
Well this was worth the buy lol - As seen above, there are 6 bases to choose from (although they can be classed as any breed you want, not just what it says under the image). I can do pretty much any colour and pattern. No add-ons or changes for now, but perhaps later on. - PRICES: Free reign: 3k - I choose colour and pattern, you may choose the base I draw it on. Semi-Custom: 5k - You can choose the base I draw on AND the base colour (NO PATTERNS). I decide the rest. Custom: 6k - Full custom, you can decide the colours and patterns you want, you can provide detailed descriptions and references. - ORDER FORMS: Free reign: Stable Name: Amount of horses: What Base?: - Semi-Custom: Stable Name: Amount of horses: What Base?: Base Colour (only base, no patterns): - Custom: Stable Name: Amount of Horses: What Base?: Detailed Description/Reference: Anything else: - Let me know if I forgot anything :) Enjoy! Edited at April 17, 2024 08:37 AM by Cheese
custom pls Stable Name: DreamHorse2024 Amount of Horses: 1 What Base?: Arabian Detailed Description/Reference: black with write stripe on face and four white socks. Anything else: no

DreamHorse2024 said: custom pls Stable Name: DreamHorse2024 Amount of Horses: 1 What Base?: Arabian Detailed Description/Reference: black with write stripe on face and four white socks. Anything else: no
You got it! Thank you :)
ORDER FORMS: Free reign: Stable Name: Vampire acres Amount of horses: 1 What Base?: Lusitano
Edited at April 17, 2024 06:08 AM by Vampire Acres

Vampire Acres said: ORDER FORMS: Free reign: Stable Name: Vampire acres Amount of horses: 1 What Base?: Lusitano
Yep! Thank you <3

DreamHorse2024, here is your custom. Hope you like it!

Vampire Acres, you rolled a Sooty Buckskin Lustiano! Hope you like it :)
thank you, i appreciate it : )