupied for the time being. It was a young black mare, and even in the distance she looked rigid. As though something were gripping her so tightly that she could hardly move. As though battling with something that Dae couldn't guess. She moved toward the mare after another glance at the stallion to be certain he wasn't watching. She didn't feel like speaking with him again. Instead she moved toward the mare, nickering lightly so as to warn her of her approach. "You look as though you've found the perfect place to graze," Sundae said gently, speaking far more naturally to the mare than she had to the stallion. She was far more comfotable with speaking to one of her own kind, even though they had never made particaurly good friends, "Do you mind if I graze with you for a while? I'm being babysat and I'd like some real company."
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Thank you, it's been a while lol <br> Delta / Mare / 4 / Mentions: Sundae, Herd, Open <br> Startled some her head flew up, her feet dancing harshly to the side. Her heart beat skipper beats but as she saw it was only a single mare asking her a question, she rolled her eyes at herself. "Excuse me" She chuckled, walking up to the mare Politely " I got a little startled there for a moment" Cutting herself back into reality was hard as she tried to comprehend where this mare came from. " It's fine grass here. But it's very lush I shall say" She looked up and down at the fine of a mare. " You may graze here by all means love, but your not from around here now are you?" She asked as she softly looked around for Kai, he would have a fit that another horse was in the herd at least it wasn't a stallion. But she didn't want this mare to end up like everyone else around here

Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Delta, Open Dae found herself actually smiling -genuinely smiling- at the mare, at least a little bit. Despite her obviosuly spooky demeaner, the black mare seemed altogether fairly agreeable. She also also seemed fairly healthy, well taken care of. Mares in good condition seemed to be harder and harder to come by. "I'm not from around here at all," Dae admitted, testing out the grass that spread around them. It had been a while since she'd enjoyed a peaceful break from the harsh world. Living on the run had few perks, "I've been looking for a place where I can settle down and be alone." "Then I bumped into your herd," She glanced over at the horses that grazed in the distance, then back to where the stallion was positioned. She could barely see him over the hill now, "One of your stallions welomed me in."
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Comanche: M: Dell, Dae
The stallion eventually got focused on his own little world, the golden mare seemed to be calming down for he hadnt heard a peep out of her except audits flicking back as he would queitly glance as she cleaned herself off in the waters. He went back to his grazing, he had so much stress, questions and his own problems to deal with the stud didn't realize he had paced away from where he last placed the golden mare, making his way closer to the herd and up a small hill. Audits softly flicked, as he heard soft chatter a ways behind him. Curiosity hit as he turned to look back to see his mate grazing by the river with the golden mare.
He quickly turned around and went to nicker a warning to his mate to be careful with the newcomer but he quickly changed his mind seeing the two of them smile and laugh together. He was confused as his pinned audits began to flick forward, he took a sigh as he quietly studied them from a far. Maybe they would become friends, he pondered the thought. Turning his frame to his shoulder to itch, before he turned his focus back to them, lurking like a creep but, he wasnt about to let anything happen to Dell.
Welcome back love!! You're getting another puppy!? How exciting! Edited at September 7, 2021 04:31 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Delta, Comanche, Open Dae found herself pleasently distracted with this mare, at least for several minutes. After that she began to shift constantly, trying her very best not to wince. She stopped eating altogether and shook her mane restlessly. Any movement appeared to calm her for a moment before she grew restless again. "I'm sorry you'll have to excuse me..." She squeezed out the sentence but nothing more than that. Without an explanation, she headed for a pack of sixable boulders that littered the riverside. They were covered with ancient streaks of moss, overgrown with dainty white flowers. She settled herself amongst them, rolling onto her side and rubbing her neck against the pebble-covered ground. The sharp points of some of the little rocks distracted her from the pain that crawled through her stomach and around her legs and up her neck.
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Sorry had to get off and cook dinner and then eat it XD)
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Sundae, Open
The stallion watched them what seemed liked forever though it was only a few short minutes, his golden hues looked over at his mate, but his attention focused back on the mare. He still wasn't sure he could trust her yet. He quietly desended down the hill and around the back of the apple trees. He studied the mare as she seemed to be pressing her body against the rocks slightly harder than one should. 'odd' he thought before rolling his hues and reaching up to grasp an apple from the tree, he wanted her to know he was near without actually noticing her though he would sneak peaks trying to figure out the winced of pain he could see in her facail expressions. Closing his hues, he allowed himself to focus on the jucies exploding in his mouth from the red apple. Edited at September 7, 2021 07:34 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open She winced with each wave of pain, writhing desperately as though she could get away from it- or at least make it feel better than it did. By the end of long, drawn out minutes she was glimmering with sweat and moderate peace settled over her. This was worse than the last episode... She took her time coming back to her hooves, and even so it was shaky when she did. Snot dripped from her nose like tears, telling her just how much she'd gone through. She didn't need a reminder. Her body still ached. Nonetheless, she found enough strength in herself to walk to the short distance to river. There she settled herself down in the water and laid against the sandy bank with her muzzle just out from the waters reach. Maybe it was worth going a little further this time. She closed her eyes thoughtfully, letting the flow of water tug her slowly into the body of the river. She let herself go limp, ready to let the water carry her away. Ready to let the current pull her under.
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