I bred a purebred KNN mare with a purebred KNN stallion (Knapstrupper) and the outcome of the foal was a sport horse?! what happened here?
here is the stallion https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17794405
here is the mare https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17794397
here is the foal https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17794443
again another foal of mine is out of purebred KNN's, and the foal is once again a sport horse..
here is the stallion https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17794403
here is the mare https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17794395
and here is the second foal https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=17794444
Edited at November 23, 2018 04:26 PM by myTBHunta

Yes. This can happen.
Taken from the game guide:
"KNN sire X KNN dam = KNN foal IF a filly has LP or a colt has LP and PATN. If a foal doesn't meet these criteria, it will be a SH"
Basically if your foal doesnt inherit certain genes, then the foal will be a SH. Edited at November 23, 2018 04:26 PM by Jellos Warmbloods
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what does LP and PATN stand for exactly??
im guessing Leopard Pattern for LP?

Again, taken from the game guide:
"Lp - Leopard Complex PATN-1 - Appy Pattern Genes 1 PATN-2 - Appy Pattern Genes 2
Appaloosa In this game Lp determines if your horse is Appy, and PATN determines what kind of pattern they have. Appy genes work as follows: Lplp patn-1patn-1 patn-2patn-2 Appy with no appy markings LpLp patn-1patn-1 patn-2patn-2 Appy with no appy markings Lplp PATN-1? ?? Leopard LpLp PATN-1? ?? Fewspot or Snowcap Lplp patn-1patn-1 PATN-2? One of the following: Blanket with loud spots, Snowflake with less white, Varnish with less white, Frost with less white LpLp patn-1patn-1 PATN-2? One of the following: Blanket with small spots, Snowflake with more white, Varnish with more white, Frost with more white Varnish can appear in conjunction with other appy patterns, however it only appears by itself in Lp? patn-1patn-1 PATN-2? horses. "
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