Hi everyone! I have a plot for a roleplay that anyone can join. Just need a stallion to fall in love with my character (below) Here's plot. A small mare (me) joins a new wild herd after escaping abusive humans and a stallion falls in love with her. Soon the herd learns about her dark past. The herd is then threatened by humans wanting the herd off their land. Open to ideas from there but would like the mare to eventually get pregnant with the stallion. Comment what gender of horse you'd like to be and then the name and characteristics of your horse. NO LEAD STALLION OR MARE; WE'RE ALL EQUAL TO AVOID ANY QUARRELING AND DRAMA. My character: Name: Dreamer, Dreams for short. Appearance: Black Rabicano Arabian Mare around 15.3 hands and 6 years old. Personality: Smart, fast, somewhat shy, and courageous.

(hello! ill be your stallion and good plot! i like the drama!) name: cosmo nick name: cos hight:17.2 hh (hands) personality:cosmo is brave smart fast and strong he does his best to portect the herd and the horses in it he doesnt talk mutch and most if not all of the mares have a crush on him
Im changing the plot just a lil so that another person can be a stallion too. Two stallions fall in love with her and they make her decide don't worry everyone is friends in the end :) I love your horses appearance ghost light!
Just waiting for West to join
A timid mare stopped at the edge of the large clearing and sighed. Carefully, she trotted forward and up to the small herd grazing in the sunlight. 'um... Hi there.' she nickered softly to a handsome stallion with his head buried in the grass. 'I'm Dreamer.' Edited at March 14, 2024 04:44 PM by Willow Canyon Equest

Name: Wild West Gender: Stallion Height: 17.3 hh Appearance: a handsome dark grey Stallion with a midnight black mane and tail, grey dapples covering his whole body. Two white socks were on his right front and the back left. He had a white blaze and a slight snip on his nose. Personality: West is sweet and kind, always looking for the good In others and giving them chances.
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(Adorable West :) FYI to everyone I'm going to be on and off a little I'm working but am super bored lol)
( i so sad and bored y'all arent here )

cosmo picked up his head as a small mare troted from the tree line he looked at her ears perked forward but stayed back as he tossed his head at a fly

(So Cosmo and West are friends but then Dreamer comes and they both like her?)
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