
The Jabiru Brumby, co-owned by Cheese (me. The official breed designer), and Shadowscape Eventing (the 'technical stuff and idea suggester', who reminds me of everything I forget and knows more than me about this whole thing...). Join the club for giveaways, discounts, fun events and more: - QUICK HISTORY The Jabiru Brumby was developed in the remote outback town of Jabiru, Western Australia, bordering the Kakadu National Park. The breed was created using predominantly Australian breeds, such as the Australian Brumby, Australian Stock Horse, the Waler, and some other cob type breeds were used to add in the cob/heavier type. - APPEARANCE They appear mostly like a stock horse, but a little thicker, with a more tusseled look. There are a light and heavy type, with heavy being more rare. Light is the most common type. - The breed is most known for it's trot, in which the legs are kept low and skim along the ground, stretching far to gain maximum distance. It is with this trot that the Jabiru Brumbies mustered cattle over vast distances in the outback of Western Australia. - COLOURS The Jabiru Brumby comes in every known colour and pattern, except for roan. This breed has many of it's own unique patterns, one of which resembes roaning. - HEIGHT These horses can range anywhere from 14-18 hh. Edited at May 23, 2024 10:10 AM by Cheese

Breed-Specific Patterns: (most names are of Maori origin) - Hoarfrost: White frosting resembling roan, situated across the top of the neck, back and rump, speckling down the sides. Minimum hoarfrost is limited to the top of the horse, medium fades mid-way down the stomach, and maximum hoarfrost reaches down to the cannons. It will show in the genotype as hfhf (no hoarfrost), Hfhf (hetero hoarfrost), or HfHf (homo hoarfrost). - Haurua: Either the general back or front half of the horse is completely white. This pattern is always accompanied by a solid coloured mane and tail, even over the white markings. It will show in the genotype as hh (no haurua), Hh (hetero haurua), or HH (homo haurua). - Marbled: Random blotches of a base colour (usually white) over a horse of another colour. Any horse with marbling must have a minimum of one eye covered by an amount of white. The eyes on a horse with marbling are usually two different colours (often blue and/or green). Mane and tail will always be solid coloured. This is an entirely different gene from tobiano or overo, and can be identified by eye or with a gene test. Marbling shows in the genotype as mbmb (no marbling), Mbmb (hetero marbling), or MbMb (homo marbling). - Parani: Brindling of ANY base colour on a horse of either the same or different base. Usually situated across the neck, withers and hindquarters. Minimum Parani can appear as just minor brindled stripes along the top of the horse, and maximum or 'heavy' Parani can extend to the hocks. This pattern will lay over any white markings, and may be hidden if it is on a horse with the same base colour. Parani shows in the genotype as parpar (no Parani), Parpar (hetero Parani), or ParPar (homo Parani). Edited at May 2, 2024 06:47 PM by Cheese

~Prices~ All ebs will be sent to Shadowscape Eventing, who handles all the money 'cause I have a bad memory ;) - Premades: Light type: 15k base price, may be higher depending on coat rarity. Heavy type: 20k base price, may be higher depending on coat rarity. - Customs: Light type: 25k base price, can be more, depending on coat rarity. Heavy type: 30k base price, can be more, depending on coat rarity. - Items: Golden Horse Shoe - add a 'perfect score' to any conformation stat - 5k
Ultrasound check - 50% Possibility of twins - 15k
DNA Test - Add any JB pattern to your horse - 5k
Lasso - Pick your body type - 5k
Clone Scientist - Same base coat as one parent - 10k Edited at May 23, 2024 04:20 AM by Cheese

Lines: [LINES BY Serenity Stables] Heavy Type [example. DO NOT STEAL]: Light Type: - coming soon - Foal - coming soon Edited at May 23, 2024 04:43 AM by Cheese

~Conformation~ There are 6 points that are judged, each one can be rated (from worst to best); Poor [0 points], Fair [1 point], Good [2 points], Great [3 points], Excellent [4 points], and Perfect [5 points]. Horses can have up to 30 conformation points. These are: Head: Neck: Back: Legs: Stomach: Chest: Total Conformation Points: - These stats will be randomly rolled onto your horse, unless items are used to improve them. Edited at May 23, 2024 04:16 AM by Cheese

~Breeding~ When breeding a foal, it's conformation stats (CS) will be anywhere in between the parents (eg. If the parent's Head scores are Good and Excellent, the foal's could be Good, Great, or Excellent). This should encourage the breeding of well rated horses, and ensures you can pick the right horses to improve any weaknesses in your stock. ~Order Forms~ PREMADE Stable Name: Stable #: JB# Registered Name: Barn Name: Sex: - CUSTOM: Stable Name: Stable #: Registered Name: Barn Name: Sex: Horse Ref/Description: Items (optional): Anything else?: Edited at May 23, 2024 04:56 AM by Cheese

Premade JB#1 Brown Sabino Hoarfrost with Birdcatcher Spots Ee AtAt Sbsb Hfhf 20k CS will be rolled at purchase. Edited at May 29, 2024 04:12 AM by Cheese

CUSTOM: Stable Name: Aussie Stables Stable #: 372857 Registered Name: Bolt of Lighting Barn Name: Flash Sex: Stallion Horse Ref/Description: Black tobiano. Items (optional): Golden Horse Shoe Anything else?: No.
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For Aussie Stables - Owner: Aussie Stables Breeder: Aussie Stables JB#2 Registered Name: Bolt of Lighting Barn Name: Flash Sex: Stallion Genotype (PM me to change): EE aa Toto Head: Excellent IIII Neck: Great III Back: Great III Legs: Fair I Stomach: Perfect IIIII Chest: Excellent IIII Total Conformation Points: 20 Edited at May 29, 2024 04:06 AM by Cheese

Premade - JB#3 Classic Champagne Rabicano Snowflake Appaloosa with Pangere Ee aa ChCh Rbrb Lplp 20k CS will be rolled at purchase. Edited at May 29, 2024 04:13 AM by Cheese