so the game goes like this. You pick one of your old stable names you used to use on this game, and the next person rates it out of 10! If you have always had the same stable name, just put a name you were thinking of using/you like. ~ ill start. my very first stable name was Cloud Nine Stables
When you cant remember your old stable name XD
Zeberz Manor said: When you cant remember your old stable name XD
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Sautuesse Championne (french for Jumping Champion{because I was gonna train Jumpers but decided to widen my goals})
guys this is rate the PREVIOUS stable name, not rate the stable name!! we already have that. So even if you cant remember your old one, put one you *like* that isn't your current one!! - 8, I like french names! another old one of mine was Acorn Hill Stables
My old stable name was, Wild Winnie Stables (Winnie is my horse's name. my account is named after her.) Edited at October 16, 2022 03:20 PM by Wild Winnie Equine