
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
The stallion listened quietly as he sat comforably in the grasses listening to her sorrowfilled story with very sad and bloody horrored details. He had mixed emotions aout her story as he sat in silence even after her words had fell. Audits flicked as he felt her soft muzzle to his neck, he watched her in the corner of his hues as she cleaned his wound. He felt at ease and almost caught himself drowning in her touch. For she has more of a loving touch than she must realize.
He held her gaze as she pulled away from his wound, he still couldn't begin to imagine what she had been through, he began to think he attracted troubled mares. He softly took in her scent as he blew his breathe through his muzzle. Golde hues seemed to stare understandingly into her soul as he got lost in her blue orbs. "Dae.. I can't begin to imgaine what you have gone through.. I have never been brought up where mares was traded, Kai has different rules in our herd.. though he isn't my father, I did watch somewhat by his example, i sopose" furrowing his brows some at the end. He slowly reache dout to ruffled her forelock "I won't let him take you. You deserve to be free and maybe one day you will allow yourself to find love" he cooed. Though the thoughts of her successfully killing stallions worried him, he chose not to comment on that. Edited at September 8, 2021 01:44 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open Sundae melted a little, just enough to where she almost beleived what he said. But it was idealistic. And life simply wasn't. She found herself grinning a little, a painful smile that shone in the blue of her eyes, "I don't want love. Like I said, it's foolish. It's there one moment and gone the next. It doesn't last. I know." She knew too well. But that was another story, one that she prefered to bury. One that she wanted to lock away and forget. If only it were that simple. But it wasn't. It wasn't as simple as the rising of the moon or the growth of the grass in which they rested. "You're confusing," She said finally, after studying him for a moment. She had traced the line that split his black coat from his white face with her eyes, "For some reason I feel like there's something more to you. You keep claiming you're different. You have only one mare. You love your colt. Why aren't you like other stallions? What's your story?" (I love it, Sundae melted... XD) Edited at September 8, 2021 02:01 PM by Galloping Graces
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I know!! :D It's so sweet! XD)
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
A slight smirk tugged at his lips at seeing her little smile. He softly hummed in agreeance with her and her wishes. He wanted to show her she was wrong, that she could find love but he knew it wasn't his place especailly if she wasn't willing. He chuckled "and you are stubborn" he smikred with a charming glance before he rose an eyebrow at her next questions.
Rolling his hues some playfully before he let out a grunt as he began to tell her more about him and his story. "I was sired by the most respected stallion in the pairie.. his name was Comanche... from the stories my mother told me I look 100% like him. She used to tell me how he had many of mates, thousands, every single mare wanted him to be theirs. Some didn't mind sharing and the ones that did left. He never forced them to stay and he sired as many foals as you could imagine. Mother couldn't bare it, to see him flip flop between his top mare that would be his mate, the 2nd running of his herd... he wanted to obtain as many mares as he could... eventually my mother left when I was still in womb." he let out a sigh before his hues drifted else where "My mother found Kai and when I was born I grew up in the rite herd... growning up all I wanted to be was like my father.... Strong, Ruthless, Never defeated, Loved even in heart breaking ways....the most known stallion of these whole lands." as he glanced back to her "Once he finally found his one true mate, he tried so hard to be faithful but he never could be.... he found a stallion he fell in love with named Cloud... tho Cloud was wanted to his mate, a mare in his herd back home... Cloud has disappeared to end things with his beloved mare and on his return back to my sire... he passed. My sire found him week later and my sire died alone with heartache with all his bridges burned.. or at least that is how the story was told" he simply shrugged. "I wanted to be like my sire, my dam named me Secretiarit but over the years she grew into calling me what I wanted to be named... Comanche like my sire. I wanted to to have a big herd but, once I found Dell everything changed... I fought so hard for her" lights of pain could be seen in his eyes as he glanced away.
"Many of times, her dam told me off, Dell would push me away, play with my feelings, lead me on.....she has caused me such heart ache.... her dam even talked me into mating to her when Dell ran away fomr the herd... me being the stupid young colt I was.... I had a filly named Rosie with Dell's Dam... she didn't find out until a weeks ago when we returned. I'm not sure what changed in her... or why I always forgave her but I did." Audits softly pinned as the thought of that liver stud, Deor, played into his mind, yet he closed his hues and shook his frame to rid it. "After trying so hard to win her over and after mating to her mother.... I knew I never truly wanted to be like my sire.. I was determined to do the one thing he couldn't. Be. Loyal." he nickered low as his looked back into her haze once more. Edited at September 8, 2021 02:19 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Delta | Mare | 4yrs | Foal: Forte | Mated to Comanche | Mentions: Comanche, Herd, Open Delta quivered, standing there as he nibbled her mane, it felt good. She loved her attention from him. But as he pulled away she felt him slip off. He watched him go off, it was hard for her to accept that he just isn't her whole life anymore. He's made friends, and she didn't wanna ruin it for him just for how she felt. "Bye.." she softly whispered under her breath. She still tried to put on her best attitude although it wasn't gonna happen fully. She hadn't felt like this for a long time. She felt alone although she was very well on Comanches radar, she didn't wanna make a huge fit about it and run off upset. Instead she'd do the stupid thing and walk out to the woods to only find one thing. Deor that is.
She looked back at the herd looking back making sure everyone was occupied while she snuck off. Slipping away into the woods she heard the calls of birds and the sights of foxes and almost anything you could imagine, twigs crackling underneath her hooves. She got herself to the last place her and Deor met up and mate-.. we aren't going to talking about that. Comanche still can't know! Dell softly bellowed "Deor!?, are you here?" She stood still in a pile of silence that was strange for the woods that's always crawling with delightful and some ugly creatures Edited at September 8, 2021 02:32 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

|Stallion| Age: 7| Deor | Mated: No| Not Part Of The Rite Herd| M: Dell, Open
It had been weeks since he last seen the black mare, though he was hoping to steal the black dam from the black painted stallion, he figured her being with his foal would do the trick after she talked him into mating to her. He wasn't one for drama but my did the black mare catch his hues. A slight smirk glinted on his frame as he had been graizng for most of the night, unable to sleep. Standing under the stars as he fond an open peice of grass lands just on the other side of the woods. Audits softly flicked as he heard his name being called.
Nostrils blew big as his audits swilved as he paced forward a few steps, he stomped a hoof in warning as he looked around with his green orbs "Dell?" he began to coo back into the darkness. "Is that you??" he nickered a bit more louder. Edited at September 8, 2021 02:44 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Delta | Mare | 4yrs | Foal: Forte | Mated to Comanche | Mentions: Deor, Open
Delta stood there in the complete blackness wondering deeply if he had moved on from this spot but as she herd her name be called she pricked her audits up as high as they could go finding out what way he was coming at her
She could alright smell his light scent, as his blurry figure came into view she ran forward into his chest almost knocking the breath out of him. But she missed him it had only been a couple weeks but she had feelings for him. So how could she not miss the handsome liver stud.
Delta nipped along his spine as she waited for a response from the handsome stud Edited at September 8, 2021 02:56 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open The golden mare nuzzled the small strands of grass that tickled her muzzle from time to time, enjoying the pearls of dew that landed on her face. But all the while she listened to the stallion, listened to his story. Listened to everything that made him what he was. In her head she matched puzzle pieces of his past with the pieces of his personality until they all pointed to the same thing. He really wasn't so different than the other few, good horses she had met in her lifetime. "That's sweet, that concept of having just one mare. Frankly I doubt it can be done," She said as more of a tease, even though she did in fact doubt the possibility of that happening for any pair of horses. But if she was being honest, she'd once hoped for that herself, "But you are unique. And you are determined." "Now," She continued more matter-of-factly, even though she still looked as tired as she felt, "You've apologized, you've helped, you've been nothing but hospitable. But you don't want trouble with those stallions and they'll stop at nothing to hunt me down and take me back to my old herd. So, for the safety of the family you care so much about, we should probobly part ways."
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
Comanche knew this must come to an end though he really didn't want to move. He allowed her words to flow into his ears and then out them as he spoke no response. Audits softly pinned as he looked away from her, clearing his thoart once more, for he knew he had been with the mare for a while. Letting out a grunted sigh the stallion pressed his front legs out and forced himself to stand, shaking his pelt as the wound on his neck was cloated with dried blood before his mane fell over it. He held himself tall as he drew his frame to look to her once more "You know you don't have to do through this alone." he nickered as he waited for her response yet he didn't expect her to have one.
 |Stallion| Age: 7| Deor | Mated: No| Not Part Of The Rite Herd| M: Dell, Open
The liver stud frame rose more as he seen a black figure busting at full speen from the woods. He stood his ground as the young mare crashed into his chest, he grunted at the hit with a blow from his muzzle as he winced some at the force before he broke into a big grin "I thought you forgot all about me" as he picked a peice of her mane to twirl through his teeth before he lovingly nuzzled her running his muzzle down her neck, taking in her scent for a while for it had been forever since he has felt her touch, smelt her sent, seen her beautiful purple hues.
Feeling her nibbled down his spine sent an almost aroused feeling as he swished his plumage before smiling once more "and how is this little one doing?" he chuckled as he touched his muzzle to her belly. She hasn't yet began to show but he was certain the pregnacy took. Edited at September 8, 2021 03:07 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Delta | Mare | 4yrs | Foal: Forte / Preggo | Mated to Comanche | Mentions: Deor, Open
She breathed down into his neck stopping what she was doing at the moment. "I didn't forget you Deor, but Comanche can't know about this okay?" She had sorrow in her eyes, she was upset that she did it but no going back now that her body sure had excepted the pregnancy. She didn't show but you could see she was a bit chunky.
" I really just want some loving please" She lifted her muzzle to his ears and spoke flirty like in them. The black mare arched her neck and with a very small rear she pushed him back. Snorting with pride as she landed, her teeth nipping him very loving like Edited at September 8, 2021 03:20 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open Sundae stood alongside him, watching the moonlight flicker in the gold of his eyes. The moon made them the same color of her coat, powerdering them with a blue shade. She didn't make any motion to leave him there, or any motion at all really. "What would happen if I stay?" She asked tonelessly, as if gently reminding him of the baggage she brought with her. It was strange talking to him with the ease that she did. But there was no use in hiding anymore. And putting on a farce was exhausting, especially when it was pointless. "You'd have to pick a fight that you don't want to be a part of. I don't really want anyone to get caught in the middle of the whole ordeal. Not you, not your mate, not your herd, not your foals, not anyone."
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