
Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open He was lucky, she supposed. So was that mare that he clearly cared about so deeply. It was good for them, both of them, if he really cared. But he would hurt her eventually. They always did. But how could she expect him to see that? She almost couldn't stand all this teasing, as though it were too much for her to handle. She hadn't had much practice in conversation and all she knew how to do was fight, to release every emotion that fueled her purpose in life. "I want you to know something about my experiences with your kind, and you'll have to forgive me for being as honest as I am," She said when he finished, having taken in each of his words. The wind blew gently at her back, rustling the white and black that made up her tail. It didn't move now, despite the flies that flecked her sides. She shook the forelock gently off her ears, gathering the thoughts that she hadn't ever really shared with anyone. "I don't want a family, I don't want a stallion, and I have no interest in love," She breathed, not caring what he felt about what she proceeded to say, "Stallions are trouble. Sooner or later, you all fail. Every one of you. You can be different all you want, but you can't change what you are. And you, like so many others, will always choose what you want over who you care about. And you'll hurt us in every way imaginable to get that thing you desire most. We can do nothing about it. We're pawns in a game played by opponents we could never beat. So I stopped playing the game. And I've been running from it ever since." 
Edited at December 11, 2021 12:45 AM by Galloping Graces
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Forte, Sundae, Open
Comanche stood there like a lump on the log. Her words seemed to spit at everything he tried so hard to be as if she believed he was living some fake love life. Though she warned him about her blunt emotions he felt himself starting to get angry. He could feel the blood in his veins boiling. Angered words flashed into his mind but he bared his teeth, as his audits pinned rather rudely. His mother always worned him about the genes he might carry due to his sire but he has fought it this long and he cared not to be a playing around stud.
As if on command, he narrowed his hues at her before speaking his two cents as he began to circle her, golden hues on her the whole time as he lashed out his own words with a hurt pride that he was hiding so well, with cold daggered hues "So let me get this right. All stallions are nothing but monsters that collect trophie mares to make foals with so they can leave you in the dirt broken as if your a now body!?" "Did you ever think that a mare can do the same to a stallion!" he spat out with the pain of his own struggles and heartache flashed in his hues for brief moment. "Do you think you are some pawn in my game too? Have I ever given you any reason to fear me, Do I look like I'm going to harm you!" as he soon stood in front of her, moving his frame closer and closer to her muzzle before he turned his frame "Mares can be just as evil" he spoke as he lowered his tone and this time he walked away from the mare and back closer to the herd, leaving her in her lonesome by the river. Edited at September 7, 2021 10:46 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open She was almost surprised... almost. The flash of temper was one that she had seen so many times before. The anger tightened his every muscle, as though they were designed to hold back his fury. Darkness and power krept over his eyes, and she was surprised he didn't lash out. She had prepared herself when she started seeing the symptoms of his anger. It scared her somewhat, but that fear was rootly deeply inside of her. Fear of being hurt, injured, by someone she couldn't hardly defend herself against. But in a moment he had turned away from her. And she only trailed him with her eyes. She was not about to apologize for ruffling feathers. She shoudln't have been surprised that the first horse she talked to since she'd run away ran away from her. She didn't hardly know what she was doing anymore.
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I'mma head off for the night love! <3 I'll get a Com post up tomorrow sometime :D Night!
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Sounds good, goodnight! Whispering Wood Barn said: I'mma head off for the night love! <3 I'll get a Com post up tomorrow sometime :D Night!
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Delta - Mare - 4yrs - Mated to Comanche - Foal: Forte - Mentions: Comanche, Sundae, Forte, Herd, Open
Delta stood still she shed a couple more tears than she was slapped back into reality with her son pushing his head into her side. "If you wanna be like daddy, you have to be patient. Daddy is very patient." Forte immediately stopped, as her soft audits flicked down to hear shark harsh words be spoken below. "Go, off you go now go impress that girl!" Her tiny foal had a huge smile in his face as the colt galloped off.
She frowned as Comanche was being a bit harsh to the new comer but she will admit the stud always has a reason. She felt the need to get down there and calm him down before things were said that shouldn't be. The black and white was hot headed but not. He holds his cool for a long time before he lashes and she wanted her time too. She loved her mates attention even if she just got to stand there and groom his back.
She began a smooth trot, small grass strips tangled around her hooves. She lifted her head to embrace the wind onto her hot skin. Dell nickered out to the stud that her presence was coming and that she wanted a nuzzle as a greeting. Because she was needy.
As she found herself at the bottom of the hill near the lake she rubs her body up his "It's alright my Comanche, your alright" she whispered breathing onto his neck. Waiting for her nuzzle Edited at September 8, 2021 05:43 AM by Da Smexy Sheep

Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Sundae, Open
The stud's hues was stuck to the ground like daggers, his pluamge still thrashed with every step as he had only made it a few feet away from the golden mare. He didn't understand why the mare was so hung on the fact that a stallion couldn't be good or loving... he remember when his mate loathed stallions herself and now look at them. All it took was patience. Audits flicked as he bobbed his head up to lock hues with his mate who soon pressed her short silky body against his. Audits perked, as he could feel the warmth of her pelt on his, it's like this angered weight immediately lifted off his shoudlers. He closed his hues and let out the deepest sigh, allowing all the bulit up tension and emotions leave his mind and body.
He lowered his neck over hers as he pulled her in with a sweet nuzzle as he ran his soft muzzle down her neck as he began to groom her mane, warm breathe just twirling around his nostrils as he blew out between each nibble as his forelock fell over his frame. Her sweet voice tickled his audits as he opened his hues to look at her as he pulled his head back, as he bumped his muzzle to hers, looking down her with some slight irration lingering. "I am fine.." he spoke short yet with a normal tone. He locked hues with her purples for a moment, he could get lost in them all day, as he looked up slightly to look at the puzzled golden mare in the distance before looking back to his mate "She's.. a lot like you" he muttered out. He could see them being friends, but there was alot about that mare that intridued him. Her and his mate was similar in ways yet Dae still was so different and he couldn't understand. Edited at September 8, 2021 08:37 AM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Delta, Open There was no point in trying to stay, not now. Not after that whole scene. She'd rather deal with an attack than a bunch of emotion. She wasn't very used to combating things that weren't tangible. And she wasn't very good at it. Besides, she didn't feel like suffering through more of this emotional trash with a horse she couldn't care less about. So, after a long sigh, she made her decision. She would leave, leave this herd to itself. She didn't really care that much if they ran into trouble from the horses hunting her. That would have to be thier problem. But she also didn't want to stay and guarantee trouble for the herd. They didn't really deserve it. That fact was only reaffirmed when she began to trail the riverside, turning back only when she reached a hill opposite of the one on which she'd stood that morning. She glanced back into the pocket of land that the herd still grazed in, catching sight of the couple that stood alonside one another. Then she took her leave, disappearing quietly behind the hill.
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: The Herd, Dell, Sundae, Open
The stallion stood alongside his mate for a while as he groomed her clean before they too parted ways. He hadn't seen his son all day neither his mother and maybe that's what he needed in order to clear his mind. Golden hues watched as his mate rejoined the herd. Softly breathing out, he held himself tall as he turned his frame to see if the golden mare still remained. To his surpise the apple orchard was empty, a ghost town as if she was never there, only the bits of her scent could be found in the wind. He took a few steps forward as his audits perked though he softly frowned some. Maybe he shouldn't have lashed out his anger for she was only giving her opinion of things. He dropped his frame some as he scanned for her, he wasn't sure why he cared that she was gone, just somthing about her he couldn't get out of his head.
He turned his body around to rejoin the herd, when he caught a slight glimpse of her down the river standing on top of another hill on the other side. He rose his frame some with a raised brow yet his golden hues sorrowfully matched to her for a moment as he watched her slowly disappear. He stood there pondering the thought of if she would ever return? what would those stallions do to a mare like her? What was she really hidding? If anything, seeing other stallions beat up on mares or and foals really turned his gut. Nostrils blew big as he thought about following her... but what would his mate think? Would she understand? Would it be a mistake if he did or didn't? He held his gaze to the hill for a while, as if he didn't want to let go that she was here, she could have been part of their herd but yet... she goes alone. Edited at September 8, 2021 10:20 AM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Delta, Open Life always had been a lot more simple without a herd. No friends whose feelings had to be spared, no family drama. If she wasn't being hunted down, she would have found loniless to be very peaceful and full of contentment. It was a life where she answered to no one but herself. But then maybe she was being selfish. She had been notoriously selfish from the start. But growing up without a mother to teach her manners made it difficult to really get along with anyone. Who cared? She had her fill of conversation for a while. Dell would happy, she considered, Dell and the entire herd she was leaving behind her. There was no need to take the lives of the stallions, not this time. The mares were willing partakers of thier emotional downfall, and that was something Dae couldn't save them from. Love was a pitfall, but it was a willing -if not fairly ridiculous- one. And she was more than happy to put it behind her and focus on the trail ahead. She'd lost time in that herd, but maybe her scent would be too confusing to follow. For now it was quiet. The evening was beginning to fill the air, and the colors of the sky grew faint in shades of pastel.
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