
Aurora looked over at Moon who had just trotted up, his eyes went wide as he tried to listen to her talk "Woah there! Slow down and actually say the words, can't understand any of it" He'd laugh a bit

Dixie watched as the fourth horse came to West and threw out a bunch of words. she rolled her eyes. why are they so into him. she didn't understand. some stallions can be friends, but some just can't be more. she planted the last flower and pinned her ears at something, she just didn't know what. she felt the need to run, so she did, letting her instincts boss her around. she flicked her tail as she tured and galloped past the group, only slowing when she reached the edge of the field. she did a slising stop as she turned and eyed her tree. "skunk" she thought as the black and white animal stepped around the tree and sniffed the ground. she took a good look at the lead stallion."he must have taken a swim" she thought. "his leaves are gone and his coat is nice and shiny" she snorted, warning herself not to think like the other mares. "no wonder they fawn over him, they think he is cute" she snorted and tossed her black mane with a whinney. "no one is going to reply" she thought as she dropped to her knees then plopped onto the ground with a slight roll, righting herself easily and nibbling at grass as she sun bathed
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"I don't want to say it all over again! I will if you force me, though."

"No, wait! You must BRIBE me."

Phantom saw the little foals and a mare standing next to West, she could only think about how he was going to be asked if he was okay a million different times. She slightly pinned her ears back at the idea of herself being crowded thinking -Man hope he's good with those types of things cause I would've been telling them to back up by now- She looked at them for another couple seconds before laying down to rest

Aurora looked once again at the filly "Mmmm well if you don't want to resay it you don't have too" He'd prance off being bored from standing their, flicking his tail purposfully in Moon's face

Dixie snorted, then stood up with a huff. she lowered her head and nibbled on a patch of lush green grass
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Moon shook it off, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I think you should fix it, West." Moon said matter-of-factly.

Phantom stood up letting a small snort, she'd look at the edge of the valley then over at the group of horses. She'd quietly trotted towards the edge of it, she just wanted to have a quiet place to be for a minute since everyone was talking loudly. Phantom took one more look back making sure no one noticed her before trotting out of the valley. She'd fine a place not too far from the herd but far enough to not hear everyone, trotting up a hill she stood on it taking in the beautiful place. Letting the cold wind blow her tail and mane gently.
Lilac nodded politely to Aurora, she snorted before turning her gaze to West. "Even though most of those scratches are small...you might want to consider cleaning them up...". She gave him one last glance before turning to head over to walk over to a small stream which she took a drink from. Lifting her head she saw one of the herd's fillies talking to Aurora, he looked a bit annoyed. Lilac gave out a small chuckle when he flicked the filly with his tail. She took another drink before laying down and rolling.