
Heather Storm | 22 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Pet: Banjo the Golden Retriever | Mentions: Carlota, Open to any interaction. Heather would continue to lead her stallion over to one of the wash stalls. She would notice both rider and their mare from the corner of her eye, Eclipse would have been quite calm right now as the stallion snorts, his nostrils flared with little activity of his swished tail. The young woman gave bit of a friendly wave in greeting before placing the stud in the other wash stall next door, carefully turning him around before halting him, clipping the crossties to both sides of his halter before unclipping the lead from his head collar. The brunette left her stallion in the wash stall for a minute to go grab her tack from her trailer, she ducks under the left side of the crossties as she exits, seeing the wave from the other rider as she took acknowledgement of her while walking pass. After a few minutes or more, the stallion was starting to anxiously move his feet a bit as Eclipse was starting to become impatient as he would be looking in the direction of where his owner went. Heather would be walking back to her stud while carrying some tack that she already cleaned beforehand. She ducks under the crosstie on the left side before setting the tack down on the even leveled wall the separates the two riders. She would have brought her grooming box kit as well, carefully setting it down on the wall next to her tack then takes out a curry comb, getting to work on his seal brown coat by doing a circular motion. After a while of daily horse grooming, she would be finishing up on cleaning Eclipse's dark colored hooves with a hoof pick before placing the tool back into the grooming box kit. "There, now to get you saddled up boy." The brunette said to the equine, grabbing the burgundy red saddle pad first as it would match her polo shirt. Heather placed the saddle pad onto the stallion's back, double checking to make sure that it's in the correct spot before grabbing her black english saddle then carefully placed the saddle onto his back as it sits on top of the saddle pad, starting on the girth to secure both the saddle and the saddle pad. Heather would grab her black english bridle with a rubber bit already attached it then she carefully puts the reins over his head, having them rest on the equine's neck before taking the halter off. Once the halter was off Eclipse's face, she places the bridle on, gently slipping the bit into the stallion's mouth. After a while of rechecking the girth to make sure that it was comfortable for the equine, she leads the stallion out of the wash stalls after picking up the halter & lead rope, the grooming box kit and her riding helmet up in her left hand carefully while having the reins firmly held in her right hand. She'd stop by the stallion's stall to carefully place the stuff down, making sure that it's out of the way then continues to lead the stallion out of the barn and over to one of the arenas to get some practice in, thinking about doing some jumping with the stud to get the hang of it. Edited at June 17, 2022 09:08 AM by Aspen Fire ES
Carlota glanced at the woman and her stallion. The woman waved, and she froze. What to do, what to do... She thought. Never good with people, any unexpected interactions tended to make her choke up. She hadn't yet talked with many boarders, and she did want to be polite. Should I wave? She asked herself, or just pretend I never saw her. Finally, Carlota waved back, wishing her social anxiety wasn't quite so bad. It was a bit of a delayed reaction though, and she wasn't sure the woman even saw it.
Lexi heard a whinnie and hooves and excused herself from the family. She dashed into the barn slowing down to a walk when she got in the barn. She looked in Reggys stall and saw no Reggy. Lexi sighed and sat in his stall. She looked at his hoove marks in the stall door from him kicking it and she chuckled to herself. She frogot about everything and remebered all the good times she had with Reggy. She laid down and looked up at the barn ceiling. Lexi wondered off into a day dream and blocked out all noise. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a vivid memory of her and Reggy. She had only lost a horse once and that was when she moved to Cali. She missed Reggy to death. Tears filled in her eyes but she held them back, remebering there was other people in the barn and they'd wonder what was wrong. She wanted to tell someone but she didnt have anyone. Her parents were out of town and all her friends left her when she got into the horsie world and equine life style. She sighed and drifted back into a slide show of vivid memorys of her and Reggy while laying in his stall. . She opened her eyes and got up. She brushed herself off and looked around. Lexi left Reggy's stall door open as she left the stall and went to the tackroom. She grabbed his saddle and the saddle soap, she started cleaning his saddle. She thought to herself "Might as well be helpful when I cant ride." She scrubbed the saddle with a sponge. She felt a tear down her face and quickly wiped it away. She disliked crying in front of people and talking about her problems with others. She grabbed a random saddle after she finished Reggys and cleaned that saddle. She finished that saddle and put it away. Lexi gput away everything and started to walk out of the barn when she saw Heather and another rider, She waved. Edited at June 9, 2022 08:27 PM by Moon Estates

Pace glanced at the alarm clock beside his nightstand. Sometime after the morning, when he'd gone out to get his bearings and see the happenings of the stable, he'd fallen asleep. A cozy grey sweatshirt hung over his lean frame, which was tucked under several blankets. The first thing he realized was that it was dark outside, and upon a glance over at the red letters on the table beside his window, he realized it was a few minutes past midnight. He'd slept for eight hours again, further failing to adjust to the new time zone. He'd be cursing himself for this by mid-morning. Groggily, he made his way down to the barn once again, though he hardly expected anyone to be there. He didn't have a driver's license yet here, and it was too rural to get a driving service to come get him. He wasn't sure if there was a place to get food here, or at the very least, coffee. He was sure someone had a coffee maker somewhere, but where, he wasn't yet sure. He wished now that he had made friends that could show him around.
She made her way out of the barn at a walk and started walking towards the pastures. She watched the horses frolick in the feilds and wondered where Reggy was and if he was okay. She didnt want to think about it. She had already called half the people around the stables to see if they saw him but it was a no everytime. She hadnt told anyone as she didnt have anyone to tell. If she told her parents they would probally just buy her a new horse..but Reggy was inreplacable. She leaned on the white fencing. She couldnt sleep knowing Reggy was lost and not found. A horse came up to her and after she patted the horse she zoned out thinking about Reggy and if he'd come back.

Heather Storm | 22 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Pet: Banjo the Golden Retriever | Mentions: Open to any interaction. Heather would be in one of the arenas, finishing up setting some of the jumps while Eclipse had wondered over to where his owner is with perked ears. The young woman would feel a muzzle lightly bumping her mid back a bit, turning around to playfully glare at the tall equine before gently messing up his forelock a bit. She'd gently grab the stallion's reins before leading him over to the mounting block, having him stand next to it before standing on top of the said block, carefully putting the reins over his head before gripping a hit of his mane while using her left hand to grip the end of the saddle seat, placing her right foot into the stirrup then mounts up in one swift motion when she hoisted herself up while swinging her left leg over his rump. The brunette sat herself down gently into the seat, gathering her reins while placing her other foot into the stirrup. Eclipse shook his head a bit while Heather kicked him in his sides to go forward as he goes into a working walk, deciding to do a few warm ups before they do their jumping practice. After a few walks around the arena, Heather would bring Eclipse up to a trot when she kicked him in the sides again with her heels but she wouldn't be kicking him hard or anything which the Stallion would have his ears perked while he lengths the strides of his trot, he flared his nostrils a bit before tossing his head as he was being quite high spirited which would be a normal thing to the brunette as she didn't seem concerned about his behavior. Heather would feel him started to speed up in his trot as his strides grew over time before long, they would be already cantering around the arena. The young woman would ride her horse towards their first jump, going over it just fine while working on her form so she won't be a annoying load for either of her two horses if she ever gets into competing in a competition for Eventing. The young woman would be counting Eclipse's strides while keeping herself looking forward between his ears....1...2...3...4..they've went over their second jump but Eclipse would have knocked down a pole as he didn't pick up his back hooves all the way. When they've begin approaching the next jump in an extended canter, Eclipse would have gotten spooked by something that caught the stallion's eye. Causing a refusal as the seal brown stallion suddenly jerked to the side, catching the young woman by surprise as she fell off her horse, not hanging on to the reins as she has met the ground, luckily she didn't hit her back or any of her limbs on the poles as she laid there on the ground for a bit while Eclipse would be on the other side of the arena, prancing around in a spooky manner with his nostrils flared while the whites of his eyes were showing a bit. The brunette finally started to sit herself up slowly but carefully as she groaned a bit, quite sore from the fall that she took but so far, she didn't feel that any bones were broken anywhere as she takes her riding helmet off. "I didn't really see that coming." The woman said to herself, letting out a soft sigh from her lips while noticing that her glasses were missing when she brought her right hand up to face. "Oh, great. Now I've lost my stupid glasses." Heather huffed in annoyance as she starts to feel around for her glasses with her hands on the ground. Edited at June 17, 2022 09:11 AM by Aspen Fire ES
Lexi came out of the "zone" and walked down the barn aisle to one of the lesson horses named Zee. she grabbed Zee's halter and lead. she slipped the halter over his face and lead him out of the stall , enjoying the clippity clop of his hooves. Zee was a hanoverian with a bay coat and the only marking he had was a stripe down his face. She tied him up to the cross ties and took off his lead. She grabbed the hose and soap and started to rinse him down. She grabbed the soap and drizzled some on the horse. She then started to rub the soap into his dark bay coat and forming foamy bubbles as she did. She turned to Zee "You dont get much love do you buddy? Only when the kids are around huh?" Zee whinnied in agreement. She grabbed the hose once more and washed the bubbles and soap off the bay horse. She rinsed the bubbles off her hands and grabbed a towel drying Zee off. After 30 minutes of drying him, Lexi grabbed a saddle, saddle pad, and bridle. She tossed the saddle pad onto his back and placed it properly. She then grabbed the saddle and laid it on his back. She did up all the buckles and did the girth up. She took her halter off and slid the bridle over his face and ears. Lexi lead the gelding to the outside of the barn and went to a empty pasture. She lead the gelding into the pasture and hopped on him. She tapped her heel touching his sides and signaling him to a walk. She walked him around the small pasture , enjoying the time while it flew by. She patted the lesson horse and turned him around the pasture.
Carlota tacked up Blaize, grateful that she was behaving better about saddling than usual today. She led her into the arena and mounted, careful to sit down on the mare's dun back lightly so she didn't get upset. After a warm-up, she began working on tempi changes with the mare, but things didn't go as smoothly as she had hoped. For one thing, Blaize was, as always, not in the best mood. For another, they were still working on flying changes, and getting them on time was a bit of a challenge. And Carlota was stressed out about her mother, and quite distracted. It seemed like they'd get their four-times one or two in a row and then lose it, over and over again. When she sensed herself beginning to get frustrated, she slowed the mare to a walk, "Let's just take a break for now, amiga," She said, as they turned out of the arena and onto the trails. Carlota hummed a Spanish lullaby under her breath and sensed herself finally beginning to relax.

Patrick | Windcreste's Fairfield | M: Carlota Patrick had been out on a trail building muscle on his massive stallion when he heard the faint sound of a woman singing nearby. He quickly realized she was mounted, for the sound of hoofbeats followed, ringing in his ears. Draiocht's massive ears swiveled around, his nose lifting, trying to find the source of the sound. His massive body took up the majority of the trail, and he knew it'd be minutes until he was blocking the girl from her path. "Who goes there?" He called out, hoping to avoid any kind of antics in case the other horse didn't play well with others. He knew his horse would be well behaved if they tried to pass through the thick forest on either side, but he wasn't so sure that many others would.
Lexi dismounted Zee and lead him out. She heard a faint voice near the trails and wanted to go closer but knowing she had to put Zee away she couldn't. She took his bridle off and tied Zee up to the cross ties, after she put his halter on. She un-did the girth and grabbed the saddle then put it away. she grasped the saddle-pad and pulled it off the horse. She put that away too. She un-did the cross-ties and lead him to his stall, closing it and locking it. Lexi decided it was time to look for Reggy. She swung by her cabin and grabbed her phone, locking the cabin then walking down by the trails. She walked onto the trail looking around for Reggy while admiring the nature around her. She kicked the dirt up with her boots and looked around. She continued walking down the trail and she heard a the horses back at the stables. Lexi thought about where Reggy would of gone and what he would be doing as she zoned out walking down the trial.