
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
The painted stallion stood under the light moonlight of the night, watching at it's moonlite rays made her coat stand out even in the dark, golden hues softly floated towards her blue orbs. "I'd protect you, the herd would protect you. The herd is bigger than a few stallions.. and I believe you and my mate would make great friends" he offered a slight smile. Before he turned to face her head on, "I know you are not asking for help, but I am offering it. We have known eachother for a short time and I just can't stand by knowing all I know now. Come with me?" he asked as his heart had a slight flutter as he unknowingly held his breathe.
|Stallion| Age: 7| Deor | Mated: No| Not Part Of The Rite Herd| M: Dell, Open
Lifting his frame up to pleading neediness he playfully rolled his hues as she pushed him back "Someones needy" he teased with his warming voice as his green hues glicened towards her. Feeling her teeth playfully nibble his audits, he raised his frame higher so she couldn't reach just to see her pretty pout upon her frame. Before he soon grapsed her spine making her fall down to the ground with him as he quickly tucked in his legs and pulled her closer to him. He whispered in her ear "Your secrete is safe with me" as he offered her a smile
He began to groom her loving from her forelock down to her rump, massaging her with lin little circles as he would often play with her mane "Why don't you just leave him?" he soon asked as he glanced to her frame as he paused his grooming. Edited at September 8, 2021 03:31 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open Sundae didn't so much as shift where she stood when he made his offer. She almost didn't think twice about her answer. She opened her mouth as if to reply then thought better of it. Why the sudden change? Did she really want to dedicate her trust to him? If there were more than a few stallions in his herd, there was a chance that her hunters wouldn't find it worth it to attack. It was the best chance she got and it may not bring any harm to him. She felt as certain as she did selfish. It was the best way for her. "Alright, I will," As soon as she answered she felt guilty, as though any blood that those stallion's spilt would be on her. She didn't mind it if the blood was shed between stallions, but she didnt' want to put the lives of mares and foals in danger, "But if it seems I'm a problem, I'm gone. I'm not going to have blood on my concience unless it's blood I spill myself. Alright?"
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Delta | Mare | 4yrs | Mated to Comanche | Foals: Forte, Preggo | Mentions: Deor, Open
Delta laughed as she was forced to the ground, she felt loved and welcomed again. She reached her head to the side as he groomed her sweetly. "I'm very needy how did you know? " She smiled lifting her head to look him in the eyes. A warm feeling flooded her body "This is really nice" she sighs as he continues, she felt stressed relieved. But it didn't last for long panic than took over the feeling of, quickly lifting her head as she heard the words "leave him". Looking at him in his brown hues she sighed, " I, love him though... and I love you Deor but I wanna still be with you and him! I'm pregnant with your foal, and I'm taking that potential of getting kicked up with carrying an outcasts foal. You'll be lucky if you let foal even makes it" She shyly looked away, pinning her ears. Delta needed to stop this but she couldn't! Deor was everything Comanche was just gave way more attention to Delta.
"I should go soon.." Head dropped again trying to focus on the positive. "Well I'm almost 100% sure I'm pregnant! So your going to have to be there for the baby alright?. I want yo to be apart of its life." Edited at September 8, 2021 03:56 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
The stud felt relief when she finally agreed to come home with him. He motioned his frame as he turned to walk away and guide them back towards the herd. He made sure to make his strides short so she could pace a this side, he stayed pretty closer to her, audits in alert even though the moonlight helped show their path ways. He eyed her as they walked together "There won't be any blood shed love, I promise that" as he turned his golden orbs back to their surroundings.
It didn't take them long before they reached the hill on the side of the river that over looked their herd. He took in the breeze with a smile, it was hard to see some of the members under the moonlight but, they were all there. He eyed Dae, with a grin before he galloped down the hill, across the river and paced to a slow trot up the hill before he broke to a stop. Everyone was late night grazing by their foals, sleeping or keeping watch for Kai. He scanned the area and seen his mother sleeping near his colt, Ukai with his filly, Rosie.. yet where was Dell?
For a moment, he felt his heart drop, as he quietly walked him and Dae through the herd where some of the awake members dipping their heads in greeting to her. He softly called for Dell, yet she was no where to me seen. He softly sorrowed before he shook it off and turned to Dae and forced a smile "Welcome Home" he nickered sweetly.
|Stallion| Age: 7| Deor | Mated: No| Not Part Of The Rite Herd| M: Dell, Open
Deor simply chuckled "I just know you well" as he gave her a flirty wink, before he laid his frame over her neck, as they laid together peacefully in the moonlight together, he softly sighed some before his audits perked "You want us to share you? There is no way he would ever approve of a jointed herd, the three of us" as he allowed his green orbs to dart to the right in disappointment.
He found her worried hues before he pressed his muzzle to hers "hey... nothing or no one is going to hurt our foal, not even your mate. Of course I want to be in it's life, I love you too" as he nuzzled the mare once more before he felt the empty feeling in his chest when she said she needed to go. "Please stay the night with me..." he nickered low as he tugged on her mane. Edited at September 8, 2021 04:05 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Delta | Mare | 4yrs | Mated to Comanche | Foals: Forte, Preggo | Mentions: Deor, Open
Delta could never be good enough Comanche doesn't even know she's pregnant, he is probably worried sick where she is, but he has that mare to keep him company and poor Deor is out here all by himself 24/7 so she wouldn't turn down the offer to stay for the night. She smiled "Why not?" She felt his warm breath beating against him, along with her heart beat fluttering away.
She felt eager to stand up and get a drink but she felt good right here with the warmth of his body covering him. Edited at September 8, 2021 04:18 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open Sundae found herself matching the stallion's movements, though the dull pain in her stomach prevented her from really enjoying the brisk gallop. When they entered the herd her attention shifted from Comanche to the rest of the horses. It had been a long time since she'd been included in a herd, and the thought was actually somewhat nice. She could be comfortable, she could be free to do what she wanted when she wanted. Maybe she could have an opporunity to be happy. This thought made her heart jump a little inside of her, and with a small smile she turned to the stallion who'd paused to officially welcome her. Her smile faded a little however, when she realized he had forced his. It didn't take that much investigation to realize that his mate was nowhere to be found. And after that she began to piece together everything this stallion had said to her partaining Delta. A heartbreaker... She wasn't about to question him on the subject, being at least somewhat thoughtful about what he was dealing with. It wasn't her problem to worry about, and so she tried to distract him from it altogether. She teasingly tugged on his forelock as he'd tugged on hers eariler, "But just so you know, if you're an annoyance to me, I will kick you out."
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Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
Comanche turned his gaze to Dae as she tugged on his forelock, somehow she helped ease his mind of where Dell was and maybe he had nothing to worry about for Dell had wanted him to stop treating her like she was so fragile. He playfully rolled his golden hues at the mare before he huffed "I bet you would" he teased back as he softly nipped at her cheek. He found himself getting lost in her orbs once more before he blinked and shifted his weight some with a raise of his brow he asked "How you liking it so far?" as a actual smile formed on his frame as he watched her walk away
|Stallion| Age: 7| Deor | Mated: No| Not Part Of The Rite Herd| M: Dell, Open
The stallion beamed with glee as she sais yes to staying with him, even if it was for the night. He let a little bellow float into the air in joy. He nuzzled her once more, he wanted to drown her in love like the queen she was. He sweetly nibbled her silk pelt on her neck. "What say we name our little foal" he grinned happily as he ran his muzzle over her stomach once more Edited at September 8, 2021 06:06 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Sundae | 4yrs | Mare | M: Comanche, Open She looked around after he asked his question, smiling to herself at the peace that they had. It would be nice to have a peaceful night's sleep again, that much she knew. And looking back at Comanche she answered, "I mean I could do without having you around." She teased again, tugging her eyes away from his after realizing she'd been holding them for a while. She then look a little closer at some of the smaller members of the herd, "I can tell which foals are yours. They both look like you a little bit, in thier own way. And I suppose that your mother is there with your colt?" She gestured toward the mare beside the colt she'd seen with him that morning. They looked like they were at peace. That's how a mother and a foal should be. She glanced back at Comanche, "They have a better father than most I think."
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Delta | Mare | 4yrs | Mated to Comanche | Foals: Forte, Preggo | Mentions: Deor, Open
She smiled, she felt good and happy on the inside but also couldn't stop thinking about Comanche, she'd have to stop this she keeps saying that but she always comes back to him? But was it a bad thing? She needed extra comfort. Yes and no, no that she made him get her pregnant but just to visit and talk about her problems and let him make everything better. So she found it quite okay to visit him here and there but once she gets home she's telling Comanche the truth, maybe not about the pregnancy though.
"If it's a boy, Enzo, and for a filly York" She looked back up to him with a sparkle in her eyes "what do you think?" Edited at September 8, 2021 06:05 PM by Da Smexy Sheep

Food is cooking so I thought I'd get a post up! 😅
Comanche| Stallion, 5yrs| Mated To Dell| Sire of 2 (Forte, Rosie)| M: Sundae, Open
He watched her every move like a hawk, not that he didn't trust her. He trusted her more than ever in such a short time together but he felt they was connceted through their hardships but, maybe there was more? No! No.. there couldn't be. He was mated to dell. Lost in his thoughts tho he was staring, he soon pulled away just as she did as he swallowed a hard lump in his throat.
Snorting softly as the ground as he hung his frame lower in a relaxed position, he used to hate this herd but over thee years there have been so many changes and he wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Audits swilved as the golden mare spoke before he chuckled some "I'm sure you'd miss me in some ways" he teased once again before raising a brow curious of her talents as he followed her gaze to his dam, a very gentle and wise palomino mare with white socks , white mane/tail and a start on her head as she had blue orbs.. and his colt. A black and white painted foal with mostly the white on his back, all four white socks and a full white frame blending into his painted pelt with brown hues. He hummed as she guessed correctly but, he doubt she could spoke his filly. At her compliment he softly smiled, "I hope so" he half way chuckled "I bet you can't point out my filly" he smirked in a fun challenge.
 |Stallion| Age: 7| Deor | Mated: No| Not Part Of The Rite Herd| M: Dell, Open
He softly watched her as she stood up and paced a bit away. He remained on the ground for a bit before standing once more himself, shaking his pelt with a blow of a snort. He held her gaze as she listed the foal names, he grinned "I think those are lovely names.. but could we alos have other opions for our filly?" as he paced over to her once more. Edited at September 8, 2021 06:09 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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