Would anyone be willing to go through my barn and let me know what could be changed/fixed/adjusted and so? So far I know to keep geldings for showing.. and I guess it's better to sell/FR the PPP mares? I read in someone else's thread that PEP in any combo was better so the one I have is good?
Any tips or stuff pointed out would be appreciated :)
When I was first starting out I'd keep PPP+ mares, and let them prove themselves till the age of five where if they didn't meet my standards they were sold/FR'd. As my stable is growing I'm starting to only keep PEE combo mares. Also boys under PPP are immediately FR'd and if they're PPP-PEE(maybe) they're gelded.
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Gymkhana Girl said: When I was first starting out I'd keep PPP+ mares, and let them prove themselves till the age of five where if they didn't meet my standards they were sold/FR'd. As my stable is growing I'm starting to only keep PEE combo mares. Also boys under PPP are immediately FR'd and if they're PPP-PEE(maybe) they're gelded.
This is a good plan, and also, PPP-EEP boys make amazing geldings and bring in the dough. :D
Thank you both :) I'll get to organizing my barn then and keep this is mind