So! Here's the thread now lets discuss partner stuff lol xD
Hi! I'm constantly selling color foals (Lots of KNN) and I sell PPP's pretty often. I would have no problem giving up some PEP's to help you guys and I'm happy to do free breedings to my stallions. I have multiple EE boys for sale right now. Edited at November 5, 2018 04:19 PM by Blue Thunder
Ok So first I thought this was my other account so can I Switch?
Ok this is my real accont that I mainly use
Of course, Mia lol
Here are all of my other accounts as well just in case you guys got a random pm from one of them xD -Hillwater Canyon(PON and SH) -Bloodstone Elites(WB and TB/possibly X one day) -Callisteia Equine(AA and tbd)
Also as long as one of you have a EEE you can brood my EEE ish mare of your choice next year
Sun Dayzed Rescue said: Also as long as one of you have a EEE you can brood my EEE ish mare of your choice next year
I unfortunately have no EEE stud but would love to breed her to https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=16901706 him one day <3
Possibly get a ZZ RnRn Toto :D
Ok you can pick one i will put there links up in a second