
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Sundae, Open
The stallion softly drew his hues open and she wasn't at the rocks anymore, a bit of panic ran through him as he trotted a few paces forward, audits perking as he looked around for her and there he seen her laying softly against the sands of the bank. Golden hues trailed over her body and she didn't look to well. Maybe he was too harsh on the mare. He softly frowned for he felt bad. Her body just laid there like she was dying as the waters brushed her legs.
"You don't look to good love" he softly muttered as he approached her, standing over her for a moment before he paced in front of her. Taking in her crashed body, he didn't know her past but, he figured that's why she has been so moody, she looked in pain. He slowly reached his frame towards her mane "let me help get these out'' he softly sooed as he locked his golden hues to hers. Edited at September 7, 2021 07:57 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Delta, Comanche, Open The golden mare was temporarily delerious, overcome by the adreneline, the pain, the constant reminders that she had no purpose, no free will. When she heard the word "love" her entire being loosened up. She hadn't heard that word in a long time. She hadn't heard that word from anyone other than a dying mother who'd tried to protect her young filly from the cruelties of the rest of the world. When she opened her eyes, her senses came back to her. And she found her eyes momentraily engaged with his. They were as gold as hers were blue, and they weren't condecending. They weren't anything but compassionate. And she didn't know quite what to make of it. She hated letting him help her, but she did. She felt too weak to move away, and too fatigued to want to snap at him. She didn't thank him, or smile at him, or show any signs of appreciation. She focused on keeping tears from her eyes when his soft muzzle brushed through her mane. They weren't tears of regret... they were tears of hate. Hate for the past that made her what she was. She hadn't had another horse groom her in a long time, not since she was a yearling. She hadn't been nuzzled or carressed for a long time, and it felt too good. Too good to come from a wretched stallion. But she didn't ask him to stop, not until he was finished removing the burs. "I didn't ask for your help," She rose to her feet when he had finished, staring dryly down at him. Her legs shook like a foal's but she stayed standing, "Why care what happens to me? Do you want another mare? If you don't then I don't understand your kidness. And don't dare tell me it's because you want to 'pay it forward' or some other corny line. I want the real reason."
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Sundae, Open
The black stud cautiously move to her back side, audits softly relaxed as he softly tossed water onto her mane with his muzzle, snorting softly as his muzzle ran down her neck as he began to tug the burs out of her matted mane one by one. It was dirty and tangled and clearly the mare hadn't been taken care of herself and he pittied her. What would cause her to never care for herself, he pondered. He rested a hind hoof as he closed his hues and as the time went by he groomed each and every bur from her mane, feeling content that she was allowing him to help as his warm breathe floated on her coat.
Golden hues opened as he lifted his muzzle from her mane as she began to stand up, he merely smiled in her direction, proud of his work for she had such long and lush mane, now that why was clear without sturburn burs. Audits perked as words began to toss out of her mouth, he rolled his hues once more at her lashing out attitude before he shifted his weight and stood tall. "You didn't seem to mind it" he teased with a smirk. Before, he settled more into a serious expression "Because you looked in pain and I know what it's like to suffer in silence." as he moved his hues off her for a breif moment, taking in her scent once more before looking to her again. "I just wanted to help you. Is it so wrong for another to help you regaurdless of what or who I am? and I done told you I only have one mate. I am different though you don't believe me" he paused for a moment as he started to think it was pointless to change her point of view. "I'm Comanche, by the way" he muttered out. Edited at September 7, 2021 08:26 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Delta / Mare / 4yrs / Mentions: Forte, Sundae, Open
Delta watched the mare her soft coat and mane being tossed around in the wind. She'd wish she had a coat as attention receiving as hers. It was light but sweet and Delta had nothing special about hers except for that super small star on her forehead. She felt herself melt into the heat before she heard her duty be called "Mama!" Her head lifted as her son came barreling into her side. "Forte, manners. But what do you need my love?" She asked her foal politely, waving her tail. "How did you get daddy to like you?" Delta felt a warm buzz shoot into her heart. She was confused why her son would ask such a question but also happy she can talk about old memories and ones she cherishes the most. " I like this filly, she's really pretty and I want advice. a soft smile warmed up her whole expression, "Well, I'll tell you this much. I was an outcast, in the herd nobody really cared for me. I was that filly with a blank coat who was left to the side to be picked on, but oh I remember when I met daddy, I hated him. I thought dad was their just to pick on me too. I wasn't very fond of stallions. I was warned that your dad was a charmer than moved on after a mark. But me and dad started to hangout and I started to fall in love with him. But honestly I think he wanted me from the gecko. He was handsome, very handsome. Everyone wanted a peice of him. And when horses found out that he fell for me, most were disgusted how could I a nobody be with somebody who owned the world." She quickly changed her stance "But I'll never forget, I will never forget when your daddy took me to that waterfall, never a day passes when I don't remember everything your dad did. Daddy was supposed to be somebody else then he changed for me... " a warm tear streamed down her face. It was good to talk about the past she when she hated him but years later has a foal with him. He's still a charmer to her and a trooper for putting up with her crap all these years
This one hit me hard XD
Edited at September 7, 2021 08:50 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Delta, Comanche, Open As soon as this stallion pointed out that she seemed to enjoy his care, Dae looked harshly at hooves, slightly buried in the sand on the bank. The only reason she enjoyed it was because she hadn't had anyone treat her so gently since she was young. That was it. His explanation was what really caught her off guard. Could he really understand? To know what it was like to suffer in silence? He couldn't have hardly known the hardships, not him. Not a well off stallion who had the privledge of being in love. Not a stallion free of any real scars, any real memories that he coudn't get out of his head. Maybe there was more to him, but she didn't see it. And she didn't care to. "Fine," She tried to regain her disinterested appearence, or some semblance of who she was. She played too many characters to keep them all stright. Right now, she just wanted to be straightforward, "Comanche then. I didn't need or ask for your help, remember that. Now who is this mate of yours that's so special that your heart belongs to only her?" She teased somewhat with the last words, making them sound as sappy as she could. She didn't know why she teased him, or why she asked about him. She didn't care about him. And she wasn't about to start. But she was bored. That was it. She was bored and he may as well amuse her. He didn't seem as bad as most of the stallions she crossed paths with. If he proved to be anything like them, however, she'd have no trouble turning on him. And no amount of kindness could keep her from being determined to protect the rest of the world from a stallion's cruelty.
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Awwww Cando!!!! I'mma cry!!! DX He loves his sweet Dell! <3)
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Forte, Sundae, Open
The stallion rolled his hues in slight annoyance "Yea.. I'll remember that" he snorted short trying to ignore her hatered and focous on the fact that she probably was a nice mare once. Audits soon perked at her question of his mate, he had been away from her all day and he was missing her. He turned his frame to scan back towards the herd, and just up the hill from where he stood was his beautiful mate as the sun glistened off her black pelt and his hyper little colt at her becking. He then eyed the golden mare for a second, she had already met her before and as long as he was near, what harm would even come to his son?
Holding Dae's gaze he chuckled with a smirk "You already met her, look familar from eariler?" he nickered as he motioned his frame in the direction of the black mare. "That is my sweet dell" he cooed as his golden hues soon planted back to his mate, he let out a charming nicker her way. Edited at September 7, 2021 09:29 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Delta, Comanche, Open Sundae followed that stallion's gaze up the hill to where the black mare was perched. She did in fact regonize her as the mare she'd met before. He took care of her, the raven coat and healthy frame was evidence of that fact. But the mare had been tense... as thought something was haunting her. And Dae knew enough about confliction to recognize it. And she also had to admit, as much as it his title for the mare made Dae cringe, that this stallion was actually in love. There really was a first time for everything. Dae played with her tail, flicking off the water as she glanced over at the stallion. She sighed as the effects of the episode wore off, now feeling like herself again. A shake of her mane reminded her that it was now free... thanks to the stallion beside her. "I've never met a horse in love," She kept the tease on her lips, but not the smile, "I think you're crazy. Not for loving her, but for being in love in general. Love is an emtotion. It's there one moment and gone the next. But you two are very.... cute. And at least Dell thinks you're charming, apparently."
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Forte, Sundae, Open
The stallion's audits flicked as he moved his frame to look at the golden mare once again, he shifted his weight before letting out a happy sigh before truly focusing on her 1 on 1. Audits flicked at her words and he was surprised that she was so nice on the fact. Before the corners of his lips tugged as he grew into a chuckle, with playful hues "Love can be a powerful thing, but it's a blessing sent yet has challenages. Me and Dell have been through many..." his words fell short as he glanced away some "Jealous?" he playfully teased before speaking once more not really giving her a chance to lash out "I'm very glad I have her. It took me so long to get her to accept me as a mate. You never been in love?" he rose a brow for it was very odd for a mare not to want to seek out for a mate. He thought all mares wanted to find love, perphaps he was wrong? Edited at September 7, 2021 09:50 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Delta, Comanche, Open Dae closed her eyes in annoyance, not particuarly caring for the direction of the conversation. Little did he know just how much she'd dreamed as a filly of having a stallion look at her the way Comanche looked at the little mare perched on the hill. That's all it was, a dream that would never come true. She was curious by what he was going to say before he asked if she was jealous. The answer was too obvious for her to care to respond, and so she merely listened as he finished his questioning. She rather wished he hadn't. "I don't know if you know this, but flashy mares don't get choices. They get stuck as trophies to be traded off. Love might exist in your cute little world, but it never existed in mine. The only real love I ever had the chance of getting was from my mother. And she didn't live long enough to give much of it." Why had she said all of that? She wasn't looking for pity and goodness knew she wanted none of it. She also told him alot. She hadn't talked to any horse in a long while. She supposed the words just had to spill out, much like the bur-free forelock that now curtained her eyes. "Not that I care. I managed well enough without it," She shrugged off her silly, and somewhat personal sob story that she should not have shared, "But you're really dedicated to her huh? No one else could ever steal your heart? Horses don't ever have just one partner."
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Forte, Sundae, Open
The stallion stood in silence as she began to speak, it seemed like word after word just kept flowing out of her muzzle like a river, he listened respecfully with an intriding glaze as he kept staring at her frame as his audits softly flicked here and there at the important parts. This mare had been through a lot and he felt somewhat sorry that others are less forunte. Thoughts of how he would answer her wuestion raced into his mind before he shown a puzzled expression and softly hummed in a sigh.
His audits pinned some as he shook his frame in disagreement "There is no different between a coat of a mare to me. Yes. I will admit you are very eye catching and pretty but, weather you are flashy like yourself or solid like my mate don't matter to me and shouldn't to some studs but sadly there are disgusting studs out there" he snorted.
"I never got to know my father... I am sorry that your mother wasn't around much. Luckily, my dam is still alive but parts of you must long to find a mate? Start a family? There's a stallion out there. Maybe try not to be so defensive" he softly teased at the end as he nudged her shoulder with his frame.
Thick plumage flicked at his side as her last words hit his audits, he softly narrowed his eyebrows " It seems like you care plenty. You can put on a tough act all you want, you have feelings, you just don't deal with them I take it." He started into her hues before he rose his brow once more, wondering why she was so curious of his relationship with his mate he soon sighed. "I am dedicated to her, I did have a mishap, but we wasn't together at the time.... Dell was very off and on again with me in the past but we are stronger than ever.. I hope" as his hues fell to the ground some, pushing back lurking thoughts he has been trying to hide. Befoer he cleared his throat and looke dup to her once more "No. I don't believe anyone could ever steal my heart, I don't know what I'd do without Dell and those that seek and want one mate can be successful at it. I don't care to have a big herd of my own anyways. But, what would you desire? I assume you'd want one stallion to be your only and not have to share him with others. You seem like the jealous type" he chuckled some with a playful smirk once more to lighten up the mood in the air. Edited at September 7, 2021 10:18 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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