
☾☆ Welcome To The Dragonis Cat Lands ☆☽ ☆ Home to the rare dragon-cat hybrids called Dragonis Cats. ☆ Each of these cats have an element that they are known for. There are 6 tribes that represent each of these elements. However, some dragonis cats can be hybrids. For example, there can be water-galaxy hybrids, or fire-ice hybrids. But these are much more rare that purebred dragonis cats. These dragon kitties are all known to be loyal and protective companions, and I am sure their owners won't regret having them. The first few adoptables will be sold as auctions, so that I can find a decent price for the batch adoptables. ☆ Tribes ☆ - WT - Water Tribe (water) - GT - Galaxy Tribe (space, universe, stars) - FT - Fire Tribe (fire) - IT - Ice Tribe (snow, ice, cold) - WIT - Wind Tribe (wind, air) - PT - Plant Tribe (nature, plants) ☆ Before you enter the Land of the Dragonis Cats, please read these rules carefully... 1- Do not remove credits from the adoptables. 2- Never resell the adoptables. 3- If you are getting an adoptable, you must add them to your bio with their tribe name, and other information once I accept you. 4- Do not change the adoptables names or tribe. 5- If I accept you, I will PM you the adoptable, then you may send me the EBs after I PM you/confirm. 6- Ask for the adoptables here! ☆ ☆ Dragonis Cat Rarities: ☆ Common Uncommon Rare Legendary Mythic ☆ Capturing a Dragonis Cat: ☆ Capturing a Dragonis Cat is also an option, if you don’t want any of the current batch’s freebies, or if a batch isn’t out and you feel like capturing one. However, these are not customs. If you ask to capture a DC, I will spin a wheel to pick out the looks for the DC (like the horns, tail details, etc). The only thing you can choose for a capture is the Tribe. ☆ Prices: ☆ To be decided. For now, the first few adoptables are being sold as auctions. For more examples, go to my bio, where you can find some Dragonis Cats that I own :) (Or i might end up making each adoptable have a different price based on their rarity) ☆ Current Batch or Auction: ☆ Auction 1 at Page 1 Hope you had fun in the Land of the Dragonis Cats! Edited at March 23, 2025 12:39 PM by Lynx Glory Stables
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Dragonis Cats - Auction #1 (more being added!) SB: 8k MI: 1K AB: n/a Form: copy-paste the latest forms for each DC ^^ Firecracker - Stable Name + Number - SB Aurora- Sunset River Arabian + 280797 - SB ☆ Firecracker - Fire Tribe - male - Rare Firecracker is a fierce but friendly DC. When Firecracker is angered, the darker (red) parts of his fur emit a lot of heat and sparks, enough to set things on fire if he gets too close. Firecracker also has the ability to breath fire. He can also be harmed by fire, which is when his wings come in handy, because they cannot be harmed by fire unlike the rest of his body. Firecracker is loyal, but sometimes he likes to pull pranks on his owner, still while making sure that he never harms them. ☆ ☆ Aurora - Galaxy Tribe - female - Mythic Aurora is a cunning and clever DC. She has the ability to read the stars, and can tell when danger is coming sometimes even days before it does. The aurora-like parts of her fur can glow in the dark, which can come in very handy if her owner needs light. Aurora is also a very loyal pet, and will do everything she can to protect her owner from danger. Ends around April 5th (might be changed if it doesn't get bids by then) Edited at March 25, 2025 03:01 PM by Lynx Glory Stables
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Firecracker - Stable Name + Number - Bid Aurora- SRA + 2980797 - SB Edited at March 24, 2025 11:23 AM by Sunset River Arabian
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I just added a form :) Forgot to add it earlier
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Sorry, i just added the end dates. i forgot about them lol
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Second Chance Ranch - 387280 - SB for Aurora

SB is already taken ^^ please bid 9K or higher!
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